Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

I am cleric 3 / Sadhu 3 right now. I could advance to R7 for a few days now, but I’ll wait for the R8 announcement first.

Anyway, I don’t regret picking cleric 3 cause the downtime between a level 15 Fade and SZ is just perfect.

I just read your post about the old physical ecto attack which should be removed from the wiki since it is already gone.
When they removed the tile buffs to oob it removed the transmit prana to oob as well which made the use of oob very situational.
What made me stop leveling my sadhu was the fact that i found that i only use possesion as a sadhu. Its dps is so much better than oob and its cooldown is very low.

I’d like totally about the Divine Stigma + OoB interaction once more:

Do we know if the Level of Divine Stigma makes a difference?

Afaik the damage increase for OoB seemed to be a flat increase no matter what level Divine Stigma was. Can anybody confirm this? Was it a flat 600 DMG increase perhaps?

Thx in advance

Okay everybody… I’ll do it!
I’ll build a pure INT Cleric/Krivis/Krivis/Sadhu/Sadhu/ …(Cleric?/Sadhu?)

And I’ll figure the damn Divine Stigma out!

Made it to Krivis 2. Hope to hit sadhu 1 tomorrow.

I wonder if this is possible:

  • Get Divine Stigma without OoB
  • Use OoB to snapshot the Divine Stigma Bonus
  • Use Divine Stigma while in OoB
  • Get the Divine Stigma Buff for the spirit

Divine Stigma on max level (10) would give 78 INT/STR.
Do we know if this also adds to the bonus INT? 78 INT could make a nice difference…especially considering the hidden bonus… I think it might be worth it.

The thing is… can you survive with cleric1? XD Fade an Heal…

Hmmm. You have 10 Fade and 15 SZ?

I am Cleric 3 too and I picked Cure 15, in which, it is Cure 17 now. I feel that Cure is really really strong. On boss/single mob, it is stronger than my possession.

As for which rank to pick rank 7. I think Priest would be the best bet. Unless Miko hidden class is a rank 7 or below job, in which I doubt it, then you can’t really pick anything below that other than Kabbalist or Plague Master. Neither of those are that great for Sadhu.

i dont care as much for sadhus state bcuz my main is now my paladin

wich is also in a bad spot due to barrier scrolls… i admire your determination.

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kust bcuz barrier scrolls are a thing doesnt mean that the class is bad, we get barrier too. but yeah, barrier scrolls shouldnt be a thing

I got a question,I found a video showing a Sadhu 3 using Transmit prana on his spirit and increasing his damage but I also heard trasmit do not work on spirit.Since the video is kinda old,I would like to confirm if I can buff my own spirit with transmit or not.Thanks in advance :smiley:

Edit:Can equipment int be transfered via Transmit Prana?

You can not. I was the one that asked Julie and she showed me the video. However, they removed it…I confirmed it myself.

Test results for Divine Stigma 1 - 5, will format it later!


Jukopus, Level 8


Level 79

Stats (These stats are always the base as long as I dont mention other stats!)

INT 146
MAMP 0 (This is true for the complete test session!)
No elemental Bonuses
No Buffs
No Jewels

No Equip - Out of Body (0% Attribute)

INT 146
MATK 227-227
MAMP - 0

Damage: 156 * 3 = 468

No Equip - Divine Stigma 1

No visual change in MATK, INT and STR when getting the Divine Stigma Buff

Some damage Tests:

Damage #1: 276 * 3 = 828
Damage #2: 276 * 3 = 828
Damage #3: 276 * 3 = 828
Damage #5: 268 * 3 = 804
Damage #6 :268 * 3 = 804

Pewter Rod - 54 MATK - Without Divine Stigma

MATK 281 -281

Damage: 183 * 3 = 549

Pewter Rod - 54 MATK - With Divine Stigma 1

MATK 281 -281

Damage #1: 303 * 3 = 909
Damage #2: 295 * 3 = 885
Damage #3: 295 * 3 = 885
Damage #4: 295 * 3 = 885
Damage #5: 295 * 3 = 885

Battle Hammer - 78 MATK - Without Divine Stigma

MATK 305 - 305

Damage: 195 * 3 = 585

Battle Hammer - 78 MATK - With Divine Stigma 1

MATK 305 - 305

Damage #1: 353 * 3 = 1059
Damage #2: 353 * 3 = 1059
Damage #3: 353 * 3 = 1059

…I tested this a lot…it was ALWAYS the same… maybe Rods give a hidden bonus with Divine Stigma Combi?#

No Equip - Divine Stigma 2

Damage #1: 279 * 3 = 837
Damage #2: 279 * 3 = 837
Damage #3: 279 * 3 = 837
Damage #4: 279 * 3 = 837
Damage #5: 268 * 3 = 804
Damage #6 :268 * 3 = 804

No Equip - Divine Stigma 3

Damage #1: 283 * 3 = 849
Damage #2: 283 * 3 = 849
Damage #3: 283 * 3 = 849
Damage #4: 268 * 3 = 804
Damage #5: 268 * 3 = 804
Damage #6: 268 * 3 = 804

No Equip - Divine Stigma 4

Damage #1: 286 * 3 = 858
Damage #2: 286 * 3 = 858
Damage #3: 286 * 3 = 858
Damage #4: 268 * 3 = 804
Damage #5: 268 * 3 = 804
Damage #6: 268 * 3 = 804

No Equip - Divine Stigma 5

Damage #1: 289 * 3 = 867
Damage #2: 289 * 3 = 867
Damage #3: 289 * 3 = 867
Damage #4: 268 * 3 = 804
Damage #5: 268 * 3 = 804
Damage #6: 268 * 3 = 804


No matter the Level of Divine Stigma …the increase (once the internal buff was over) was always 336 …what is

this based on?

Pewter Rod - Divine Stigma 5

MATK: 281 - 281

Damage #1: 316 * 3 = 948
Damage #2: 316 * 3 = 948
Damage #3: 316 * 3 = 948
Damage #4: 295 * 3 = 885
Damage #5: 295 * 3 = 885
Damage #6: 295 * 3 = 885

Battle Hammer - 78 MATK - With Divine Stigma 5

MATK 305 - 305

Damage #1: 368 * 3 = 1104
Damage #2: 353 * 3 = 1104
Damage #3: 353 * 3 = 1104
Damage #4: 346 * 3 = 1038
Damage #5: 346 * 3 = 1038

Pewter Rod - 54 MATK - Snapshotting Divine Stigma 5 (+43 INT/STR) and Divine Stigma 5 while in OoB

MATK 281- 281 (Without Divine Stigma 5)
INT 146 (Without Divine Stigma 5)
STR 7 (Without Divine Stigma 5)

With Divine Stigma 5

MATK 324 - 324
INT 189
STR 50
PATK 131 - 131

Damage with just the snapshotted stats
204 * 3 = 612

Damage with the snapshotted stats and Divine Stigma 5 Bonus
360 * 3 = 1080

No Equip - Snapshotting Divine Stigma 5 (+43 INT/STR) and Divine Stigma 5 while in OoB

MATK 227- 227 (Without Divine Stigma 5)
INT 146 (Without Divine Stigma 5)
STR 7 (Without Divine Stigma 5)

With Divine Stigma 5
MATK 270- 270
INT 189
STR 50
PATK 131 - 131

Damage with just the snapshotted stats
177 * 3 = 531

Damage with the snapshotted stats and Divine Stigma 5 Bonus
332 * 3 = 996

Additional Info:

  • Divine Stigma INT/STR increase WILL GET SNAPSHOTTED, you can snapshot the full INT Bonus for as longs as you are

in Out of Body.

  • You can get another Divine Stigma effect, but it will only increase damage slightly
  • The Divine Stigma has a duration. The duration is not shown. Once its done (its propably the 30 sec duration) you

will deal just a LITTLE less damage, You can now get that little damage back by casting and getting Divine Stigma

once more

  • You can actually see the divine stigma cooldown when hovering above your spirit
  • The Out of Body Damage Attribute will also use the increased damage from Divine Stigma! (This is pretty huge!)

Another Test with Arde Dagger (no main-hand weapon!)

MATK 231 - 231
Fire Property Attack 153

Damage: 234 * 3 = 702

Now with Arde, no main-hand weapon and Divine Stigma 5

Damage: 348 * 3 = 1044 (I waited until the Divine Stigma buff was done)

Another Test, no Equip, with Out of Body Attribute

Attribute 0%
Damage: 156 * 3 = 468 (No Divine Stigma)

Attribute 6%
Damage: 166 * 3 = 498 (No Divine Stigma)

Attribute 6%
Damage: 286 * 3 = 858 (With Divine Stigma 5, waited until the internal buff was done)

Attribute 23%
Damage: 192* 3 = 576 (No Divine Stigma)

Attribute 23%
Damage: 333 * 3 = 999 (With Divine Stigma 5, waited until the internal buff was done)


The Attribute also uses the Divine Stigma Buff!

Another Test

Attribute 6%
Out of Body Level 2

Divine Stigma 5 (waited until the internal buff was done)
Damage: 286 * 3 = 858


The Level of Out of Body has no connection to the damage increase

Personal thoughts:

This level 79 Sadhu with very bad gear, no elements, low OoB Attribute already deals half the Damage (with DS5) that my level 223 full INT MATK geared deals (about 1000 * 3 = 3k).

Divine Stigma is a heavy modifier for Out of Body!



I will format the damage test later.
For now it seems DS simply has a hidden multiplier…maybe… it might just be a static increase…I didn’t summarize this yet.

Edit: No, cant be a static increase. I had this effect once on my other sadhu and the increase was from 400 * 3 to 1200 * 3 …

I’ll also make sure to test how much bonus DMG Astral Body Explosion deals with Divine Stigma …but that will be a little later… a few days…maybe never ;D

Heya, just got to Sadhu C3 recently.

Even if it did, ABE damage is so low i don’t think it would be worth wasting your buff time casting this skill.

There are 2 major things that i dislike about Sadhu C3:

  • Transmit Prana not having a targeting mechanic, it’s almost impossible to buff my teammates during dungeons because they’re constantly running for no reason what so ever.
  • ABE is ■■■■. It’s basically a shitty CC skill, the damage is low and the scaling is even worse. There’s literally no point in upgrading this skill, 99% of the damage comes from the 300% MATK(or is it 250%?.. don’t quote me on this), not from the base value.

Hey thanks for this.

Hope they don’t remove it thinking it’s ~unintended~. I also have a Cleric 3-Sadhu 1 which I’ll DELETE 'cuz imo it’s trash. Mightn’t have been as trashy if only I had picked the Cleric 2-Bokor 1 route.

It’s amazing how people learn everyday.

Im still enjoying my c2b2s2kabba I have since day 1 of early access - even in team battle league.

But that divine stigma thing makes me salty. It just feels wrong considering all the other changes.


Frankly in your case, Bokor contributes a lot to your satisfaction. It’s crazy how even Effigy 5 outdamages OOB like… what…??? You just wouldn’t do ■■■■ with OOB atm because OOB is just a joke.


A Kriv 2, Sadhu has its attractive aspects with this, but then losing Fade isn’t that hot of a proposition as you’re then using Aukuras Accuracy down in tandem with the evasion attribute as your means of sticking around, which won’t save you from magical damage, you can still be hit and targetted by physical damage, theirs the longer CD of Aukuras, and you don’t want to overextend past Aukuras protection range.

Certainly interesting though.

The woes of an altoholic.

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