Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

I think, if OOB and prakrit have no delay to cast and no cd (prakrit), The class will be a high mobility class and will compensate the lack of dmg that we suffer right now and the vulnerability of the class… It’s a different role but I think is a nice way to go…

OAB + prakrit not mobility because the cast time is long, you will stand in the cast by 1.3s . Worse if it takes a hit will cancel OAB and start the movement bug in which you return to the same place to get to OAB + prakrit again. This is very vulnerable , do the test , ask a friend to run to your side and then use OAB + prakrit and see who wins the race in the end.

Out-of-Body and Prakriti is faster than normal running, but compared to token users who have increased movement speed, the difference is very negligible or even non-existence. I only get the movement bug when using Astral Body Explosion and never encountered it using Out-of-Body and Prakriti alone. Astral Body Explosion is bad, it’s useful for it’s knockback attribute to re-position monsters who run. There are reasons to use Sadhus but it’s very likely for a very specific use or for a gimmicky build, really.

Oi oi oi! Someone is bashing my favorite class!

Okey! To not make my build of choice seem like it was in vain, here some enlighting stuff.

My Build:

Cleric2 - Bokor2 - Sadhu2 - Kabbalist

And yep, I never found someone else with that build because I just sacrificed a druid rank for Sadhu2. Not only because I really like Sadhu (despite all the nervs), I need my Possession as finisher for my Linker3 partner gameplay (11 targets link, hangman, Possession).

I’ve added two ranks of Bokor mainly to add a magical damage dealer with heffigy (mostly when Possession gets canceled, link will share hexing).

So I’m mostly doing damage either with Effigy or Possession, depending on the situation. And because I can use my spirit to make additional dmg WHILE spamming effigy, I’m a pretty efficient boss killer as well (the decreasing def attribute is pretty handy for all of my physical teammates)

Cleric2 and Kabbalist gives me pretty decent support abilities as well as making me a SP-Battery being able to spam effigy endlessly. Do I have to add the fact that I only need Lethargy to make double damage with effigy?

Yes, Sadhu as standalone is quite lacking. But it can add a lot of ultility to other classes and teamplay. Plus I’m still hoping for the class to get buffed again at some point in the future.

Btw Mackangdal prevents OoB from being interupted, so you can use it to ABE freely even without safety zone. Or just use mackandal to add another 15 secs to the endless effigy+OoB spam circle.

Cure -> Hexing -> mackangdal -> OoB -> Switch weapon to Krausas -> Effigy+OoB Attack -> Safety Zone -> more Effigy+OoB spam -> hexing -> even more spamming until safetyzone runs out -> refill sp with Ein Sof -> Cure -> Hexing rinse-repeat.

You can always pause the spamming to drop some Heals for your team mates whenever possible.

Until now I like my build alot and dont miss anything.

If wanted you could as well go Bokor3 with a circle of sadhu or going Bokor2 - sadhu - druid to drop carnivory somewhere in the damage circle. Everything is possible here.

Plus, I like Zombies ;D


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Yeah, sorry. Corrected it :slight_smile:

I have to ask (cuz it’s been bugging me). Tosbase says the attribute for OOB is

Based on the wording, all damage dealt while in OOB would be enhanced right. It doesn’t say OOB damage, it says “… while in … OOB …”. So If I have a skill with 100% more damage attribute and this attribute, the skill would do (skill damage x 2 x 2) right?

I’ll test this tonight for sure!

Seriously interested in this too, anyone able to give some numbers on this? (I don’t have the money to spend on attributes to give significant numbers)

Since search dosent work I will just ask (dont have time to read 2.5k posts lol)

  1. OOB auto atk scale with anything?
    -magic attack
    -physical attack
    -magic amplification
    -property attack
    -skill buffs
    -aoe attack ratio

  2. OOB attack can be blocked/dodged or deal critical damage?

  3. OOB auto atk is based on INT?

That’s what I can’t find anywhere…
Sadhu seems pretty fun to play and I don’t care if its weak or nerfed to the ground :slight_smile:

That attribute has no effect on other skills, only the basic auto attacks. The attribute is called Body Basic Attack: Enhance after all.

@LazyCrazy OOB auto attack is considered a magic attack, so it uses INT and magic attack for damage and follows the same formula and rules as other spells (can’t crit or miss). It is limited to your character’s AoE attack ratio, but the hit box is small so its not going to be hitting very many enemies anyways.

What’s the movement bug exactly? The OP has no info on it since the author seems to have quitted.

How about weapon effects? toy hammer for example.

Possession says it can grab up to 5 units but is it affected by AOE ratio? Cause I swear I’ve seen it catch an entire mob of enemies.

possesion interupt is intended or is it just a bug?

20 characters long…

im to lazy read long sentences lel.

You could call that rather a “consequence” than an intended well thoughtout mechanic, that makes a quite difficult to cast skill like possession the almost most annoying cast in the whole cleric tree, highly depending on invulns to be casted successfully. Thats just laughable.

For a period in cbt all channelings were uncancelable, which made several other channeling skills pretty over powered and caused some game breaking bugs, while it made Possession a really good skill with accepable downsides (you stand still and still get dmg from other mobs while channeling, making you a very easy target).

And now you get canceled by every fart and the slightest blow of wind.

Did I mention the inconsistence of the canceling? You dont get canceled from dmg that doesnt make you stutter, like some boss skills or other magical dmg. But that only counts for channelings. In the Bokor skill tree there is the invuln skill mackangdal that prevents dmg but not stuttering, so it cancels your Possession as well. In the same time, it DOESNT cancel Out of Body until you receive the DMG at the end.

So is the canceling indended or not? For now it is. Until they change the mechanics of the affected skills, that is. I wouldnt mind getting the very very old first version of Possession back. Or being able to channel Possession from your spirit. That would be nice.