Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

So sinergy is a bad thing ?

At the same time every Sadhu is saying there is no sinergy between this class and other classes from Cleric tree, pretty ironic.

The synergy between Classes is not a bad thing, but it’s pretty chronic if the main feature of the Class endangers the character itself so much that it’s ± not self-sustainable. It’s no wonder why people prefer other classes over Sadhu, especially since Sadhu occupies Ranks 4-6, which could be used for “better” Class choices.

Unique features usually never affect your character/equipment values negatively, Sadhu’s currently the only case where it’s rather pathologic, especially if we consider how useless most of his skills are in combination with OOB (they either end OOB-status on use or disabel you because of channeling). If we call everything that covers up bad design problems/balance issues with another Classes attributes/skills “synergy”,
I bet there would be no need for rebalancing at all, you could just say “pick Class xy if you went z beforehand to make up for feature/skill xy”…

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Right! Back in beta this was the most active thread, the sadhu love was for real.

Sadhu back to dead, Possession can be canceled again during channeling.
Was good while it lasted, did increase Sadhus usefulness a lot, now Sadhu is just useless crap again.

TY IMC for nerfing a bad Class again :clap:

What a bad news. T_T.

I hope there is also c3 attribute similar to what they did to Psycokino.

Really disappointed.

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so sad :frowning:

Here! have a buff on another skill you will never use

I knew in my heart that this would happen…

you cant be sadhu without been sad first :sob:

Ripperonis it was a good couple months you lasted Krillan.

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A classic IMC move. Disgusting.

Also, zombietrain is back to being only semi useful again as well.

Thank you IMC for making me totally not wanting to play his game actively again.

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At least you can crit now with your dagger attack ( C button attack)during OOB.
It also seems that the OOB damage attribute now actually affects the dagger attacks Oo

Pretty useful for my physical Sadhu Kabbalist actually, let’s hope this change stays ingame forever :smiley:

Sadhu C2 and to a lesser extent C1 have their appeal.

Let’s just drive up the C3 support

Out of Body Basic Attack: Enemy Magic Dense Weakened
Decreases the enemy’s Magic defense by 30% with a chance of 10% per attribute level when using a basic attack during Out of Body. (Unable to turn ON/OFF during Out of Body.)
Requires C3 Sadhu. Max lvl 4.

Astral Body Explosion: Damage.
The Skill damage increases by 50% per debuff on the enemy.
Requires Sadhu C3.

Vashiti Siddihi: Vulnerability (attribute)
Enemies under Vashiti Siddihi take 20% more damage from magical and physical attacks.
Requires level 12 Vashiti.

Transmit Prana. buffed to: Now Ally gains double the amount of the stat you sacrificed.

Transmit Prana: Group (attribute)
All Allies excluding yourself gain the stats sacrificed, but the amount is no longer doubled.

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Hi there, was just wondering what Sadhu build would be the most ideal now?

Im currently cleric3-sadhu2

this is my thirteenth char so I dont mind if people will say not to go for it.

So far its terrible. lol. idk if I’m playing it right or what. My normal autoattack damage is way higher with pardoner buffs compared to OOB. Possession gets easily cancelled as well as its range is really short. Astral Body Explosion is ok, but not enough to save the class. Never found a use for Vashita aside from the confuse attribute which is barely noticable.

Sadhu3 will bring you more of sadhu2. Avoid sadhu3 if you didn’t enjoy sadhu2 a lot.

Cleric3 - sadhu2 - druid3.
Cleric3 - sadhu2 - miko/oracle/diev1/priest - plague doc2. Miko option best dps.

#I GOT IT!!!

I have found the truth about Sadhu :scream:

Read me out,

Sadhu was actually going to be a Wizard hidden class and the person that created it was forced to put it into the Cleric tree against it will cause they needed a class there…

It all makes sense…

This class was suppose to be for the Pyro-Linker-Psychos…

but the person in charge has been sabotaging the class on the cleric tree and turning it into a wizard…

The unholy black pantsu, the changed holy to fire dmg buff/nerf and what is it name of choice?_? Psychokinesis

Out of Body was going to be Soul LINKER
yes, I know RO blablablabla

Prakriti was going to be Jump Link

Astral Body Explosion was going to just be Explosive Chain

Possession was going to be Psychic Well

you want more proves:

Linker skill … Sadhu Class

Disclaimer: I invented all this and yet it feels so true


When I was theorycrafting I was planning to go taoist for r8 with cleric3-sadhu3-miko-taoist. Some synergy with dark sight-OOB(but i feel like its gonna be really bad for r8+ content seeing how bad OOB is now pre-r8 lol)

also, what stats should I invest in? pure int? wont it make me paper with 0def

do i max oob even if a ton of my skills are casted from the main body

Example of druid sadhu, this one doesn’t use OOB though.
Another playstyle is wolf-OOB sadhu style, cannot find the vid now.

Sadhu c3 is support based. You gain all of Sadhus offense at C2, and additional levels in those skills is trivial.

Full int isn’t so significant due to Trans. Sadhus physical mitigation is their Evasion and of course having enough health to eat the attacks that do slip through.

Sadhus support is fairly weak so unless you can wait for their eventual balance update between now and 2030 you can avoid Sadhu C3.

Idgaf so I have two Sadhu C3’s.

Do you guys think that c2 - diev3 - sadhu2 - miko (not in this order) would be viable? Using OOB and Ausrine to gain invincibility while dishing damage with Owls and autoattack?

I would like to create a Sadhu but can’t find a proper build without druid.


You’re going to be tethered to a specific spot quite a bit.

Sadhu is an Attack/Support with frankly pathetic support, and just enough damage to kill crap.
Why even have Sadhu in the build at that point.
You can swap it out for PD,Kabba or Tao at that point where all but Kabba have better damage and all three have better support.

Sadhu has weak support which is the value of Cleric C3.
Its damage is also lackluster which is where alternatively Krivis 2 fits in.
Once you’ve gone Diev 3 you’re already two ranks past where Sadhu is even a considerable pick up.

Well, the idea is that sadhu is the “main dish” :slight_smile:
But I’m open to suggestion that substitute Druid, if they exist :slight_smile:

so stats should go for con-dex? con-int? dex-int? lol. actually I am waiting for the ktos rework on stats, but i just want to know currently how to stat it.