Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

I thought I had scoured most of the posts for information about invisible buffs but I had missed post #342 that mentions this. Not everyone has the time or wherewithal to read over 500 posts. Nor is the original post updated with confirmed, relevant information on a regular basis. That bit is unfortunate seeing as most class threads (in other games, personal experience only) tend to do this and it’s exceedingly useful for regulating reposts. No reason to be short towards someone either way.

I do like your idea of Paladin C1 fitting in most builds. With something like an Arde dagger even the skills that don’t scale with INT (smite) can be fairly useful. I found this out when I mixed Monk with Sadhu. With 0 stat points in STR my double punch still hits for about 1k. It’s useful for picking off single mobs or leftover trash after I get knocked out of OoB.

Regardless, whoever is interested in Sadhu has their choice to read through it, or at least decide to read those informative one in detail. 500 posts is not a lot, same time as you think about the skills you want to have. I read through all posts here as I joined half way of the conversation.

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Sure, I was just hoping we might have an opportunity to put all the confirmed/relevant information into one post since the OP seems to no longer be paying attention to this thread. If not, perhaps a new Sadhu class thread might be beneficial for those who, as I said previously, don’t have the time sift through 500 posts. Whether or not that constitutes “a lot” is basically just an opinion, I suppose. Who knows, perhaps I’ll write it up and you all can decide if it’s worth moving over or not.

did anyone has try pardoner to extend safety zone by using scroll? is it good enough to prolong spirit form?
i feel is it worth to choose pardoder at r6
and how about combination cleric-bokor-sadhu? is it possible to using effigy and AA’s spirit at the same time? if it does than it can add a pretty good damage, not to mention the status of hex :smiley:
well, if it comes to the build is something like this

  1. Cleric - krivis - cleric - sadhu - sadhu - pardoner : why krivis? this rank going help us leveling with zaibas. than pardoner to craft sz scroll
  2. Cleric - cleric - bokor - bokor - sadhu - sadhu : bokor c2 will using mackangdal to protect us from getting hit…a few second before mackangdal is over, than we use sz so the accumulate damage dont hit us (if this possible). the other advantage of using bokor is hex + effigy :smiley:

any thought of this untested build?

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been wondering if anyone have gone druid?
the skills on paper look like have synergy with the sadhu but i am seeing videos from last Closed beta and the whole mechanic of having to create the grass before using those skills seems unnecessary hard.
i am 177 atm and wondering if going sadhu c3 or druid …anyone got any insight on the druid class?

Carnivory is freaking OP, look at me I’m a cute little popolion LOVE ME

I’m a pardoner (R5) and i can say thaat currently, safety zone isn’t a skill we can make into a scroll ( at least not anymore)
We can double up our cure with scrolls though.

I hit Druid 2 days ago and have been playing with the skills ever since. You don’t have to precast Chorts before the other two skills (Carny/Trofh). That just allows you to place the skills somewhere not right on your character. The catch is that if there’s no grass nearby for it to latch onto… it doesn’t work. So yeah… you gotta cast Chorts first. Flipped on a dime there, didn’t I? Oh also, if there is grass nearby, it will make it glow and appear to be affected by Carny, but it won’t actually do any damage to mobs. I’m finishing my Druid introduction document (with little tid-bits related to Sadhu) right now. I’ll post it here along with a video showcasing Druid+Sadhu and ALL the bugs I found.

(PS: I’d suggest going druid just because it’s absurdly fun; even if it’s bugged to shit right now.)

oh ic, i just read this tread pardoner skill + simony at first part so i dont know if pardoner get nerf :unamused:
hmm i guest pardoner will not going very well with sadhu

how about combi sadhu with bokor? is it better with krivis for becoming a DPS?

Yeah, i didn’t know either until i got to the bottom of the thread. :S

dunno, bokor i hear’s abit buggy with their hexing targeting and effigy not procing the hits.
could be nice for boss fights and whatnot where you can just autoattack whilst stabbing a doll, sounds abit crazy when i picture that in my head.

Druid Introduction with details about Sadhu and Spirit Form. For those of you who were considering rolling Druid at Rank 6. Enjoy!

Edit: I’m having issues providing a hyperlink with the google document inside. It looks like this thing just REALLY wants me to imbed the document here. Any tips?


Wow, superb job! Thanks a LOT. This is still such an obscure class for almost all of us, this guide was extremely helpful. Druid sure is an interesting option!

Are you posting your introduction into the Druid thread?

Stats?. Was it difficult to level up as cleric? Any advices?


For the record, on the subject of paladin auras, I did read entire thread, though I did not remember information from that post. And since I am still not 100% sure what counts as an aura and what not I will mention, that Diev statues also buff my spirit. Used search function, hope this was not explicitly mentioned.

On the subject of adding paladin to the build - I don’t think we will ever be able to do it in current state of this class. Yes, easy trigger of spirit buff is nice, but the class currently does not have enough good skills. As C1 paladin you want 5 levels in Resist Elements and 1 level in Restoration Aura (for the heal buff, SP attribute and Spirit buff). 6 out of 15 points are useful. Access to smite is a bonus, but only a minor one and there are better options to deal with mobs once you are back in your body (such as possession). C2 is even worse, you still want only 1 point in Restoration Aura, and you only gain 5 points in resist elements.

Be it for PvP, PvE DPS you likely want currently existing c5 and c6 options and I seriously doubt c7+ classes will be worse than paladin. For PvE support … maybe there is more room for discussion, but as we have seen many participants of this thread think that going support Sadhu is a mistake in first place.

@MixMix - great read on Druid. I’m not into furries, so it is unlikely I will roll Druid (unless its so strong, that we will all be ‘forced’ to do it), but very informative regardless.

I am not sure if anybody said or noticed it before, but divine stigma works on tree root crystal, which is kinda cool… or bugged.

It seems like being able to use skills while in shapeshift is a bug. Still being able to use skills is normal for controller but it doesn’t appear while in keyboard (have to change from keyboard to mouse and mouse to keyboard to be able to use skills). I’ll upload a vid later to let you see what I’m getting at.

I don’t think being able to use skills was intended (would be great if it was though). Using keyboard mode after you shape shift the skill hotkeys disappear and is changed with the mob attack hotkeys. Here in this vid you can see that the mob hotkeys are A (attack) and S (return to normal form), but if I used my skills that are originally assigned to A and S (chrotasmata and carnivory) it would only do the mob commands.

And now this became a druid thread some how.

first of all mix thanks A LOT this is amazing detailed information about a class is practically impossible to find info about,
ok so about to transform can anyone confirm is the bug is that the skill bar ui is bugged or it was never intended to be able to use your own skills when transformed? because if that is the case on launch we wouldn’t be able to oob making druid useless for sadhu.

also is there any monster that give you a buff that improve sadhu in anyway?