Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread


Oh, that’s the problem. You don’t know how to position your spirit.

You can actually autoattack while your character is doing the animation before ABE explodes, it’s just a burst of damage to leave OOB instead of using Prakriti, just FYI

wellcompare that to the ob animation, its even longer than abe and abe does more dmg and knocks back

All the proof anyone needs of reading comprehension issues.

  1. No one doubted Chaplains damage.
  2. Paladins have indefinitely weaker auto attacks.
  3. You and Blueryu are the ones questioning Out of Body’s damage contribution, not the other posters. Despite sufficient damage being dealt with it, you’re now throwing a tantrum.
  4. No one has ever said you had to wait for Fade or Safety zone other then yourself, so how long are you going to continue attacking an argument that you created despite multiple others not vouching for. Hell in my previous damage showing OoB is cancelled into Possession and then the spirit gives chase to finish. Neither Fade nor Safety Zone was used, but whatever, keep going with your strawmans.

oob misses for everybody, stop tying to say it doesnt for you.

In that time you’ve out damaged the damage output of ABE itself. Do you get what I’m saying. ABE’s damage “contribution” is that its 2.5x the amount of targets in its range. OoB has a notably smaller aoe radius and ratio but deals far more damage per second.

@BlueByu. That’s not even remotely true. Try again.

1.5x every second vs 2.5x every 30 seconds.
1.5x in 30 seconds is 45x your magical attack.
ABE doesn’t even remotely compare to OoB’s DPS unless you want to try and refuse grade school multiplication.

i didnt say it’s dps was as good as oob, where did u get that from. its dmg is far better than oob. ABE>OOB

Sadhu is a bad class, but not so bad that it makes magic attacks miss. It is literally impossible for Oob to miss other then positioning error.

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You don’t use ABE as rotational damage, I’m not saying it can’t be bettered either, the damage would be much nicer with a little bit more Oomph.

Currently, if you are autoattacking with OOB, and cast ABE as you do an AA w/ OOB, you get two more AA’s in before you explode for the 2.5x damage. Which then is nice if you knew you had to move your body instead because of whatever incoming attack. It does add a slight amount of damage, instead of you running away, then using prakriti with your time instead.

That’s what I was pointing out. Just managing time a different way to try to squeeze damage rather than position first then being out of range of all your abilities anyway.

oob does miss, the positionig makes it miss. i can be in the same position on every hit on a non moving target,and it would miss half of the time, and hit the other half

I think someone has lag issues. Or a bad vision.

OoB is Magic Skill AA. IT DOES NOT MISS.
Only positioning can make a magic skill miss.

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Enemy has 40k health.
You have 800 magic attack.
Level 15 Astral Body Explosion.

You hit ABE. Enemy takes 5200 damage then its on a 30s cooldown. The enemy has lost 12% of their health. It takes 8 uses of ABE to theoreotically kill this thing with just ABE. Thats 240 seconds.

You OoB enemy takes 1270, 32 hits to kill and about the same amount of seconds. ABE is 6.5x slower to kill.

You use Possession, 20 hits + 923 skill damage. 34,460 damage in 10 seconds, 20s cooldown, before 30s you will kill.

The damage tier is literally
Possession > OoB > ABE. ABE’s best bet is when you hit multiple targets otherwise its just a knockback with a small “burst” of damage.

Note it is reasonable for “burst” skills to lose to consistent damage, but ABE doesn’t even function potently in this triad as an aoe because of its aoe ratio.
Possession is also aoe, and due to ratio beats ABE both in Single target and aoe damage, while having a shorter cooldown and not disrupting your spirit and simultaneously locking down 5 targets for 10s.
How this skill remotely comparable to OoB dealing more DPS, removing physical defense and boosting evasion 30%. No one will ever know.

But then again…thats why it was buffed in Ktos and they dont even have an aoe ratio on it the damage of ABE is not remotely in proportion and it’s straight up too low for what the skill costs. The korean devs already realized that but please tell me more about how great this skill is in Itos when the stronger version of it in Ktos still had to be buffed because it’s not even in line with OoB or possession. Sadhu obviously has shortcomings, and it’s not Out of Body. Sadhu has an issue where its other skills are just a notch above Pyromancers Flare, still usable but clearly requiring improvement to put the kit in line with others while OoB is already of a comparable damage state to similar attacks.

i know that(the irony ofu saying i have bad vision) . i JUST said positioning makes it miss, and its really easy to get positioning wrong due to the monsters movements and sudden stops, and predictions

I sit here and laugh knowing you’re going to get to end game and not be taken over a Diev or Bokor and prolly the Paladin too with what ever magical damage output you think OOB does compared to Bless+Sacriment. The only tantrum has been people trying to defend the damage and everyone else knows the thing got nerfed to the point of it not even mattering. Possession literally is the only saving grace of this class and even then it’s limited in AoE and can be disrupted making any other choice under the sun in Cleric’s circles almost better.

You litterally have to sell yourself as the bubble boy who can spiderman around avoiding danger. Other classes simply don’t do this and it’s extremely sad once you understand what other people actually can do in terms of damage and you’re just subpar support and damage.

They’re not even going to read your million paragraph forum posts of mechanics and see it in person to know that you’re not a Chaplain support nor Wiz3/Ele3 type DPS because you’ve wasted circles to be a bubble boy.

Still the person focusing on OoB damage where others are not.
But then again your “bubble boy” perception says it all, when we say we’re using other tools then OoB and your understanding of the world is sitting in Safety Zone.
Good luck.

oob can deal decent dmg, one hit of oob takes away a decnt chunk of their hp, but the pause kills it .

That face you make when any rainbow doppel walks up and presses Whirlwind 1 time and does more dps with one button than you do in 10-20 seconds.

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Doppel is a high risk class that is dedicated entirely to damage and damage alone. It should do more damage.
That face you make when you realize no one is advocating Sadhu as a top dps.

yes, no one is advocating sadhu as a top dps. everyone is advocating sadhu as a bottom tier dps class, it is the worst cleric dps class out of all the 4.

Usually when a single ability from one class trumps another classes whole rotation, that means said class isn’t viable as a dps at all.

I mean, if you rolled Sadhu for “fun” then i understand but from what i have read you are taking sadhu as a half decent dps class.

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