Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

No problem, my friend :slight_smile:

Let us c2 Sadhus unite!


do we know if rank 7 is highest? I know people don’t see the point in getting sadhu c3 and rather c2 sadhu > c2 druid.

BUT! I really want to get cleric c3 > sadhu c3 which leaves rank 7 a bit tricky to choose from.

You still have Kabbalist as a good option! Druid C1 if you rly like (But I prefer Druid C2)… other option is Bokor 1 as u can use Effigy in the same time with oob! As last resort you can became a more supportive class with Oracle or PD!

I just reached sadhu. I am level 80 and pure INT. I use a Rod and a Shield. I upgraded the OoB Attribute to 19%. On enemies my level I do 3x190 DMG… seriously, this works great! The damage is very good! Now imagine adding a arde dagger and a good rod… I just picked a cheap one from the market for 3k

Astral Body Explosion is greta too.

I am far from disappointed!
I am glad I never got to play a sadhu in his previous state.

Thats because everyone set your expectations low lol. But at least your enjoying yourself.


Does toy hammer work with OOB?

Idk if spirit attacks counts towards it, but even if they do, OoB attacks are only visually divided in 3 hits.

You can check on a training doll or a boss trap, the attack is actually coded as a single hit.

Does arde dagger works with sadhu? I mean, the extra hit? how does it work?

Elemental damage, such as the fire from arde, adds on to any damage your character deals.

Whats the Magic attack scaling on OOB?
or is there a modifier?

@roflmaopapa No.

@core.harchi adds elemental damage at every hit.

@Delcas 1:1 plus attribute modifier.

I wish to know as well but since the thread has grown so much its hard to find a proper answer. I actually made a post concerning ectoplasm attack which based on a wiki is a circle 0 sadhu skill that is passive. It runs up to lvl 15 and defines the damage of the oob’s auto attack up to 1k+ when on lvl 15.

My biggest question is… How do you pump this attack?
if you divide level 1 damage to 3 that’s basically what you get with no int.
So I believe this skill is legit and am tempted to believe that each level of oob increases this skill as well. but I am currently uncertain.

I tried using divine might to see if oob damage increase but I am uncertain if the numbers or damage difference is level of oob or just damage fluctuation.

I don’t think oob damage should fluctuate as well since its magic. is there a min max to magic damage like with physical damage?

Okay, after playing sadhu for a bit I have to admit that it is pretty weak when starting. I wouldn’t even increase its OoB damage directly, but instead improving attack speed would be a good choice. Right now sadhu also suffers from some bad game design decisions. Fade helps a lot when using OoB… But enemies tend to run away. Astral body explosion often leads to rubber banding problems for the body. Loot that drops can’t be picked up by your spirit. Slow attack animation paired with fast move speed makes for a hard to control skill.

I hope they check this class again. The concept is awesome, but it’s pretty weak and a tad boring. There could be some additional attributes or something…

Skill level didn’t boost dmg during icbt2, it may have changed ofc.

That wiki page is simply far to outdated. OoB did have a flat dmg bonus but that was nerfed as well.

Int should affect it’s dmg, but only if you use OoB after you have the buff. It tends to snapshot your stats a lot.

If you’re using a min/max attack or magic amp equipment then take those off. OoB itself should not have fluctuating dmg.

Does anybody know if the OoB attack is seen as a “normal” physical/magical attack and if it could therefore trigger effects?

It’s counted as a magic dmg skill with no element.
It also ignores all bonus dmg effects.

Not quite sure what it can trigger though.

Didn’t people say that elemental damage bonus adds to magical attack for sadhu?

+elemental dmg works on everything.

+bonus dmg is from skills like blessing or concentration, aka raw dmg that has no element or dmg type. They’re also not affected by enhance and OoB ignores them out right.

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Oh wow. Thx. It seems sadhu is pretty limited with increasing its damage output. I wish there was still some kind of combo u could do as sadhu :frowning:

There were a little too many nerfs it seems.
Still fun to play though

Just got my first 3 lvl of Sadhu Yesterday ! Here’s my first impression (note that I play with a controler) :

  • OOB is fun and fills de CD hole.
  • Considerning the manacost, the OOB damage seems fine (i’m full int dealing 600-900dmg/AA)
  • The animation of the OOB attack is awful and frustratig. It’s exausting to have to reposition after each one when an enemy is running.
  • Body Explosion bug is horrible : after you explode you have to cast and cancel OOB or your body will be stuck forever.

I don’t regret my choice going sadhu, the feeling is great but the class needs a large quality of life improvement.

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