Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Don’t worry Ebenezer Scrooge, turns out that being able to use your skills while shape-shifted is solely a controller UI bug. That will kill 99% of Sadhu interest. You can head on back to talking about putting Paladin C1 into a build and say it’s solely a Sadhu discussion. We’ve only got 3 circles in the build, can’t simply ignore the rest of the classes.

I think you’re correct here. Since I play with a controller I merely noticed that the new skill bar was stuck behind my current skills. Just a poorly implemented UI etc. If I had played with a keyboard and had my original skills disappear, I might have come to that conclusion myself. Maybe, I’m not the sharpest tool at times. It’s sad to think that we weren’t intended to use regular skills while transformed. That really would turn the Druid class into a Carny-Nuke only path. I truly hope you’re wrong but I really don’t think you are.

Would have been amazing if someone who had hit Druid a while ago would have made this information readily available. The moment I posted this introduction, three people came out of the wood works to inform me that it’s a bug. Quite difficult to find someone at the top of the leveling curve who readily shares all the information they’ve found.

[quote=“Datathief, post:544, topic:21150”]
also is there any monster that give you a buff that improve sadhu in anyway?
[/quote] There haven’t been any buffs I’ve found, and believe me I’ve searched. I’ve still got a long ways to go, however.

I have no problem talking about druid in relation to sadhu but a number of posts were straight up about druids with no connection to sadhu.

taking druid out of the sadhu path i just hope the new classes at rank 7 (kabbalist and plague doctor)have some kind of synergy with sadhu (or maybe a hidden class o.o). i guess only option now is to wait and see the new content they gona add
btw mix you should post all that druid info o.O
on a new thread if you haven’t already

If they don’t its not a big issue we can just use that rank for filler and grab a rank 8 if 7 lacks synergy. Also none of the hidden cleric classes have any info yet so who knows if templar is indeed a hidden rank 7 for swordy the other classes might get a rank 7 hidden aswell.

anyone tried toy hammer and kaloo hammer on sadhu?

I just found out that you can also use sub-weapon (dagger/c button?) while OOB. Damage looks like STR base. Just FYI only, sorry if this have been mentioned in earlier discussion.

yeah but it’s no triple attack :frowning:

sorry im bringing druid topic up again, but i still dont fully understand about carnv and trofh…
can we use it without chort or not? sadhu + druid it seems legit combination if we can use carnv and trofh without chort (it will be more simple and faster to cast)…though trofh have quite long cd, but with sz on pocket i think it will be nice filler, and carnv + possession … wicked nuke!

Kaloo was discussed a little and the conclusion was 1 spr = 1 damage and is overall not great.

I spec’d fully into spirit to test it out and I was doing more damage with my Arch rod with int than Kaloo, with or without spirit. Kaloo was also doing similar damage fully specc’d into INT and that number was larger than the fully spec’d SPR build by over 100 damage per strike.

I believe if I looked at it correctly, what Kaloo does is takes your SPR amount, divides it into 3 and applies it to each of the 3 hits. So if you have 210~ish SPR like I did, it would add 70 to each hit on the end.

I’m pretty sure INT adds the full INT amount to each hit, so there isn’t any reason to specifically build SPR for damage with Kaloo when you could just go INT and get more damage overall. I’m sure there is some kind of extremely niche build that could use this weapon properly, but it is not generally useful.

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I guess it can be handy if you’re taking Sadhu as more of a secondary role and getting other classes that make better use of SPR. Thanks for your testing by the way.

That’s what we’re here for. It was extremely expensive to test that though :c

Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of Cleric damage skills that scale off SPR. Cleric’s SPR scalings are:

Aspersion (damage)
Monstrance (offensive debuff)
Deprotected Zone (offensive debuff)
Zalciai (offensive buff)
Zombify (utility buff)
Hexing (offensive debuff)
Increase Magic Defense (defensive/buff)

Only one of them is a damage skill, really. Unless you really, really wanted a Full SPR sadhu/bokor or a buff/debuff Cleric/Kirvis, I don’t see the explicit reason. I always go 50 spr anyways, which is good enough, but that doesn’t quite warrant Kaloo, especially since it’s hard to come by.

I’m planning on going C2 Cleric–>C1 Priest–>C1 Sadhu–>C2 Bokor, but I wouldn’t get rid of my int in favor of SPR instead of just speccing more spirit.

Just curious, why Priest 1?

I’m wanting to change my build path entirely in comparison to what i’ve done in beta, but i don’t really know much about priests.

I think priest is too good to skip. Some people may disagree, but you aren’t in OOB 100% of the time.

Having +130 damage on all your hits with blessing really helps. Since I went Cleric 2, my Cure hits 28 times, which means I get an extra 3640 damage on all my cures with the blessing damage alone and it scales ridiculously off of INT, which you still need as a Sadhu.

This is a safe and powerful build for both boss melting and farming, in or out of OOB.

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I tried C2 Priest with Sadhu, the biggest problem is the skill range for Priest are not extended to the OOB area. You can still provide Sacrament or Blessing, but you may not able to use all of these with your OOB. May as well go full Cleric then Sadhu after my experience with a SPR Priest C2 / Sadhu C1.

Like I said, you are not always in OOB. Blessing doesn’t apply to OOB attacks, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a REALLY strong skill for Clerics.

im c2 priest and c2 sadhu being a healer and a buffer and doing damage is pretty hard its not for everybody… i think i found the best possible solution if you still want to be a healer and doing some pretty good damage… i use controller but when im doing bosses with party i change my setting to mouse but still uses the controller… why?.. this is how i do it i go in front beside the boss activate safety zone then click the boss using the mouse so it will auto attack it and then ill use Oob then it will autoattack it nonstop even if your knock back (unless you took damage) then put all down the damage skill i can trow at the boss while the mouse pointer are still at the boss… then move the mouse pointer at back of your char and put down the heals(because it will cast skill where the mouse pointer is) that is the only way i can see you can do support and still output damage pretty high and still on Oob the whole time… just go full int…
This way of controlling your character is way stressful and its not for everybody… but when you get the hang of it youll love it… with this at level 161 i sometimes go to dungeons level 90 and the level 130… and just rush bosses alone

have anyone tried awakening a kaloo hammer with an alchemist? i am curious about what is the additional bonus.
i am sure that by now it should be easy to find an alchemist to awaken it

Thanks for the advice, it has been very hard to adjust the healer role to manage buffs and do DPS.

Hey everyone! Sorry about the extreme lack of update’s to the OP. I lost internet from the time of my last post to pretty much today…

I will try and gather information to put into the OP. If anyone has relevant and factual information they feel should be up there by all means tag me and share and I will update accordingly!

Thanks for all the discussion,500 posts!!

EDIT: Apparently I am unable to even edit the OP? nor my reserved post below the OP? This is difficult…