Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Hi guys…
have you guys tried
Monster gems (

if you can equip a flash magician gem… you are basically a sadhu with oob. since a lvl 1 oob is good enough.

do they work that way?

Imagine mages with oob… but they dont have bubble T_T

Because I used to be a bubble boy and know how it feels playing something cool and new with dreams and high hopes. It was good while it lasted and then the nerfs came bursting my bubble back into reality. I had fun and honestly don’t like to poke fun at other people’s play style, but I do want people to understand that this class is in a really poor state when they come here looking for information.

I appreciate the honesty with your pros and cons. Thank you to anyone else that usually might not exactly agree with me on things like @thebloodyaugust helping point out 5-7k health doesn’t cut the butter for anything serious. In the general whole scope of things, if you’re not a DPS then you’re a support, and if you’re dead the whole party dies.

Doubt it. Just looking at how the client handles your classes how would it let you put the level 1 skill on a hot bar without pulling it from the class ability window list? I would test this if the trade system wasn’t so bad currently to basically throw away a potentially valuable resource.

too bad then…

it would be awesome if a paladin can get swashbuckling.
The only problems of cleric tanks are that they can’t hold aggro.

I was imagining it like… in ragnarok where you can make a heal clip or tele clip.

I posted the question on reddit… hopefully someone replies.

Again just look at how psychokino was handled.
I expect similar for Sadhu.

how was psychokino handled? I haven’t tried one yet. what happened?

every skill got buffed. Some multiple times. Psyco is now one of the top mage classes.

28th of January


  • Psychic Pressure Cooldown Reduced from 30s to 25s, Damage has been increased from 130.8 + 39.36 per skill level to 160.8 + 52.36 per skill level, SP Consumption is also reduced Psychic Pressure sp cost changed from (variable) to 1% per second.
  • Telekineses Cooldown Reduced from 40s to 30s, Skill Damage has also been increased from 172.08 + 47.04 per skill level to 160.8 + 57.04 per skill level.
  • Magnetic Force Cooldown Reduced from 40s to 25s, Skill Damage has also been increased from 303.48 + 77.16 per skill level to 433.48 + 107.16 per skill level.
  • Gravity Pole Cooldown Reduced from 45s to 30s, Damage has now been added to the skill ( 452.01 + 121 per skill level ), SP Consumption is also reduced.
  • Raise Cooldown Reduced from 60s to 50s.

Feb 25th

  • Swap: The skill effects not applying to enemy characters has been corrected.
    • Gravity Pole - [Gravity Pole : Enhance] Attribute has been added.

March 3rd

Psychic Pressure ‘AOE Attack Ratio Application’ tool-tip information has been added.
The Ratio is for the skill is now, [Skill level + 4]Targets.

  • LV 1 = 5 Targets
  • LV 15 = 19 Targets

Damage added to Gravity Pole, better base damage scaling on all skills, reduced cooldowns on multiple moves, which affects their utility like Raise or the CC properties of everything else, more targets to hit in PP.

April 14th for Sadhu

  1. Sadhu
    Astral Body Explosion
  • Damage Has been increased. (Base Damage 300 → 360, Damage Increase per level 70 → 85)

Thats 675 extra damage (2.5x scaling) at level 15. Sadhu has no aoe ratio in Ktos for ABE.

Everything but Swap and Teleport got hit for Psychokino.
Note Sadhu,Psychokino and Plague Doctor share the same ‘type’ categorization, not aware of any other classes that are under the same category. Obviously different types don’t play the same (QS and Peltasta are defense type, but they do defense quite differently).

Psychokinos still not exactly a top pve class, but it’s quite decent, and its very good in PvP.

If there’s anything I’d like to see looked at with Sadhu is Astral Body Explosion because the damage output is meh.

OOB is just a replacement for autoattack since a dedicated INT cleric isn’t going to get much use out of a mace as opposed to rod.

Once you hit c2, you won’t use OOB much for damage unless you position yourself close to the enemy, pop a safety wall (or not, depends), and autoattack while you burn all your cooldowns for one huge burst. Possession’s cooldown is so short that you just run out of time to use OOB for its autos.

The extra base damage and stuff wouldnt apply to the 250% since the description says “250% + XXX”. So its added after the percent.

I do hope we get some more buffs though.

It depends on the skill. Meteor was recently changed from 4*(matk)+skill damage to 4*(matk+skilldmg).

Or the reverse. I don’t play Ele.

Point is not all formulas match exactly.

Which class would be a better choice for the 7th rank?

I’m currently Cleric c3 Sadhu c2 Druid c1.

Druid would get moar dmg from carnivory and 10 sec invul.

But with Plague doc I could get one more damage cd and a few neat abilities for support.

I’m really on the bench with this one.

There was questionning somewhere in this thread about ignition rod.
I just made one myself and got to test it. OOB attacks does proc the burn.
Only problem is that the burn itself is really REALLY underwhelming. It tick for around 280 per seconds and never seem to activate on a boss. I might make a thread about it to see if its intended or if it’s a bug.


Thanks for taking your time testing this.

hey all! i think sadhu may be getting a new skill

“parkaya prevesh”
i looked it up and a bunch of stuff that says “siddhi” (vashidda siddhi) and appearently parkaya means another body and preveh means to enter. maybe we can possess people with our ghosts? or is thtis just an early version of possession?
i know its for sadhu bcuz it says siddhi, it says another body and its indian.

looked up some more and i says things about ghost possession, and ghosts living in peoples bodies and stuff. so it may be an early form of possession bcuz thats what the icon looks like

Pretty sure prevesh was just an early beta name for Possession.

thats what im thinking

Astral Bomb Lv 1 ( atribute knockdown) and Vashita 15 is good for pvp??

a nice buff for astral body explosion would be not going back to ur body having to resummon ur spirit kinda blows

I’m not sure about pvp… vashita is channelling; you cant move ur spirit while it is active. (I am using a controller)