Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

ever since i get my possesion…i almost NEVER open OOB infront of any mobs or even boss…jus run around n do other buff or skill than possession done it CD…only thing is we cant grind in those place tat creep number are huge until we cant easily kill n bind all of them…Is a really gud CC skill and a gud output…only bad is the chanelling might get break…

i would get atlest lvl 3 for confuse attribute

Hey, if nothing else VS is ~8k damage in pvp and some hefty SP drain.
You don’t even need to keep it channeled, since when max hp/sp is raised current hp/sp doesn’t rise to meet it.

Seems like it’d be worth testing the stacking effect, but it’d only last a few seconds at level 5 which is where I have it. Since the CD is 26 seconds or so and the total effect if you stretch out the time it’s on the mob is about 38? seconds.

I am also unsure about whether skill level makes any difference because I don’t know that I can use different levels of the skill on a whim… However, my damage increase of 800 or so is substantially different to the initially reported 1.8k increase from that level 225.

Apologies for the late replies… I fell asleep…

EDIT: Okay so I did some more testing and got a few things… I’m a level 81 Sadhu w/ Level 5 Divine Stigma and 137 INT. I can list my attribute property attack, magic amp, MATK and INT if you like (though it doesn’t seem to matter).

Few things first…

  • The effect does NOT stack on itself, you only have the increases listed below.
  • Does anyone else notice that OOB now lists attribute damage at 9%? Or was that always like that?
  • I think we can confirm 100% that the Spirit is a separate entity since you can pull up it’s Character Info and it is listed as “<name’s> fluid entity”

For the actual effect itself:

When activating Divine Stigma w/ OOB AA

  • Buff is listed in the centre of screen whenever you approach main body (i.e. as when active effects are active on enemies etc.). This leads me to believe the effect is active on your spirit
  • There NO INT increase visible
  • There seem to be two stages for this… One when Divine Stigma is activated (i.e. the 30 second duration of the actual effect) and after the effect (i.e. after 30 seconds) there is still a damage increase, but less than when the actual effect is active
  • SO! Damage increase is variable and my experience was this (each number is per hit):
    200~ to 330~ (w/ Stigma) and 316~ (after buff duration) on Pag Sawyer lvl 78 (600 total to 990 total)
    200~ to 340 (w/ Stigma) and 316~ (after buff duration) on Pag Ampler lvl 76
    (600 total to 1020 total)

There were a few I couldn’t get more data for so the increase w/ the buff was:
250~ to 450~ (w/ Stigma) and on Earth Spectra lvl 78 (This was +100% Magic damage) (750 total to 1350 total)
199~ to 339~ on Earth Rafflower (w/ Stigma) lvl 79
(600ish total to 1050ish total)

When activating Divine Stigma w/o OOB AA (i.e. through Zaibas or Cure while cast in OOB form)

  • Buff is listed with other active effects on body and INT increase is visible
  • Damage increase based only on increase to INT - so 200~ to 220~ on Pag Sawyer lvl 78 (600 total to 660 total)

Based on all this it’s obvious that the effect applies individually to the spirit… However what the increase comes from is difficult to ascertain… It’s not a straight INT increase because the damage change is much more significant than 43 INT would give. It seems a little like a bug because the damage increase lingers after the effect goes away, but doesn’t remain the same… so it’s not a flat increase either…

Overall, all I can say is… it’s weird and only cropped up after the last patch


Same experience here

Pag Sawyer have 106 m.def, what reduces Sadhu OoB AA
Pag Ampler has 103 m.def
Your damage is the same in both cases, but I would like to know your m.amp value and your m.atk value (I believe your m.atk is something like 310~330)

We have strange values here. FIrst of all:
With divine stigma buff on you have a variation of 130 dmg (what can occur similar to m.amp effect) and after buff duration you have flat damage.

If you can spend your time doing some testing, I would like to have this informations:

Elemental Attribute
Divine Stigma level

and do this testing:

1 - Attack mob X with pure OoB, with your own equipment.
2 - Attack mob X with OoB using no Elemental damage increaser
3 - Use Divine Stigma, kill the mob, active OoB, attack mob X and tell us the damage.
3.1 - Go back to body, use OoB again, use Divine Stigma, kill the mob in OoB, attack mob X, check the damage with the buff duration and after the buff duration.
4 - Go back to body, use divine stigma, kill the mob without using OoB, use OoB, use divine stigma, kill the mob in OoB, attack mob X, check the damage with buff on and with buff of.

Try this steps with and without elemental damage, please. And with and without magic amp. We can determine better with all these values.
I know I can be asking too much, but I have no Krivis - Sadhu to test this and it can be very very very needed to concrete information about how this “hidden buff”/“bug” is working. Rate this build. The stats will be 3/1/1 int/con/spr

hmm, i wouldnt put that many points into spr, clerics have the highest sp pool. all take out oracle and put in druid, or one of the rank 7 classes (with druid u can use telepathy and walk peope in front of owl)

@Penhallow[quote=“Penhallow, post:2095, topic:21150”]
Does anyone else notice that OOB now lists attribute damage at 9%? Or was that always like that?

Man you upgraded an attribute “Body Basic Attack: Enhance” that increase OBB damage…

How does druid synergize with sadhu?
aside from more nukes…

the invincibility spell from + saftey zone + fade should keep your oob up for a long time. issue is that most sadhu builds i see have so many other spells you’re hardly in OOB.

you can use other spells while you use OoB.

yeah but most you need the enemy to be right in front, I always think of fighting bosses and not normal mobs.

Also i was responding on how druid synergises with sadhu not including the nukes. Transform doesnt work while in OOB and the invincibility spell is really the only thing to talk about.

So if you wanted to me to explain more I was trying to say, Invicibility spell from druid + saftey zone + fade should keep your oob up for a long time while you’re doing nukes.

As far as I understand the best combination for sadhu to fully utilize OoB would be


You get some heal power, Zaibas and Divine Stigma, OoB and finally Fade.

We still need some info on Divine Stigma. It might be a bug…But We don’t know.

Krivis gives 3 skills with high sadhu synergy

Decreases enemies accuracy…Computer with the OoB Attribute for increased evasion I think this will help a lot

This has the magic amp attribute which further helps with OoB damage

Divine Stigma
Seems to provide a white nice damage bonus for OoB (might be a bug…if it is I would completely ignore Krivis)

And you even got Zaibas…which will be pretty strong with a pure INT Sadhu.

Julie did say that they took out buffs for the OOB all together so I can only assume that stigma fits into a weird exception that the developers didnt take into account. possible the kill to receive buff vs the others where it’s cast to buff.

I’ll agree on how well krivis synergises with sadhu with the dodge and magic amp (wait thought zalciai didnt work on yourself?)

but i wouldn’t go and say it’s the best combination. It’s definitely the more dps version of a sadhu build.

I still like our c3 cleric. Always fun healing the party then out aggroing the dps with possession alone.

EDIT: just me or reply not workin

My main is a cleric 3/sadhu3. It plays really awesome, but I thought Transmit Prana finally helps with OoB damage…which it doesn’t…so, yeah… That was the last time I played…been a week now I think. I have no intention of playing again anytime soon

I do about about 2250 damage per second with OOB with 150 ping. How does that compare to other auto attackers at 178?

didn’t really do an accurate test but with 100 ping it was almost 2 attacks a second with 150 ping it was about 1.5.

I get your disapointed in the damage but is it that bad?

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What are your stats? What’s the dmg with each individual hit? What’s your equip?

Your dmg sounds pretty nice

I did my damage on wendigo searchers and wendigo shamans cause im next to the 175 dungeon.

searchers 520-580 x3
shaman 450-530 x3

200matack rod
arde dagger

359 int

737mag attack
67 mag amp
153 fire attack

I dunno, this post has seeded the idea that OOB is very very underpowered. So i always ask in missions to compare damages or whether that is ok and no ones said to me that it’s utter crap yet