Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

true but a strong focus on any one stat limits your gear and with a game that is constantly evolving… having flexibility gear wise is a good idea. specially since the game is a full of leveling.

someone posted before that you can’t do that anymore since it was removed together with the hidden buffs of ground related buff/debuff/spells affecting sadhu spirit.

sad life T_T

depends on what you want to do…
transmit prana is one of a kind but… you can’t spam it much. based on posts,c2 sadhus are excited by the damage of possession; but most c3 sadhu’s are sad.

Being a red class (damage dealer) the sadhu is outshined by alot of other cleric classes. its fun. sadhu’s are a good source of holy dps… not a major burst but with a good synergy of other ground spells… overall good dps. But as always, your main sources of damage require you to be a bubble boy.

Sadhu’s have a good source of debuff. Sadhu’s are able to drain people’s stat but… that it is channelling but it has a 10 second duration and a long cooldown so i’m not too sure about it or have experimented with it enough.

for me the main qualms I have with sadhu is the fact that I can’t use all my skills together… like possession with my spirit. yeah I can have the spirit out but that just makes me a better target. I can’t channel stat reduction while attacking. so the sadhu class in general is very… MODAL. you switch modes to to things half assed but in a unique way.

You can get druid or plague to boost your damage mode. but your buff mode is limitted to cleric.
if you use transmit prana, you can’t do dps.
when your spirit is out hitting ■■■■ you can use possession like i said but you are open to getting sodomized.

I’m not saying its bad but its modal. sadhu 3 just adds a transmit prana mode.

This game currently doesn’t have the depth to merit such gameplay. It’s either you’re a support that can keep the party alive so it can kill or you’re the one doing the killing. Sacrificing a character slot in a party for gimmicks that don’t either enable you to survive the content or help destroy it won’t work.

The concept is alright if it had more weight on either side to achieve a supporting role of DPS which matters. Also, the way it’s implemented currently with the OOB hit once thing and everything else is just bad because it absolutely limits your play style and class choices.

Sadhu and Dievdirbys do have a lot in common related to a less mobile play style, except the statue buffs are more relevant towards survival and support. Biggest thing is one class got nerfed and the other one buffed along with the ability to place multiple statues down at once.

Minor correction, Plague Doc, Psychokino and Sadhu are all Attack/Support classes IIRC they’re the only 3 classes labeled under that combination. Sadhu isn’t just Attack.

None of the three are top damage dealers. Just the reality. Plague has that lovely niche with its status effects. Psychokino has stellar CC (but used to have bad damage), and Sadhu’s support is poor to the point people often even forget that it is a part of the class.

I like it. Ktos recently changed Guardian Spirit to provide SP and stamina recovery which might change my skill allocation again if it comes here. There’s clear problems and I frequently use my Cleric C3 skills. To provide some context.
Heal 15, Cure 15, SZ and Possession are basically good enough and then you have all these niche,weak or buggy skills. OoB comes in handy but again to sum things up I could get through and often do just on Heal 15 and Cure 15, with Possession to cover Fliers and as another means of killing.
Transmit Prana is super niche, and it’s wonky too because the cast fails a good amount of the time.
Oh well given Guardian Spirit just got buffed, Transmit Prana will probably have its day too.

As a bonus for Bokor + Sadhu players, Zombies were buffed in Ktos too (presuming those changes come here, but I tested them myself in Ktos and they’re good) so that combination will get even better.

If you mean the stats were buffed or what ever I seriously doubt they will ever be really useful in anything other than Bwa Kayiman and body blocking. Otherwise they still a nuisance for mouse mode people taking heals unless that changed. Bwa Kayiman is based off your character’s physical attack and not the damage of zombies so giving them more damage is only drops in an ocean when you’ve got to deal 100,000+ damage later.

0 * 100,000 = still 0 :smirk:

bwa kayiman is awesome, zombies are more helpful than people say

you do make a good point.
it would be nice if things could be done while in oob state. having the body take more damage is already a big downside so maybe perhaps they can just remove the cancelling when hit and add more synergy with other skills like casting from spirit and maybe spirit auras.
I’m dreaming I know

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Got CON.
3INT:2CON + Animus

Incoming MATKs/ATKs still does hurt but at least I’m still alive.

This is my actual build… Cleric C3> Sadhu C3> Kabbalist C1. I think its pretty good… I am a good support bcuz of kabbalist and cleric and i can do a really good damage with cure, possession and merkabah


u can show me u skill build please?

im doing Cleric2 Krivis2 Sadhu2 Kabbalist, same idea but with Zaibas and bareback OOB

Does anyone have the Kaloo Hammer and how does is it’s SPR damage boost to OOB calculated?

I think you can just go c3 cleric and c3 sadhu and then kabbalist and pick the skills that you like.

are the skills he named so I guess you can max this if you are copying his build

im doing this at moment…

But i really dont know exacly how math skills of kabbalist work at moment, i was thinking in a build focused on reducing attributes of mobs, using Reduce Level and Vashita Siddhi. But not right know.

Im Happy for the STR buffs to my warriors but their enhanced scaling makes Oob less potent relatively speaking to its contemporaries. Which is unfortunate.
At the same time ABE is still so bad it hurts so eh.

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true story…

but that is the sadhu life… in time… the bubble boys shall rise again

Transmit Prana work in OOB?

No, unfortunately


Well, you CAN use it when you are in OoB… but you can NOT target your spirit and its the body that will cast the skill. Right now its a completely useless skill anyway…it misses 90% of the time I use it…and you still get the cooldown. @hkkim should really take a look at this class …it all looked so awesome in the early trailers…but its just not …