Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Maces no longer given a hidden boost to damage. That was a bug.

@Estivales OoB is what you’re supposed to do while all your spells are on cool down (or ideally at the same time as your spells). It’s not meant to do more damage than your long CD spells.


Fix Sadhu pls is OOB bugged and dmg is bad for a main class skill =(

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Weird, didn’t notice this.
Currently I’m slacking off, but even with the miniscule points I have in SPR, it’s actually becoming harder to have 0 mana as I progess. Unless I’m against a boss who has very high magic resist. I’m upto Letas Stream/Gateway to the Great King, so I’ll actually talk more about Sadhu when I get to play around with it soon enough.

So far everything is fine though. My main source of DPS is actually Divine Might’d Heal and Zaibas as my flyer killer. Deprotected Zone makes me not feel as useless meleeing and the passives help the melees. Same with Zaibas, though I do recommend getting that Magic Amp Attribute as it helps spike your burst even more. People love you long time for Daino, and Aurkaras is actually not terrible, but it’s just simply the worst of the 4.

I have all of 5 points in SPR, and I haven’t gotten anywhere close to running out of SP since I hit Sadhu. Honestly, I think I would have been fine not putting any points into SPR.

Hey everyone, I just updated the Compendium with a section titled, “Sadhu Interactions With Other Cleric Classes”. It seems that a decent number of the recent questions in this thread stem from that concept. Feel free to check it out and make suggestions/corrections. This document is as much mine is it as this forum’s (Half of the edits belong to you guys).

Also, do you think I should create a section titled, “Sadhu Interactions with Sword/Wizard/Archer” classes? I’m not sure I’m the correct person to do that since I don’t know much outside of the Cleric branch. However, with a little help from you all I don’t see how it would be that difficult. Thanks!

Edit: I will be adding a change log (of sorts) for when class balances hit now that the game has gone live.


Ok so we know some people are unhappy with OOB’s damage and that there are some OOB/ABE bugs.

Let’s talk Possession!

How’s the damage at 5/5? I know it’s interruptible but what’s the AOE ratio like? If you get a big group of mobs and a good safety zone, is it good damage?

Currently Cleric C3 - Sadhu C1, with fade and SZ I can be in OOB pretty much permanently. That being said, OOB feels pretty weak, much easier to cast a 2 x 15 Heal. ABE does nice damage though.

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The AoE ratio is static. 5 mobs maximum. If you have a champion mob in the pack, which has a higher AoE Defense Ratio, it will reduce the number of mobs hit by Possession to 4.

I know that Vubbe gauntlets (and AoE ratio increasing gear like it) doesn’t affect the number of mobs that OoB can hit simultaneously. I’m unsure if AoE ratio+ gear will increase the number of mobs you can bind with Possession. Anyone tested this in game?

Thanks for the reply…so that’s quite a low number of mobs…is it worth going C2 for it in your opinion? Does c3 increase the number of mobs?

I used to toss around cleric2-bokor-sadhu-pally3 as a weird int build.

I get the feeling that OoB5 is way too short for it though.

@MixMix I’m not sure if any of these interact with OoB (I know Fireball can’t be hit with the AAs, but it can be moved with ABE. I think you have to have the knockdown for it be moved). I don’t think there are really any other skills to ask about interaction-wise, but those might be worth including.
Pyromancer’s Fireball
Cryomancer’s Ice Wall
Linker’s Physical Link
Chronomancer’s Haste and Quicken

Wow, a class is not braindead OP anymore = needs buffs.
Explosion is very strong, Possesion is a godlike skill.
OOb is a great boss killer, it costs no mana and is a triple AA.
Stop using it against random walking monsters.
Sadhu is perfectly fine.

I even play Sadhu 3 and I’m happy with it. I destroy Everything with Possesion.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ethan Please don’t listen to them, if you buff every little thing just because some random people cry, it will kill the balancing pretty fast (it’s not perfect atm, but you know what I mean)


Oob Damage is fine. There are definitely bugs though. Lag, clipping, freezing in place after use. I wish the OOB/explosion combo was a bit less clunky to use on the fly. Other than that it’s good damage for clerics.


Is Sadhu C1 enough to take as a filler class?

so im sahdu c2 now, lvl 130 and in terms of dmg oob could be a little better, but the main problem for me is the attack speed, you move so fast and attack so slow it makes hitting mobs extremely hard, also possesion is really good in partys and against bosses.

im really enjoying my build, c2 at this level is enough to keep a party alive and krivis 1 and sadhu c2 deals plenty of damage to help the carries, its only gonna get better once im a druid.

pd: also the increase in range in oob sadhu c2 is awesome for farming

Korean Version got an update.

I might be wrong, but it looks like Ectoplasm Attack was buffed.

I used google translator. Its very much at the bottom

"4. Sadducees
Fluid blast

  • The damage is upward . ( Initial value 300 → 360, increment per level 70 → 85)"

To me it sounds like thats the Sadhu class… “fluid blast” will be extoplasm attack I think.

Do you think this really is sadhu? What else could it be?

It seems to be Astral Body Explosion that got buffed. Higher base dmg with a better increase for each level. (Still static increase though)

[sarcasm] So, there you go :slight_smile: Thats the sadhu buff you’ve been waiting for, isnt it? [/sarcasm]

Astral Body Explosion
Damage Has been increased. (Base Damage 300 → 360, Damage Increase per level 70 → 85)

I dont even think ABE needed a buff xD
Actually that was the one skill I thought was pretty good already ^^,

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100% absolutely yes. The extra range on OoB is so incredibly helpful. Possession is a great grinding tool, and the CD isn’t too long. Also, if you’re in this forum thread it’s likely you’re wanting to build an actual Sadhu path instead of just using C1 as a time/damage filler. Also, C3 doesn’t increase the AoE ratio on Possession, just the damage.

I’ll definitely be adding this one in sometime soon. Even if you’re standing in Safety Zone, being affected by Physical Link will break you out of OoB -_-.

I agree that the original Sadhu was incredibly strong; there wasn’t a single Dullahan fight where I didn’t get stomped, resurrect, and pull aggro again. However, I do think there’s a middle ground between where the class is now and where it used to be. The damage really needed some balancing, but removing the hidden buff and lowering the attack speed took away two hallmarks that helped make the Sadhu an interesting class. Without the hidden interactions in game there’s less thought behind creating a Sadhu build. Sure, you could always use cure, but Zalciai and Aukuras were a thousand times easier to apply and useful if you got knocked out of OoB while Cure was on cooldown. The class is less technically interesting because of these changes. There is a difference between whining about not being the greatest single-target DPS class in the game, and genuinely missing characteristics of a class that made it more challenging and/or fun. Also, why bring a Sadhu when a FS Cleric brings more/better buffs. Why bring a Sadhu when multiple builds in other branches are pushing out twice as much damage. Where’s the incentive for PvE? I don’t particularly care for it myself, but Sadhu also isn’t in an incredible place in PvP, either. (I recognize that several of the replies in this thread are merely whining about a DPS loss, but there are others here with legitimate suggestions and concerns about the class. Asking mods to ignore them isn’t helpful.)


The problem is, i understand that oob is to use after other damage skills is on cooldown, but for a skill dependent of fade, safety zone, or another machanic to make you safe of taking a hit, it need to have a buff, maybe not in damage, but another stuff like a slow to mobs dont run away or interrupt you so fast.

But i think this discussion here is pretty useless, who decide for buffs or nerfs is the koreans, right?

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U dont need to depend of high lv safety or fade. If u have timing it still works fine. I have onle safety lv5 and it is perfectly fine to use all sadhu skills.

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