Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Dang, let’s say Hex gives an extra 30 damage.
does it +30 on each tick or +10 on all three is my question. Almost re made my cleric to be similar to yours but just wanted to know that piece of info xD

Wow… Awesome. A video of a char that just turned into a sadhu. What do you expect to show with that video? The worst thing the video shows is the enemy running away…

Yes, that’s what a sadhu will be like when you just reached it…but the video only shows a sadhu using OoB …it’s nothing else. The damage with OoB is low…we know that. Still, 3x350 DMG at level 123 in OoB with AA with equipment that is NOT upgraded and WITHOUT arde dagger seems fine to me.

bcuz hex give +20 magic dmg, its +20 for all 3 dmges, so 100+20,100+20,100+20

No it’s not. /20 chars

hm, I only ask because I read somewhere that the 3 ticks are actually the whole damage divided by 3 and not 3 seperate hits. Don’t know, maybe it was wrong info

It is a single hit, but is displayed by 3 hits for some reason.

Which throws a lot of people off, since that seems to be the one exception to hit mechanics.


Yeah thought so. That’s why I asked about the bokor’s hex. If it did add 3 seperate damage boosts, it might be pretty good? just theory’ing

Picked up possession lvl 5 earlier today. Do other classes have a 0.5-1 second cast time before they actually start channeling or casting or are they pretty instant.

Although pretty strong, there’s been a few times where it cancels it before i even get to cast it then has a cooldown T_T same with astral.

Christ people, go read this

Mixmix is still active on the forums (they just reposted this guide even) and everything inside is still essentially correct.

Arm yourself with knowledge!

OoB’s attack is one hit for 150%+70. This was mostly proved because it only runs past magic defense once; Hexing will only be worth 20 damage in the scenarios described above.
It is visually three because it looks cooler.


Ahhh, that’s where i read that it was one hit and not 3. haha. I’ve read through this and it has good info.

It’s a good read. I will try possession at level 1 as I am allready sure I’ll reskill once. Possession just sounds annoying to pull of

Hello, I’m back. This is what I’m currently working towards, @ lvl 132 now. Would like to hear some opinions. Regarding this route i intend to run.

It is more support based with Sadhu being a filler for mobility(oob), support(vash), cc? (Knockback astral) and dps from far. Doing not too shabby, 400x3 on average for oob with an arde dagger and valia.

I had to change my build after hitting sadhu and realised that it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

My current endgame playstyle would probably be throwing dievs statues down, with owl. Using the oob to tag mobs over one by one. (Mobs at high levels seems to hurt like fk) and zaibas + cure to pick stuff off.

Either that or I can vashita confuse large packs, fly over, drop a zalcai, pandemic to confuse them all and incinerate. If i have time i can even throw a stigma. Beats walking around i guess.

Cycle between both playstyles for farming.

At this point, having buffs to the sadhu’s oob will be more of a bonus to me.

Oh and carve seems pretty decent. I can use it in oob to pick off whatever gets too near. Doing around 1.2k per overheat at carve lvl 1 0 attribute.

Not getting more cleric circles, because I have other friends that runs heal.

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Just in case you haven’t tried, you can cast effigy while you’re auto attack with OoB. It’s a bit of a hassle while soloing, but it could be great if you can pull it off.

Just don’t bind effigy on X if you’re using gamepad because that’s the auto attack button. Maybe bind effigy on A for easy access.

Hmm… I might create another char just to try bokor + sadhu out, if I have time.

Just to make sure everybody knows:

Astral Body Explosion has no AOE Attack Ratio.
This means the explosion will hit every single mob that is near to it.

Many attacks have a AOE Attack Ratio and thus can only hit a limited amount of mobs. ABE is limitless.

So, if I’m reading the guide written by @MixMix , OoB deals 150% of Magic Attack + Base. I dunno if you realize, but that makes Sadhu an incredibly hard scaling class late game. Sadhu is the only class that has an enhance on its auto attacks, and I think people are overlooking that. It means you hit for 300% Magic per AA + 2x Base + 2( 3x +elemental attribute damage). For a 0 cost skill that you can cast during, that’s actually pretty good? Yes. It requires a ton of money. And it doesn’t get good until you actually have the right gear/a lot of stats. But it’s really not bad, with the potential to be good.

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Not quite.
Quick Cast can be maintained which is a 50% boost which will also give C3 Wizards 150% Magic Attack.
Running shot is 200% more power to AA’s as well + a speed boost.
Finally for whatever reason monster health scales like nobodies business in the later stages of the game.

I think 150% Is attractive but it’s definitely going to fall of.

possession is like an ultimate skill in most MOBA’s
(Think dismember and fiend’s grip)
so it has use cases

mages have a magic based auto attack that scales with int. they dont need to get out of their body to do it so they can’t be countered with a single flick.
I’m not saying oob has no potential. its just that you need to work around the weaknesses.

PVE it will scale
PVP… 1v1 is kinda hard without possession. but in team battle…there are ways

Yes, Mages get 150% magic attack. But Sadhus get 300% because they have an enhance attribute on it. Also, as far as I can tell it enhances things like Arde as well, which is a pretty big boost.

And yeah, Quarrels definitely match that and then some. We do have the slight benefit of ours being potentially 100% uptime (with proper positioning/other skills/teammates/etc), while they have about 66% uptime. I think Running Shot is better, but also it costs a 3 circle investment instead of just 1, so that’s kind of to be expected.

Just reached sadhu c2. Messing around with posession…seems lil troublesome to use…and lvl 1 dmg is pretty low :wink:

Btw…does Vishita Siddhi only affect ground enemies?