Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

@Staff_Julie can we please get a comment on Divine Stigma? Is the current behavior intended or is it, yet again, some unique feature that gets destroyed by a patch?

Say, does a difference in Divine Stigma skill level make any difference?

I have tried with level 1 and 5 Divine Stigma but no difference. Divine Stigma is consumed entirely to trigger the hidden buff. Neither your body nor your party member gets buffed by Divine Stigma. Think of it as a catalyst. However, if your body or party member triggers it, everyone gets buffed and OoB remains normal (no hidden buff).

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Thanks a lot for the info. Since the cooldown is pretty low it wouldnā€™t be that bad if somebody else triggers the effect.

But, correct me if Iā€™m wrong, to get the best out of Divine Stigma I would use it when NOT in OoB, then get into OoB (stats are snappshotted) and then use it again for additional buff.

Does the snapshotting also apply to Zalicai? I mean, it gives magic amplificationā€¦

Krivis seems to be the best solution for sadhu right nowā€¦ I still hesitate to invest any time into the game since a week now cause we donā€™t know yet if this is the intended behavior. I allready sent a PM to Julie and will inform you guys if I get any reply.

Has someone tested this with Swell Brain? Or even reducing Int by transmit? Or evenā€¦ unequiping Int items before OoB then equiping Int boosting equipment? There maybe other ways but those come to mindā€¦

Good question, i will test it in a couple of hours.
But I believe that does not change because int buffs do not increase the damage OOB if u get in OOB state. (with the exception of this divine stigma bug)

@Raspy Any modifications in Body do not affect the soul AFTER you release the soul.

There is a reason this thread was dead for a while. Me and all the other beta sadhu players left because of this and all the nerfs. We tryed to warn the newer players but they didnā€™t want to listen.

Currently you play sadhu because you love the theme not because its good. Kinda like sorc or necro.


Futhurmore, equipping and unequipping anything while in OoB causes position bug and massive fps drop. Buggy.


Yeah, but it is just a bug and will be fixed later xD
The mechanic about changing gears will be the same (or we expect that)

It might be a bug or it might not be. I already contacted Julie bout this.

Oh, the bug I was talking about was the position bug and fps drop that Pearss commented

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Its amazing how u guys notice this

When Iā€™m playing, Iā€™m testing, trying to reveal the weak points and the strong points of my class. Test things, change things, see numbers, do math, improve our gameplay

Itā€™s just a normal thing xD

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im just happy i finally have possesion, i wrecked my archer freind in a duel using it

heres how i use if in pve

  1. gather 5-10 monsters
  2. run a distance away from them (typically to where i can turn around and use possesion without them hitting me)
  3. while im casting possesion they run infront of me and die.
  4. the other monsters come and die

i only use safety zone with possesion when im surrounded
im quite supriesed on how good possesion is

Possesion is the spell that makes it worth doing sadhu. With my Cure lvl 15 + Possession lvl 10 on Dark type bosses the damage is absurdly strong. I really love it.
a pity that the rest of the sadhu is ā– ā– ā– ā– .
Maybe Vashita Siddhi lvl 15 can be usefull tooā€¦

ever since i got sadhu c2, ive stopped using oob, my new main skill is possesion

and effigy sometimes

Maybe Vashita Siddhi lvl 15 can be usefull tooā€¦

Nearly died laughing.

It is that bad? i really dont know, i never use it