Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

have good news, i send a PWM with details of damage and attack speed (OBB) I think it is essential to review and julie answered me

(Original PM)

Hi, Sorry to bother you but I wonder if they can do something about it because this class is having problems with its main skills (Obb and Astral Body Explosion) we cant play !!

Extremely low ASPD and very low dmg.
Error position to exploit (bugged)
I’ve been playing a lot and i don’t want to give PJ lost to be wrong balancing skill. the class is unfit for now please answer the requests of people who posted in the section class and suggestions.

i know are you all working on server stability, just as please look at this issue more closely in order to enjoy the game even more and I think I speak for many people who follow this class.

Thank you very much for your time

Staff_Julie 11h

Hi, rmatiasg.
Thank you for your report. We’ll Have This class Examined and see if it can be fixed.


wow lol how did u even pm the dev?

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That’s nice to hear. I hope they’ll work on it. The most important thing for me would be to fix the annoying position bug and the bug with vashita siddhi not affecting flying mobs…
However I fear this will happen long after the transition to F2P.


vashitta doesnt affect flying mobs? lol i barely use it

I use it in dungeons and it helps a lot…but that’s mainly because of the confuse attribute. I only got it on level 3 for now. I will probably get it to level 22 or even max when reaching sadhu 3.
And, yes, it doesn’t affect flying mobs…this is very annoying since the description doesn’t say anything about this behavior. I reported it already :slight_smile:

oh yeah i forgot about confuse attribute, time to save up some silver

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I’ve been using all my money to re roll the level 90 cube for arde. haha all my money is gone, havnt upgraded anything since level 100. arghh im getting weakerrrrr

It’s only really worth it at max level though. You really notice the different in proc rate. I nearly filed a bug when I didn’t have it on max cause I thought it wouldn’t work at all :smiley: Luckily it only has 5 levels

lel arde dagger is so frustratinggggg

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have you guys noticed sadhu is like that boy from insidious :O. if u dont know what that is, its a horror movie about a boy that can leave his body when he sleeps and walk around wit his soul, but his body is vulnerable, and he almost got possesed. i smell something fishy imc…

ugh im also ready for pvp arena, i think we unlock it at rank 5

Sorry BlaXun but, what do you mean with Confuse Atribute? I know nothing about that atribute.

Yes it is. Been farming it for over a week now with two characters. My wife got one on her third run xD

With a good team sadhu might actually work in pvp. I heard vashita siddhi confuse attribute does absolutely nothing in pvp though


same. if ony i had enough silver to buy it on market Q_Q

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I never really make much money…upgrading attributes is expensive enough. I hope to “out-level” arde dagger sometime and get a venom maybe

Hello guys, im the only one having a strange bug with Astral Explosion? Everytime i use it, i need activate oob again and deactivate or i cant move my character (actually i get “roll backs” after i run, like a lag problem)
Sorry if you already talkd about that but i dont find…

And about oob, yeah, i have 230 of int, and the damage is pretty lame, it got better after i get the damage attribute on lvl 15.

im cleric C3 sadhu C1 and the damage of heal or cure is much more expressive than oob, and oob damage dont scale with skill level, so i think its not gonna change …

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my int is low, hopefully i can get a stat potion after f2p comes

I reported that bug already. The devs said they are aware and already workin on a fix

Good to know, thanks.