Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Just to ask out of curiosity, how is the damage of Possession on a Sadhu using a mace, lets say Catacombs Club, with a stat build lacking or having no INT at all (Eg Focus on CON / SPR etc instead)?

I may be wrong butā€¦ possession has base damage. that is pretty high and I dont know by how much int increases it. I think it doesnt increase base damage as much as a weapon so you may opt to go con spr and it wont hurt you as muchā€¦
lvl 5 possession has 568 base damageā€¦ so i guess you can surmise that around 10 seconds of that is give or take 6k

Youā€™re confused, the first section if my post is towards @BlaXun not playing Sadhu since I still play mine. Cleric C3 healing provides enough support through general content, and possession still means things die.
Iā€™d like to reset ABE in my skill-set since it does absolutely nothing but I used it as a filler since I avoided further investment in Vashita.

The second section of my post is the reality that balance is ongoing and theyā€™re working on things overtime. thereā€™s 24 classes unlocked at rank 4 for devs to consider, 25 at rank 5 (including sadhu c2) and 25 at rank 6 (at which sadhu c3 is included). Thatā€™s 74 classes for devs from rank 4-6 in a vacuum situation let alone their synergy with other classes and more important all those classes have skill choice as well to balance on a more specific level. Itā€™s 99 for Rank 7. Amongst those classes a fair amount arenā€™t even combat oriented but still try to find their ā€œplaceā€ within the game (alchemist,pardoner, Squire, Templar).
There is a looooooooooot to adjust and the reality of it all being equal is 0.

The gameā€™s systems arenā€™t very practical for balance, not to say that they shouldnā€™t. But if my enjoyment of the game was entirely based on whether sadhu was meta or not that would be fairly ridiculous given optimally speaking thereā€™s 5 ā€œoptimalā€ classes for any given encounter but 24+ classes at any given rank competiting for those 5 slots before you even consider back-tracking in builds like Cleric C2 at rank 3,4,5,6 or 7.

Even if Sadhu is buffed to get guaranteed a roll in a team optimally speaking then thatā€™s still 23/24 other classes that are competiting for the remaining 4 slots. Chasing an optimal solution in this game means excluding a lot of players, because thereā€™s no way theyā€™re making every class equally valuable at every rank especially since they allowed backtracking.

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Does transmit prana to another sadhu 3 works?

Transmit prana > sadhu 3 > transmit prana > others

The dmg of Possession is (Base + Matk + Elem dmg ) * (1 + attribute lvl) * Weakness modifier. For the sake of this, we take 1 for the last modifier.
I am not certain of where the elem dmg modifier goes though. It might be after the attribute lvl multiplication, but it does change anything for this explanation, since the only changing variable is matk.

So letā€™s say you have 600 int vs 1 int, its roughly 600 dmg per ticks (18k dmg) that you loose. Lets say you have attribute at 100, it would be 1200 dmg per tick (36k dmg) you would loose.

If you take cata club (300 matk) versus a sup corona +10 with blue gems (around 500 matk) you will lose a whole lot of dmg on your Possession. With attribute lvl 50, its 300 per tick, so 9k total dmg on a Possession cast.

Uh ā€¦ so basically Possession is not worth it for builds that do not use INT?

Possession as a skill itself is fine if you dont have Int because it has such a high damage output, however why would you even pick Sadhu without int investment is the real question.

C1 has a teleport, a ranged aoe knockdown and a channeled debuff.
's not that bad utility-wise.

Just wanting to know if Sadhu C2 is worth it for builds with no INT like support builds with only CON and SPR.

EDIT: Just some more questions:

  1. How many ticks does Possession do?
  2. Does the amount of ticks increase with skill level?
  3. If (2) is a yes, does Possession take longer with more ticks?
  1. Around 30 ticks over 10 seconds.
  2. Nope. Only damage increases with every level.
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How str sadhu is on pvp about debuffing and positioning stuff

what benefit would you get from str?
sadhu does not gain anything from str.
The benefit of str will depend on your other classes.

I think he was asking how strong Sadhu is in pvp, except chose not to type properly.

Possession should be like thisā€¦

Was this before or after the nerf?

yeah like a sadhu monk how would that be usefull on pvp

My badā€¦ so far from experience sadhu is pretty good being a bubble boy. he can zone well.
againsts swordsmen who wonā€™t usually drop you with one nukeā€¦ a sadhu can drop a minefield of heal and wait for the enemy to cast and miss a long animation spell and go for the big damage with possession.
if you have other ground spells being a krivis, plague or druidā€¦ zoning becomes even easier.
The strength of sadhu lies in possession wherein if you catch someoneā€¦ they eat the whole spell; however you need to find a way to catch someone first. so it would really depend on execution, opponents, and team composition.

I am a Cleric>Krivis>Cleric>Sadhu3>Kabbalist
and made it up to level 181 now. So far, of all the characters I created this is what I like the most because it has heals and can support others despite of the nerfs. I can solo a boss easily. Mobs is not a problem, except the range ones (archers, wiz, etc.)

My only problem is the cancellation of POSSESSION whenever I got hit by ranged monsters (or at my back) that are not inside the possession, thatā€™s the time I use SafetyZone. But if all are melee monsters, I just circle around and caught them with my Possession. They canā€™t attack nor flee.

And also the ā€œrubberbandingā€ bug after using OOB/ABE. Someone told me if your Sadhu experienced rubberbanding, just go OOB again and use the skill Prakriti. I think it has solved that problem for me.

I chose C3 for Sadhu for stronger Possession at 10/10. I rarely use the OOB for now. CURE and ZAIBAS also helps a lot. And even the 11 tiles of HEAL have decent damage. Just a simple setup.

Never overlook the power of simplicity.


finally found Sadhu 3ā€¦

Transmiting Prana to me > transmiting prana to others = 100% works HUGGEE INT

nice one there mate!