Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan is sadhu considered “finished” by the team right now? It has some annoying bugs and isn’t exactly nice to use… It really needs some QOL adjustments

I tried oob and the 3 hits of each attack varies
like each one change from 179 to 183
so I am not sure why the numbers jump

there is a discussion in this thread somewhere that states that elemental subweapon affects it.
there are also terrain buffs from allies/self/enemies that buff the damage. the question is whether they stack or not

now that you pointed it out I guess it does make sense that the original attack speed was insane…
it was to match the movespeed.

I hope they just return the attack speed with reduced damage so it can be handled better

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I wonder about that too. I kinda think it’s the magical amplification that is applied to each of the 3 hits …so, magical amplification would then be 3 times as strong for sadhu. I will try later today by unequipping all hear that gives magical amplification

you could reread this thread. we’ve done all the groundwork for you.

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I admit I only read the last 30 posts or something since I didn’t want to encounter any info on how sadhu used to work back when it wasn’t nerfed. Gonna reread in a few :slight_smile:

Is there a way to update the thread header. so we can summarize everything we know so far? the thread has gone so long it is no longer informative.

So far to summarize
-OOB have no cd and no cast time. You can use it whenever you want to.
-OOB base dmg from INT/MATK. For now skill level only increase moving range of spirit form.
-You can’t move body while in OOB state.
-Spirit form can do normal attack (z) only. One hit will do 3 times damage and attack can also spread to any nearby targets.
-There’s an attribute to have 10% chance to reduced 30% of target Phy Def per attribute level while attack with spirit form. Max is lv5.
-All skill should be able to use while in OOB state include skill that’s not Sadhu skill, Exception is skill that’s not require to be in an OOB stat (ex. other job skill) will be use by body not spirit. You can use skill at the same time while pressing z to attack with your spirit form.
-Skill that require to be in OOB stat to use will be use at your spirit form (ex.Prakiti, Astral Body Explosion, Vashita Siddhi)
-While in OOB stat. Your phy def will turn to 0.
-Spirit form can’t be hit by anything.
-OOB will cancel if body got hit any anything.
-Please note this information are from KR 3rd beta. So stuff might possible to change in future.

things I read in this thread and what I found from different sources…

  • fade + oob allows ur spirit to attack and you wont get aggro (this makes me feel like going cleric 3 might not be so bad)
  • buffs like the kirvis Zalciai increases your damage (even without the attribute); moreover, blessing monstrans and cure also increase ur oob damage but not as much as zalcai.
    some enemy spells affect the oob damage not sure which one though (not confirmed)
  • secondary elemental weapon seems to improve damage and apparently any elemental
  • if you use skills not connected to oob your original body casts the spell in the direction that it is facing. this includes carving statues which may not be too good an idea since it will draw aggro.
  • the ectoplasm attack circle 0 skill you might find on some wiki is apparently old and unupdated so pay no heed to it. increasing oob JUST INCREASES RANGE. (this is soooo sad THE SKILL SHOULD DO MORE)

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan

Why was the visual effect for the spirit-chain changed? The version we have right now is pretty bad and often starts to flicker… the old effect looks a lot better. Any plans to change it back? :frowning:

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But Possession can be cancelled if u get hit by any source right?

I was a lvl 170 Sadhu C2 back in iCBT2 and was happy about OoB rapid fire punches and Possession low CD, DoT and lots of mobs can get hit

I know OoB got hit by nerf hammer pretty bad but there is still possession

but Did they nerf Possession too or buff it in anyway?

since Sadhu might be a Sad class to take if this kind of treatment continues

Nope, old threads can’t be edited.

We could ask to get this locked and create a new official sadhu boogaloo thread. Ideally with a link to the old thread with a warning that most info there is outdated.

Yes, possession will be cancelled when hit as it’s a channeled spell.

And nothing has changed with possession as far as i know off, aside of temporary interrupt proof bug it had in icbt2.

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all the hidden buffs that use to work on OOB don’t work anymore. Just did a quick test to make sure if cure did anything. Sadly does not.

priest holy attribute + and attack + don’t continue into the OOB so i only assume that other elements on weapons don’t too.

I just used most of my cards getting to 120 to test a normal dagger.

It does work guys! but i can’t spam the two to attack faster and the dagger actually does my physical damage and only once like a normal hit.

I used a buff from a priest to check that maybe the dagger could be buffed but nope!

I really wish that Admins or/and Devs would listen what we’re saying and return us with some answers! At least something as “We’re studying it” would make it better for us! @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_J @STAFF_Shawn

So guys… I suggest that ALWAYS when we write something in this thread, even a simple post, we tag all STAFF! So they can see that we need and want a statement about current Saddhu state!

Sacrament doesn’t even give a +40 anymore?

I hope equip based elemental dmg still works, or that’d be another drop in OoB’s dmg.

Come on guys… we have the most Repplies and Views in the Cleric community! Lest tag admins always when writing something here! We can make a change! @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_J @STAFF_Shawn


i remember i tested it in the early stages trying to decide on whether to equip a hammer, rod or rod with elemental.

I should’ve screen shot the results or wrote it down but by memory…

Rod with lets say ,100 magic to make it easy, did this damage
Rod with 80 magic and 20 fire did less damage.
if someone can prove me wrong please do :stuck_out_tongue: I’m too lazy to try again xD

Make Sadhu Great Again~

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_J @STAFF_Shawn


Bump! @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_J @STAFF_Shawn



Rod with 100 m.atk: 100-m.def of the monster = damage
Rod with 80 m.atk and 20 fire property damage: 80-m.def of the monster + 20 - fire property resistance of the monster = damage.

Maybe you have tested with monsters that have any elemental resistance.

@Wurmheart no priest buffs Works on OoB form. They never worked.

Elemental property damage (like Arde Dagger fire damage) procs on OoB.

The problem with using fade, is the “need of aggro”. If the monsters have no aggro, they will just run away and recover life.

The unique buff that amplies Sadhu damage is Zalciai with the atribute of Magic Amp, but only for a few seconds.

For the guy who asked about OoB damage floating, try to see your “Magic Attack Status” and see if it’s flat or not. If it has a min-max, the damage will float.

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Does “Block Penetration” Stat from Maces work with OoB?