Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

First of, every spell at the start of icbt2 was able to get interrupted. And even way before that.
This not a sudden oddball change out of nowhere, if you paid attention you’d understand that’s just how spells work in this game.

Nor does it make sadhu2 or possession worthless.
While sadhu 2 arguably isn’t in such a good spot, neither are majority of (cleric) classes. And by no way is sadhu2 the worst of the bunch. At least it can hit enemies, unlike most druid transformations.
Not to mention clerics have plenty of ways to prevent damage, all it means you get to spam it slightly less.
For a 20s cd skill with good dmg and a immobilize, yeah i do expect a pretty strong downside.

It’s also not the first “bug” that made possession stronger then it should be. Nor will it be the last as long as it’s still in beta.

And your reasoning for the “problem” is beyond stupid. Knockback =/ damage.

yea our possesion skill got nerf or bug maybe hope they fix because they really hurt about pve…

Huh whats your problem? IMC states there was a problem with charging up skills that caused characters to become stuck in the skill for getting disturbed in a certain fashion. And you know what, Possession is such a skill. I got that error already and needed to relog to get released.

And now after the maintenance I read “that” in the notes and suddenly every dmg cancels the skill - bug solved. Before only knockbacks and double attacks were able to cancel the skill and that or getting hit somehow while channeling caused that critical error.

I am terribly sorry for not believing in random ninja nerves and just trying to link the informations given with my personal experience. No need to be so rude.

this seryuu?

I’m not going to repeat my arguments if you cannot even read let alone counter them.
And it’s you who is claiming the random ninja nerf theory, albeit due to a “bug”. I’m saying it was a intentional fix to make all spells work the same when hit while casting them.

And if i wanted to be rude i’d clarify why i think behavior like yours is making all mentally challenged people look better in comparison.
But this is not the place nor time for that.

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Your condescending sux2bu tone is rude as hell.

So then where is the need of a skill doing the same dmg over time like oob, needing a safety zone like oob, plus needing a long initiation animation being so easily interupted?

So according to your arguments its the devs fault for making all c2 cleric classes crap in the first place so we shouldn’t complain about adding one more? Ofc the skill has still its value when get a linker on my side, gathering them all with hangman… oh wait no, oob works as well here. How was the cd of oob again? Oh right, 0. Only in an one on one, when there are no other interuptions, the skill has its value for trapping the enemy until its dead.

Well then tell me why the only mentioning of a fix by imc (the one I quoted) got absolutely nothing to do with secretly “fixing” a major problem of all these uncancelable channeling skills.

You surely must have played c2 Sadhu before and getting stucked in that bug a lot for knowing so much about it.


Need not to be rude in proving your arguments right.


The possibility of the knockback fix interfering with spells of all classes is definitely suspicious.

Lets state the fact we are sure of: Since possession is so easily canceable now, that bug cant occur anymore. So well - bug fixed.

Spin it however you want, Possession in it’s current state is a very strong high risk high reward skill that allows for a deadly combination with oob.
Especially in pvp the 5man immobilize is insane.

And after all It’s a beta, r5 & r6 are still very incomplete and undergoing changes. Wanting to make a solid skill overpowered should not be high on the priority list when plenty of classes are to riddled with bugs to be worth using.

And all you need is to pay attention to the forums, screenshots and videos to understand how spells in tos work, you just keep denying that it’s a spell and follows all criteria other spells in this also possess. Again that’s not my lapse of judgement

This is me being nice by my personal and cultural standards.
You wouldn’t like it if i treated either of you as capable adults.

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@wurmheart Please get your petty bickering with people out of here this sadhu forum has been far to useful to be ruined with a argument message them if you really feel the need to continue. You’ve stated your view, people disagree get over it please.

And yes changes could be made but they could also not be. What we are trying to determine is if sadhu in its current state is worth more then one circle now.

For the “all cast skills are cancelable”-argument, I just noticed that I can still freely cast my fire balls and fireground on mage while standing in a group of mobs, receiving lots of incoming attacks without a cancel. Same with zaibas and other casts with a short animationdelay.

Now try that with any of the newly affected skills (apparently, sapper traps are affected as well - same with beefderby carving), you will be canceled and cooldowned even for trying.

I just wanna say that this doesnt feel like a fix for something that needed to be fixed for balancing, it feels rather like a coincidal consequence of fixing another critical error by making minimal changes on how these skills work.

Imagine you are programming for imc, get the issue and trying to solve it with a minimum of effort and time and you notice that a simple change of parameters (make the skills cancelable) will solve it efficiently— that just fits too well.

I believe the argument is “all channeling and cast-time skills can be cancelled” rather. Pressure from Psychokino gets interrupted even by DoT. Even Ice Bolt, which you can cast while moving, has its casting interrupted with the slightest damage. Skills with a single animation however (Ice Pike, Fireball) don’t run into the same issue as they literally have no animation to loop and they have no casting time either.

Just waiting for the confirmation before having anything to say, not that i got to use any of the affected skills

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I tell you, its just a cheap and fast workaround to solve a bug. You remember how the Touhou boss bug was solved? They just deleted it from the code.

The question is, will this workaround stay in the open beta or will they rework it properly?

Just wait for the response if he says bug they obviously intend to fix it if says fix get used to it, its here to stay.

Greetings everyone! I have a question to experienced Sadhu players.

Except ground buff tiles that give hidden OoB damage do you know any other way to boost your DPS while in OoB? What skills are allowed to cast while spamming OoB normals? If that skill combos do exist, which one is considered the best?

I have my own Bokor-Sadhu mixed build (which was reallly fun to try min-maxing) and just wanted to ask in advance if anything that I’ve noticed ingame is already a well known fact. Thanks!

anything that isn’t channeled works as far as i was aware. throwing heal tiles/zaibas/cure and the likes is fine,i wouldn’t imagine there being any issues with bokors c1 kit.

vashita siddhi is a low budget swash buckling skill if you ever want to use it to pull some mobs

I’ve tested out some stuff with OoB and learned a few things.

  1. The ghost is an indivual entity that doesnt share buffs with you (but if it receives sleep, you cant move either). Means, if you are Krivis and cast a Stigma on a mob and kill it with OoB you wont get the buff.

  2. All buffs your main body inherites while calling the Ghost will affect the Atk of the Ghost as long as its active (even if the buff runs out of time). For the Ghost the time’s pretty much frozen in the moment you call it from the moment it vanishes.

  3. The Ghost knows only 2 modes. Buffed and unbuffed. Walking over cure and other buffs will get it the buffed status. The Krivis Aukuras does the same without the need to run over stuff or need to cast something as long as it burns - good for bossfights. In buffed status your atk is 50% higher - which is quite a lot for something not mentioned ANYWHERE in the game >.>

You can spam any cast you want, but it will always be cast from your main body.

I’ve originally picked Sadhu to test if there are any skills that may ease my Bokor life in part that it sucks the most - bossing (and elite mobs later on). But I was rather impressed being a living turret so on release I may center my build around OoB hoping it gets fixed without nerfs.

Basically all Sadhu have one similar problem - need moar ranks :joy: Almost any cleric class offers something but lacks in another part.
Krivis - you guys pick it only for convenient access to OoB buff. Does it really worth? Dunno because I also have it :sunglasses:
Cleric C2 - defence options, a must if you dont want to run around boss spamming “shitshitshit” in the chat half of the time.
Druid - walking nuke and also a walking pile of bugs. Damage, defence and utility are unparalleled, almost a must at rank 6
Bokor - my soft spot. Basically because of this:

After the Effigy bonus damage fix and with attribute being 80lv+ this thing may potentially double OoB DPS espesially late game where multi-hitting OoB will be heavily affected by enemy magic defence (Hexing can lower it which is just a sweet little bonus) Also OP Blind debuff…

One problem - where do I put here my Sadhu :scream:

Nice idea to take bokor, specially with the nerfed possesion. I will prolly take one rank in bokor instead of second rank in sadhu. But that debuff works on higher spr which as druid or sadhu you dont really need.