Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Somebody posted this.

Damage increase with arde isnt as noticeable.

Strange, i got +120 atleast on each hit when i did with mine

1500 per hit to 1800 per hit isn’t noticeable? That’s 20% of your damage.


Okay, I reached sadhu 2 and got to test posession. I think its pretty terrible.

*It doesnt stop bosses
*Using it on mobs sucks, just one additional enemy (only 5 are affected by posession) and it will break the skill
*Damage is good, even on level 1
*Skill range is low
*Cant use spirit when using posession
*Animation is slow
*Have to go close range
*It cancels fade

I will let it rot on level 1 or completely skip it…not sure yet.

Okay, sorry. It is noticeable. It just isnt the increase I thought it would be…but Im okay with that

And I found a bug:
The attribute for Vashita Siddhi, it never triggers. Enemies never get confused ^^, gonna report it.

I was wrong. It does trigger.

He’s getting about +100 per hit, which makes sense after resistances I guess? Also he’s like level 170. Arde dagger does eventually fall off a little bit. It should eventually probably be replaced with Venom.

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I’m a lvl 130 Cleric C2, Krivis C2, Sadhu C1 too.
Just get the Sadhu to fill the rank until I can get the Druid.

OOB is mediocre indeed, hope they fix the skill… is hard to hit the mobs, have low dmg and really don’t make any sense for a core ability.

Does anyone know how many ticks of damage Possession gives/What kind of Int does Possession have?

I went with Druid for rank 6 as well and Carnivory really helps with the DPS. As for rank 7, it will depend on what is going to happen to Sadhu. Else, I would definitely go Druid C2. Sterea>Safety Wall>Sterea, 40s invincibility while doing AA in OoB sounds good. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

  1. we are talking about ob bcuz it needs a buff.
  2. the mob running away s whagt needs a buff , it runing away happens all the time just tuned into a sadhu but the strugge will get worse bcuz as u get higher dps, mo nsters get higer hp.
  3. oob is what needs a buff, you talk about other skils wbing good, so? bokor has effigy which is main dps source and it =ss god, all its other skills r good too. sadhu has possesion which is great, astral which is bad for its cd, and oob which is terrible, so we only have 1 dps ability, and this is a dps class.
  4. i dont think u r a sadhu

Gonna ignore u starting now. Your endless “I dont think u r a sadhu” garbage is annoying as hell. It seems u r stuck in sadhus OP past. Get over it already. Enjoy the class we get right now and HOPE it gets a buff. Stop telling other that we WILL get a buff because nothing was confirmed. And now…time to ignore u.

Gonna enjoy playing my lvl 129 Sadhu C2


ok i waas just gonna ignore u. but just so u feel stupid, i wasnt a sadhu in the betas, im a new sadhu. and when we get a buff as was told to me by a dev you will feel even more stupid.

I won’t say we 'ill never get a buff, but u r going around saying we will absolutely get a buff and when we ask for source u show a standard “balancing is always an issue”-mail which doesn’t even hint at a buff for sadhu. Now I ask for source of that talk you had with a Dev that told u we get a buff.

I think my replies were meaningful. I am playing sadhu in this EA and made it to level 129 with sadhu c2. My comments are based on experience. Your endless “I don’t think u r a sadhu” and “we r weak, definetly gonna get a buff” shows how ignorant you are. Please, once again. Take your time and try to play the class in its current state. Don’t rely on OoB AA all the time as it is a filled. Try to utilize ABE and other skills. Don’t forget to use the body to cast skills too. The class works! It’s not broken. The AA in OoB are not the strongest when I just become sadhu and some investment is needed to make it stronger. Sadhu has some bugs (all bugs I found were reported by me or somebody else) and that makes for some frustrating moments. But the class is not broken. A buff would be nice, but it isn’t really necessary. Look at the skills we get as sadhu, it’s a offensive class, but it won’t become a pure killer class. I just don’t see it happen and I wouldn’t even wish for it.

And, I take that previous comment back, I will not ignore you and I will continue to argue with you, but please stop being ignorant towards me telling me I would not be a sadhu…that makes me pretty angry.

Have a nice day now :slight_smile:

I recently got the recipe for the Valia mace

I would like to know if the additional holy damage (which u only get when playing a class in the cleric-branch) would be calculated into the OoB damage. The weapon seems pretty nice, but I am not sure if I should take the time to craft it. Thx in advance

Oh, also does anybody know if the additional dmg on demon monsters would trigger in OoB?

X property damage is applied to everything. Its the most versatile bonus in the game, tied with additional damage on X, which also applies to everything.

Now, OoB is weird. Its possible these effects might not play nice. Maybe the soul doesn’t count as a cleric? Couldn’t be sure without trying it.

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Does anybody know if maces still give bonus damage somehow? Or was this only related to the hidden buff which was removed? Thanks :slight_smile:

Not sure if it still works, but even when it did rods added more dmg when upgraded due to maces only gaining physical dmg on upgrade.

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Im playing Sadhu (LV108), and it rocks, I kill everthing even 5 lv up on me. I do plenty of dmg. I completly dont agree about the need of a buff for OOB.

I think the job is compensate and has great dmg.

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I agree. What are your stats and what weapons are you using? What classes did u select before changing to sadhu?