Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Sadhu Transmit Prana bug. Do feel that it is too OP with it, IMC will probably fix it though. Many thanks to StGemini for finding this out.

Wow, thanks for the vid Oo

The latest patch didnā€™t reverse it. You still canā€™t cast Transmit on the spirit.
What they did is make your self buff of psychokinesis damage apply to the spirit.
Since Transmit canā€™t be casted on the spirit itself you still require Ausrine or Divine Stigma to get the hidden mechanic to activate.

Sadhu is almost perfect.
Vashiti is still poop however and as such isnā€™t a real skill choice at present.

Vashiti will be really nice if it works like an aura like spell which lasts 6-7secs where the spirit can still continue to move and do things like attack or cast other spells instead of a stationary channeling spell. The only catch is that Sadhu will have to be in OOB mode for it to work.

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could just turn it into an attack. Like a giant ass possession that deals less damage while removing stats.
Throw a low base % and high scaling %.
Something like every 0.4s 25% + 7% per level.

Cleric 3 -> Sadhu 2 -> Oracle -> Kabbalist 2

Tested Sadhu in pvpā€¦ ABE is ridiculously strong.

Alsoā€¦messing around with Prakritiā€™s healing attribute

Is Cleric2>Diev1>Sadhu3>Kabba2 Viable?

Iā€™m thinking in a pvp/off-suport classā€¦ so i cant let Transmit Prana goā€¦ it is just too good no to take.

I would like to her some input from other sadhus XD


I mean, theyā€™re viable now, but sort of in the wrong way. The most interesting defining characteristic of the class [OOB] is still garbage. Sadhus are basically just AoE mages with a strong buff right now. Thereā€™s nothing unique about that. I couldā€™ve played any Wizard class and gotten the same experience. When I first made one, I assumed they would have some really cool micromanaging where youā€™d have to manage your OOB form, while also casting other stuff, but OOB just isnā€™t worth using at all outside of ABE.

Sort of like how Bokors are decent now, but only if you completely ignore the zombies, which are the most interesting part.


I agree but part of the issue is vashiti.

OoBā€™s value isnā€™t just in using OoB to auto attack things.
Its supposed to give you access to dope OoB exclusive skills.
Though Sadhu doesnā€™t have many skills at all to begin with.
Atleast when transmit works with Oob it has some more merit and ABE does good damage so itā€™s living up to its part of the bargin.
Vashiti is still poop which is a problem.
I like Possession but itā€™s got nothing to do with OoB where as everything else does (once Transmit works with OoB).

I would like to see the Pos work from the spirit and be like: take a mobs body with spirit to cast the aoe form that mob. would be awesome.

Cleric3>Sadhu3>Kabba2 here

I tried Diev and is nice, but I did not enjoy carving statues around. I do recognize they are good to have specially in party play, but it was too much for me. I chose to keep Cleric 3 cause more DM, big heal carpet and more protection from SZ was more useful for me at the end. I only miss the warp statue TBH haha.

About Kabbalist: R7 and Ein Sof nice utility skills to have, Merkabah is acceptable, but not good as a damage skill itself. Double Chance is situational, but have it usage in solo play/quest/farm (but very tricky to use, keep that in mind). You also have Clone, that I found recently to be very good for DPK purposes and quest completion, if you can kill the cloned mob in time.

Overall, I like the combination, cause you keep things simple. You gonna have useful support/utility skills, and your damage skills rotation is short and pretty much effective, even now if you can trigger the TP bug and increase your own INT for more damage. OoB + R7 can be devastating on TBL as I heard, and I can see why even using it on mobs

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Fade > Statue > Possession = :kissing_heart:

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Hey all,
So with the resets i started to really like C3>Sadhu3>PD2 for my 28x Cleric!
How viable is this build for ET and something? I heard that you are expected to have Priest for the rez?

Donā€™t even know if i want to do ET, i just love Posession and Astral Bomb :smiley: So i want to play Sadhu3.
Maybe someone who plays a similiar build can share his experience :slight_smile:

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thx for the feedback!

Iā€™m really into this build! Itā€™s simple and viable =)

Iā€™m testing Cleric2>Diev1>Sadhu3>Kabba1>Taoist and it is realy cool too. I choose taoist because I dont really like kabba2ā€¦ it is not worth ā€¦

Q_Q I donā€™t have a r8 Cleric.
I love my Doppel and Sorc too much.

I want Krivis C3, Sadhu C3, Taoist gameplay Q_Q.Straight DPS cleric.
If Meltis extends Transmit Prana that would be dope.

Kabbalist 1 is a good choice as a filler class for Diev1/Sadhu3/X/Taoist builds. Wheel damage isnā€™t really shabby in the patch now. 335% at lv5. Some tips of being a kabbalist, you can reposition your wheels to do damage before crashing.

Hereā€™s a vid on how to reposition merkabah, although its dated the trick is still doable.

@Delcas with the recent krivis bugs and skill details, it is hard to test and gauge how well will the class do. And even by the time IMC rolls out patches to fix krivisā€™s zaibas trigger area the reset event is already over. Zaibas + Stormcalling doesnā€™t really cut it anymore.

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Not really worried about Zaibas. Iā€™m thinking more long-term.
If the gameplay itself feels right even if UP then whatever. They already know Krivis is in a weird spot so thatā€™ll get handled. Iā€™m more concerned that the flow is right.Particularly since Transmit Prana helps out Zaibas anyways in the short-term.

This is a C2>DIEV1>S2>D3 with +12 t10 Vienarazis Mace

Very powerfull


"This is a C2>B1>S3>PD2 with +12 t10 Vienarazis Mace "

wrong this is an C2>DIEV1>S2>D3


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@pedrohenriquembil thanks for the video. I see 6.4k matk, wonder how will TP + Astral possession fare under those stats.