Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Rotation of what Sadhu literally has only 2 attack cooldowns. Everything else is from previous cooldowns and Cure hits 38/40 times for 380+magic attack, and I’m not A tier 6 Doppelsoeldnr now am I. It’s an Attack, Support class with weak support functions and poor attack cooldowns, but OoB does reasonable damage.

Of its two attack cooldowns.
One of which does barely any damage (although Blue stands by ABE being a good damage skill for reasons I’ll never understand).
Its other skills are a debuff, a heal, a buff, a movement skill and a boosted magical AA.

It’s in a similar position as pre-buff Psychokino (well its not that bad given I deleted my Psychokino because its C2 was horrendous before the buff) which only had Psychic Pressure as Telekinesis isn’t practical DPS nor is Magnetic Pressure (which was outdamaged by Earthquake…).
Which lead to Gravity Pole gaining damage.

ABE doesn’t do damage, and Vashiti’s PvE relevance isn’t real. Transmit is wonky. Those are actual issues.

inb4 talking about OoB for the 900th time when it actually does damage and its support function has practical relevance.
While Possession is a poor mans Psychic Pressure and comes 2 ranks later with the only real justification being that you have at least 2 support ranks from r1 and r2. Hell Breath is comparable to Possession. Psychic Pressure beats them both. ABE is a glorified Earthquake which isn’t a surprise with nearly twice the cooldown.


r u sure about that?

Only Instance Psychic Pressure loses is Dark enemies, on every other enemy type in the game it does more damage.
This is because the damage on the tooltip is doubled (not your magic attack just the base).
The same is true for Hell Breath.
Funny enough they’re both Attack, Support archetypes, but since they threw damage on Gravity Pole don’t bother thinking you’ll compete with it in damage. Prior to that both of their C3 skills did no damage and increased other peoples damage.

wait how many ticks does phsycic do? or do u not know

Its the same amount of Ticks as Possession.

oh, then should max lvl possession be better :confused:

Except the Psycho can’t afford to stand directly next to the boss unlike you in the safety zone spamming everything you have on CD.

That still doesn’t make you da best dps tho :open_mouth:

Sadhu’s problems are entirely in the rest of their toolkit being subpar. Out of Body itself is completely fine but this doesn’t seem to register.

If the rest of the kit is subpar, then OOB should be stronger to cover that in the meantime.

Vashiti and Prana are hot garbage and ABE is a low damage CC skill at best later on.

If we’re talking about a support slot, who would ever want to bring a Sadhu over a Chaplain or Diev 2 for parties? They offer way more buff utility and comparable DPS (better DPS in the case of Owl Statues).

If we’re talking about a DPS slot, who’s gonna bring a Sadhu over a Fletcher, QS3, Doppel, or Elementalist?

Parties are 5-man groups right now. Typically, you have a tank, a healer/support class and the rest DPS. The only role a Sadhu can reliably fill right now is the healer/support role, but they don’t offer as much utility as the other classes and I can’t even honestly say they add more DPS than a Chaplain or Diev 2/3 right now. A Chaplain can hit for around 5k total on their autos and they don’t have to worry about being interrupted. Owl statues just ■■■■ out damage in a stream for like a minute straight, while still allowing them to cast other skills.

Sadhus lack any sort of real niche right now besides being the guys with the blue glowy spirits.

Heals alone aren’t enough to justify your spot in a party that already has a main healer. Optimal ET setups don’t bring 2 healers because you lose a lot of DPS and everyone ends up taking more damage because things aren’t dying fast enough. It’s the same reason why nobody cared about offhealing in WoW because having more DPS was better than another semi-healer in almost every situation besides PvP and a few choice encounters.


There isn’t any content in this game that will disqualify a sadhu from a team. Earth Tower isn’t that hard.

Hell, where do those pre-made parties even form? In a guild chat? Through a friend list? Places where you should be treated as a person first, and a class second?

The ‘will get passed up for party making’ argument is tired and worthless, and I’ll thank you for not making it.

i will follow this build, good??

Wow this thread got active…
Honestly, sadhu has alot of huge problems.
Bubble boy on solo is true… even when you have a party. But needing to things doesnt make it bad.

Are there better classes?.. of course. Sadhu is meh…
With a game like tos, there are things that will be better than others.
I like possession damage but i need safety just to be sure.

Sadhu takes effort, is different, and argueably fun. Surely it is interesting. Just look at the thread’s length.

To the developer/publishers… please buff sadhu


So I’m going to take this to the next level meta of reality here. Last night if you’re keen on following the ToS reddit then you would have noticed someone made this post:

Before the mod deleted it the post was saying about how Julie contacted IMC for someone who was a Sadhu and explained to her all the nerfing and everything they did. Do you think the response was positive enough to warrant any hope for this class to be fixed? Because from what that person was pretty much saying in context it didn’t look good and the fact that they quit is even worse.

Conspiracy theories? Bubble boys? What does it all mean?

nice one… hehehe.

Honestly having the thread grow this much is a good thing… it may point admins and developers to take a second look at sadhu.

all you need to know with sadhu is…
if you want a oob for dps because you want normal attack based on int c1 is enough. because circle 2’s possesion is channelling and you can’t oob anymore.
if you want a big nuke go possession. C2
if you want to transmit your into to some lucky bastard… go c3… BUT cooldown is not good.

just to join the discussion on how bad or good sadhu is…

Putting things into perspective

  1. its hard to compare classes (combination of classes) even in just PVE because has different context… dungeon(pre made team or match making… ), questing (w/ strangers or w/ friends),
  2. PVP is a different question as well… because right now it can be anyones game. It feels like a race.
  3. comparing classes: there are so many classes and so many combinations.
    just comparing among base classes is hard. ie. when comparing with wiz, you have to consider mana and clerics have 20% more mana regen; mana regen is relevant. Clerics also has more utility.
  4. if you want to compare z based auto attack damage, there is the issue of weapons and elements and buff. Builds and equip come into play, you are not even

So my point here is… we can’t compare everything in a vacuum. there are scenarios and there are multitude of builds.
Points I would like to make are the following:

  • DPS: if you want to compare who can kill fastest… I am sure it is not sadhu end game… unless you gonna chain transmit prana and that works (which i still dont know) Sadhu may be the top dps on a certain level though like when you just got possession 5 and other classes have certain levels of their main dps skills.
  • OOB: I will argue that a circle 1 sadhu on any INT based dps cleric build is viable. cleric1 and sadhu1 alone mix really well. OOB has no downtime and is a good filler. and if it is a spell like zaibas you can attack while it is active… you can do the same with an owl or with generally all area nukes. There is a combo feel to it which is nice… It may not be the best but it works.
  • possession is not just about damage. IT IS A CC. in pvp, being caught by possession is death… I think that is why it can now be cancelled with 1 hit. fire pillars you can run out of but possession keeps you in hell… (like someone grabbing by the balls … you take damage and you can’t run… you can make a more perverted but more accurate analogy as to someone kneeling in front of 5 targets and keeping them in place…)
  • Leveling: Personally, I find sadhu harder to level than other classes. You can get used to it… but I, from time to time, find myself unable to catch all 5 monsters in possession and am forced to just fade and oob. ■■■■ happens. Moreover there are ways to get through leveling. one is dungeons and questing with friends. actually, I enjoy dungeon match making because whatever classes are matched with me… I can adopt to clear with relative ease with the team.

Sadhu is an interesting BUT gimicky class. There are more straight forward options. But the joy of tos is the variety and the little difference make it fun. but like all games, there are meta’s… sadhu is not the thing right now… It MAY have been before… but obviously, it has been gutted – the following were removed or trimmed down: attack speed, uninterruptible possession, base oob damage, walking over buffs to buff oob damage and even transmit prana took a hit.

I think in this thread… people were tagging Julie (since she is very responsive) to answer some skill detail based question and she gave @BlaXun a video on how koreans buff oob using transmit prana. (basically the a recent change made oob unable to get buffs from anything and that basically broke his build. He found out after testing.) and She did indicate in her answers to questions that she’d talk to IMC with regards to questions and requests “before she leaves” indicating that she was leaving before hand.

I think another thing she was informing IMC about is a class reset system. since skill reset does nothing for a wrong class build.

btw @ophiuchu I love how you use the term “bubble-boy”… really cool. I guess that is the best way to describe safety zone.

Also there is a downside to bubble-boy builds… some attacks AOE ones go through

Gona have to disagree…

It acts more like a skill because skills get the additional holy damage too, but not the extra attack just like OOB does.

If u said that the spirit is the main point of Sadhu and not the AA of it than how come the spirit can only cast not more than 5 skill n have no interactive skill with other skill in other class…If u caid the spirit can cast the heal from cleric or it can use double punch from monk or other skill…At least will make us wont only spamming our Freaking AA n some how can play as a unique supporter…but currently the only thing we coulddo as a Sadhu is we go in any mission…we stand n hit enemy v possession or some ppl still using OOB as main atk…N sadhu is not a supporter as wat i said on top…Sadhu is a red color base job…is a offense job…did u c monk as a supporter…the answer is no…Sadhu main idea is a DPS, maybe it can claim as a DPS have few support ability…but i dun think the supportive skill of sadhu is currently needed in game…And usually as a DPS player…ppl thinking only on the Dmg output and the survivability of it…n i can Say QS n barb will have more survivability in a Party(i dun think i wrong here…those QS can run n shot and barb have a huge HP pool than us, ppl hu die easily can be claim as a noob, at last Sadhu nid to b a high dps we have to sacrifice out hp for it…)…And if u say so the main objjective of sadhu is to gif up power to ally…than the wat the transmit prana can do…do warrior or archer or even tanker nid INT?!Only mage nid it…if we do so…than wat can we do after transmit prana…low Int chicky heal???deal no dmg and spamming supprot skill in melee with the freaking shot HP pool???tat totally not fair to us…If we claim as a supporter than shuld make us have make us more support skill…I play as pure supporter in many other online game…From my opinion…sadhu skill doesnt have a nice support ability and the meanwhile the dps suck…

Sorry pal…my engiish is really suck n i know it…i m not living in a english speaking country and even not living in english speaking community…At least i m still willing to use english to communicate v other…at least better than those freaking pinoy tat wont speak or even understand english or even some other ppl tat freaking dun wan to speak english even we hold the knife under their troat…And i m still learning english as i can…

And sorry about my luck…maybe i m not higher level enough…currently i m 148 level n i almost never met any gud tanker in any mission and dungeon…I alway play v tanker than like to draw the attention of boss n freaking run around the whole map d…n even they c i open safety zone n casting possession beside them n they could still bring the boss run around the world…

Other than mission n dungeon than i usually b solo the whole game…Tat y i said as a DPS…this job is freaking a lot skill to set up before dealing dmg…For example when i grinding alone …i have to run around n draw most of the mobs attention 1st…Than i open fade and cast aukuras to softly draw attention of those mob to gather n hit that little torch…than i have to find a place than open safety zone than cast possession in order to wipe them 100%…There are too many prossession i have to do to kill mobs…i cant do like other class jus cast 1 skill n 1 shot any mobs…is freaking unsafe for me v low hp pool…especially in those place the mobs higher level than me…