Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

not exxagerating i also had a fair amount of int too

Well I can say that last time I played I had just gotten to Sadhu, used some Exp Cards to reach lvl 82. I was in the area where the Orsha Sadhu trainer is, with monsters around level 64 or something along those lines. I decided to test OoB and attack one, it took exactly 2 auto attacks to kill it. Being it that it was a flying monster, I found that amazing since now I have a reliable way to damage flying opponents besides Zaibas.

If it did take you 16 hits to kill something I honestly think thereā€™s something wrong here. Maybe you got a bug or something, because I did the exact same thing and it took 2 attacks, which is like 6 hits with the way OoB attacks work.

If you can tell me the map where this happened to you and the monster you were attacking I can go there and test it out, so we can see if you have encountered a bug, so we and can work towards fixing it.

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Yeah iā€™d like to know what mob too. because the only mob that had annoyed me enough with sadhu was the lower level hallowventer. enough to remember anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for the double post. Posession looks just like the one on tosbase except with a bigger circle. looks like itā€™s an aoe of 4 heal boxes

the map wth sadhu trainer, i had about 40 points in int, and about 20 attrubte points

only 40 points into int? id guess that might explain why iā€™ve never faced an issue like that.


Of course youā€™re not going to do any damage if you donā€™t put points into Int??? Iā€™ve put all of my points into Int except for maybe 5 or 6. I would have had about 120 when I hit Sadhu (75ish levels + Base + 10% per rank up).


no wonder you seem to be hating hard on sadhuā€™s. I was complaining with a full int build. OOB must be useless for you

So far I am Cleric/Cleric/Dievā€¦ wanting to go Cleric/Cleric/Diev/Sadu/Sadhu, ?, ?.. Iā€™m full int right now. Need some Sadhu experts to help me out. What options do you think would go well here? Or is the only option druid/druid in regards of viability?

druid 2 in particular synergies well with sadhu with the invuln grass spell but druid in general seems like a good class all together thatā€™d work with most if not all.

I always like to say do what you want. Donā€™t go chaplain though :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey everyone. Iā€™m seeing a ton of questions repeated that have been answered many times in the past. Iā€™m assuming this is due to an influx of people interested in becoming a sweet-ass-magical-turret. Welcome aboard. Instead of attempting to cover a thousand+ posts, wouldnā€™t it be nice if there was a single location you could check for relevant/updated information?

Hereā€™s my relevant/updated information: Sadhu Compendium.

My little Sadhu is just a budding Cleric2 right now, so if there is anything incorrect or missing from the google document please let me know, and Iā€™ll fix it as soon as possible. Hope it helps any of you newcomers looking for some basic answers.


Well, that explains things then.

I think that bashing the Sadhu class as inneficient doesnā€™t make much sense when you barely have the stat they base their damage on. Itā€™s like saying all Swordsman classes suck when you have 40 STR.

Level 123 sadhu nowā€¦ maybe stop thinking u r a damage dealer. You are a supporter. Transmit Prana and Vashita Siddhi imply that too. You can deal some damageā€¦but its not the class main purpose I think. Iā€™m okay with that,

Whats your build for sadhu?

Are you part of the dev-team? You make it sounds like you are. Get over it, OoB was broken. Start using the other skills. You are now support/crows-control-Hybrid.

Sadhu is good.

My build right now.

I will propably ignore posession and go full Vashita Siddhi.
I am also FULL INT and never invested a point in another stat.
SP is not a problem.

What do you think about taking out c3 for dievc1?Why Ignore possesion?Thatā€™s like one of the best skills.

What I plan to do (Nearing the end of Krivis.) Pretty standard Sadhu build I think, focusing on OoB (Because Range) and Possession (Because itā€™s all we got fam-). I think the Druid will require some playing around though.

My build is mainly 1:4 Con:Int and maybe like 15~ points from things like questing thrown onto SPR so that rotating through spells isnā€™t bad. To be fair though, Iā€™m actually not that mana hungry.

So, first off, Blax is doing a kind of strange strongly support focused sadhu. Possession is one of Sadhuā€™s damage skills, but I donā€™t think Blax is building for damage? Idk, I donā€™t really agree with that build, but I guess it might have its merits?

As for your question about Diev1: Itā€™s kind of weird tbh. Diev1 gives you SP, Warp Statue, CD reduction, and a physical attack. If your main focus is sadhu, this is a bad choice. You should be going full Int if youā€™re sadhu, so Carve isnā€™t useful. OoB has no SP cost or CD, so your SP and CD statues arenā€™t going to help you all that much (at least, not your sadhu skills). Warp statue is nice, but a whole circle for essentially one utility skill is pretty bad.

Diev2 is a different story though. Carve Owl scales with Int, and Carve World Tree is a really strong ability that protects you from all nearby mobs for a bit. And then on top of that, you have the utility skills from the previous circles to help your party members.

So, if you wanted to go
C2 > Diev 2 > Sadhu 2 > Druid 1
C2 > Diev 2 > Sadhu 2 > Kabbalist/Plague Doc/Oracle?
C2 > Diev 2 > Sadhu 2 > Diev 3
C2 > Diev 2 > Sadhu 3

Those would all let you go Diev + Sadhu. Not really sure how viable Kabbalist/Plague Doc/Oracle would be. Theyā€™re all supports to some degree, so it definitely at partially depends on whether you wanna go more more support or more DPS. Diev 3 would mostly be for more ranks in Owl and World Tree. Sadhu 3 would for. Idk, more points in possession and longer range? Druid is probably the best option dps wise.

Edit: You could also go C2 > Diev 2 > Sadhu 1 > Druid 2
Sadhu 1 by itself gets a lot of flak, but if you just want it as damage filler it works fine.

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So, Iā€™m doing a similar build to you. (I switched K1 and C2, and have some points in different places, mainly not putting any points into CON)

Just kinda curious, how far are you and howā€™s it going for you?