Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Sadhu in general sound very lame on pvp… OOB i a joke,
you stands with 0 defense to give a mediocre damage. Possession have a very long animation and only works very closely.

I feel ABE lacks the Holy Element.

Sadhu/druid is actually was a very good 2v2 build but after the mind control nerf on druid you don’t see them much anymore (on KToS)

yeah, druid sound really good indeed. im talking just about sadhu.
what is the nerf telepath suffered ?

Before when telepath was active the enemy would still take damage from your allies and skills, if im not mistaken they no longer do.

yes, they no longer do… But I thought this was a bug.

telepath still is good in pvpv, you just cancel it while they are in your aoe. especially zaibas

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I’m in doubt between astral bomb and vashita saddhi , i will be sadhu c3 > plage doctor, put points on which? icineration stack with confusion ??

max possession, get vashidda to ateast 3 for confusion

Max vashita saddhi over astral bomb. vashita saddhi can decrease the hp of everybody in PVP and astral bomb doesnt do much with more points in it

Holy hell, guys! I went on vacation for a few days and came back to over 250 new posts. Did the devs change the class? Buffs / Nerfs?! WHAT HAS EVERYONE SO TALKATIVE?!?!

Oh… it’s more bullshit about the current state/purpose of OoB. Some new guy joins in and says everything is fine and the rest of the thread gets triggered. I’ll concede he’s twice as proficient in his presentation as our last troll, but he’s still claiming not to be rude while throwing out insults. Remember when ~Tyler~ said that everyone who disagreed with him ‘wasn’t actually a Sadhu’? Can we just ignore the next mini-troll that visits us and patiently wait on something actually relevant to Sadhu’s?

I’ll check back a week from now to see who the new troublemaker is.


Everything is fine.

Those OOB are the best thing ever, especially when you’re stuck in the attack animation or can only hit two targets at once for mediocre damage.
Why does it reduce armor instead of magic defense?
We all now OOB is physical, right…right?

ABE is great, I don’t understand why everybody says it’s low damage c’mon…
When your character gets teleported back to the same position after you used it or you just can’t move at all after you used it a hidden attribute which boosts your magic attack 100%!

And Possession is crap, does no damage at all… such a useless skill.

Both skills have long CD’s and don’t contribute much to a damage focused pve game.
Around 3-5k aoe unenhanced to mobs that have 80k+ health or ~-75 to all base Stats or so in a game where magic attacks are what will pressure you most of the time and those don’t care about STR,SPR, Dex reductions, nor is the enemy health affected when I use it. My ABE is doing basically less than 10% to Black Coliflies and if I want to keep it almost relevant then it’ll cost me a ton of money.

Imo ABE > PvE but either way it doesn’t do much outside of knockback for repositioning. The health spike is too real.

Did I miss something in the past couple months of not looking at the thread to know who Tyler is? Because some of these people posted screen shots and videos meaning they must be new to the class if you looked. And given that some think pumping full INT is viable for not dying all the time makes me think they are misinformed somewhere or just bold.

I sorta would like to believe half these people were serious about what they said.

You’ve gone too far here sir or maddam and offended me. :massage:

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Always with that Full Int showing me that you didn’t take anything I told you.
7.7k Base. The point of 7.7k base was to instill what the minimum health of a cleric is.
1k from Maga health, 1k From Virtov Robe, 1k from Virtov pants, 800 from virtov gloves and pants.

This has you at 11.5k Health before Con investment.
Conquerer, Max Pentamion and Terrallion. Any of these three necklaces will put you to 12.4k+ health.
This is already sufficient health to get up to ET F10, which has already been viewed. This ignores the bracelet stat (you can go to 13k health from here as well). Reasonable Health gems 2 socketted 400-600 health or so to 13.k. 3 Plate also gives you the bonus 1.7k health to 14.7k+ health. Between level 200 and 280 is also 80 stat points. 80 Con would also give you over 9k health after bonus stats, if you choose to go that route and bring you to 23.7k+ health, though you don’t necessarily have to invest that quantity.

Before you even reach 280 you can have ~13k+ health when your itemizing for current end-game with no Con. If you went full Int to 200, you’d still have 80 stat points to invest in Con which would take you to 20k health. Even without Maga rod you can try to find Circle Rod as an alternative means of health or even Catacombs Club. Even if all you did was Full Int to 230 at 50 points in Con that you’d get ~5k health from that would still get you around 18k+ health invested, which again is already sufficient health to reach F10 of Earth Tower, as noted from viewing Wizards attempts at 12k health.

This is without Lifeline, Ein Sof, or Rune of Giants. Ein Sof giving you 14k health from base, and will scale with all your itemization and any Con investment you decide to do. Making 14-40k+ possible without a single drop in Con pre 200 depending on your itemization and Con investment post 200.
“But you had 5k health” at 153.

inb4 crap talk like “gear doesn’t matter. Gear is hard to obtain” when you have nothing to do but farm and make alts in this game.

Good luck getting top DPS for those box drops ontop of the RNG. Also spending years of your life making level 10 gems. I can sense the talt levels rising already. :raising_hand:

Again just being obtuse for no reason.
Maga Rod and Catacombs Clubs are dungeon drops, as is the entire Virtov set, Max Pentamion is a dungeon drop as well and you have the ever so glorious market place as another method of looking for your alternative gear options and recipes, as I put multiple alternatives you can do for different pieces of gear.

The vast majority of your gearing options have nothing to do with World bosses and will already take you to 11k+ Without a single drop of Con, AND you can still invest con post 200 (as pointed out) to still reach 18k+ health.

Chest pieces post 200 have 2 sockets.A level 5 red is 263 health.
x2 you’re at 526 did i not say 400-600? Yes I did. If you put level 6 gems you’ll get even further which is a bit more of a push. level 10 gems aren’t remotely a consideration.

but then I knew you’d go off about “gearing” in a grind game.

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Do you even look at the requirements to make something like a Max Pentamion before posting here 20 paragraphs about how easy it is to make when you have limited dungeon runs a day with boxes being RNG? Or like it requires the base Pentamion to craft it in the first place? Or just how much exp it is to make a level 10 gem and is pretty silly to waste that on an HP gem over anything else.

I’m still not sure if you’re just new, trolling, or being serious here any more.

  1. For the third time.
    A Level 10 gem is not considered at all. This is going off a level 5 gem, why is reading so hard for you, I cannot understand at all why I’m repeating this a third flipping time.

  2. Again, All you will be doing is gear farming

  3. AGAIN, You have other alternatives (WHICH were posted). 3 Choices for weapons, 3 Choices for necklaces. No rings required. Dagger/Shield not even listed. We can throw Dagger/Shield choices into the equation as well, bottom line you will never have 7.7k health at end-game.

Your ability to literally ignore everything in a post is absolutely shocking.

@ophiuchu Tyler is BlueByu.

And btw, you’ll need to farm itens. If you reach 280 and have no PvP or GvG farming is what you’ll do. So…