Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

tho i m going to make my sadhu take bokor as further class as well…than i will be able to using OOB’s AA and effigy in the same time…if playing v normal creep than using effigy or possession will b better…If i fighting v boss i might jus stand infront open the safety zone than using the OOB and effigy in the same time…I think the out put will be way better when using only 1 of it…Tho tis out meta play might b as noob as possible…but seem fun…

We cant do anything since we trained our sadhu to high level already…Not everyone have time to recreate and retrain a new character …Since they nerf us as hard as possible, so how about jus try to figure out some new build and playstyle to strengthen up our character…this game allow us to build the character as creative as possible…not compulsory for us to follow those build tat claimed to b the strongest build…complaining wont make any diff also…since the developers dun even understand our painful…

But the only thing i really have a bit of problem to accept is the possesion can b cancel by jus any single atk…suggestion on this maybe can make the skill from the front of the caster to surround the caster…So maybe will decrease the range of the skill, but it allow us to prevent get hit by any melee atk mobs since they will get bind when they come near to us…

At least until now i still have a little hope on sadhu class.Although there will b a hard life for those player hu going to pure sadhu style…but this class seem to b having a lot potential…Maybe the develop actually thinking of to make sadhu a pure norm atk class on the really late game on the next higher level cap…Becos Magic atk * 3 as normal atk really quite a attracting point…Imagine every class every skill will cap on 15 level and the fixed amount of dmg tat added to the dmg will have their limit, but OOB will allow us to use magic atk * 3 as our output per hit in a long range tat cost 0 mana…And even we will able to cast most of the skill when we atking in OOB form…

Sadhu is not a really bad class to pick to play…

My question about Sadhu in general at this point is if a Chaplain’s buffed auto attack will just out damage OOB. Then if Magnus > Possesssion in terms of damage without a bind. I haven’t played since nerfs but these thoughts come into my mind every time thinking about C2-Sadhu2/3 that you’re prolly a worse version of a Priest3-Chaplain being fragile providing less support too. It makes me pretty sad. :disappointed_relieved:

chaplian will outdamge oob, but it wont outdmg possesion

true…Chaplain AA output is higher than sadhu OOB…But note tat,the dmg increment of us might b higher than them in the late game as i said jus now…Their buff and so on has a limitation and also if i wasnt wrong, their buff rely on their SPR also…But for us…we only nid INT to increase our out put…increasing magic amplify also can make our dmg higher…everything tat from magic atk and magic amp will affect us by * 3…N do remember…we able to cast dmg skill when we using OOB…mean if we can set up nicely, we might able to deal a high output than other class…imagine ppl only use skill or AA in a time…But we able to use AA n even some skill in same time…totally different case…But for those player who only plying OOB n dun use other skill confirm having a low amount of output…

Not for the damage on Blessing/Sacriment/Last Rights it is purely based on skill levels. Only main thing to consider on stacking SPR is making Stone Skin insane or you can stomach casting Monstrance every 20 seconds with it’s horrible animation to debuff. I wouldn’t even consider thinking about using Aspersion for damage but the option is there I guess?

You prolly don’t even need to go STR/DEX either because these buffs literally will carry your auto attack damage. I know already because I went the Priest2-Paladin3 route with STR for that reason. Thing about Sadhu before was indeed about being able to do massive OOB damage while shotgun dropping things like Zaibas/Wheat or Possession in that state.

From what I’ve been reading people are still going the Cleric2 route for fade and it makes me shake my head every time. Why do you even need to do that when you can just be an auto attack Chaplain now? You’re basically gimping yourself when it’s Zaibas/Possession at this point carrying your damage. I really hope people understand how powerful Druid wheat is too against anything not flying.

As for Bokor it could work with Effigy but I still doubt it’s going to output as effectively as Druid2 which you’re going to lack unless you don’t take Sadhu 2 or Krivis 2 being a poor choice in my opinion.

Cant deny tat actually now chaplain is far more perfect than other class in cleric tree…CHaplain have a gud output and support potential… consider a well balance class…

but from wat i said jus now, sadhu is still nice to play when doing AA in safety range or even stick to the boss to making higher output v OOB’s AA a other skill…Maybe possession is real suck tat cant allow sadhu to use OOB’S AA when using possession or even stop channeling by jus a single normal atk…But if we could overcome these problem the output by sadhu will b a bit more beautiful…

like if u say take krivis and druid to increase output also not a bad choice…especially for those player who only concern on PVE, this is the Best choice for sadhu currently i think…But if trying to take all class n having a bunch of skill, ur key slot confirm will b very tight until have to gif up some other low level skill…

currently i m taking sadhu c2…might b taking bokor after tat is to maintain the balance between pvp n pve…maybe taking bokor instead of druid will not b a gud choice…but try to imagine the OOB and effigy in same time and the enemy might b debuff on their magic def by hexing…It wont b the worst choice…And i could choose to play as a sadhu style or even bokor style or even support…I might not b the best DPS in cleric…but this build allow me to play my chara in different way according to my mood XD…And I dun think the output will b low…In mmorpg, not every player wish to play in the meta with high dps output or a b a super tanker or even a gud babysitter supporter…If all ppl thinking like tat than all the choice of the class could jus minimize into jus 3 basic class which is dps or tanker or even support…other class is not needed in game…Somehow not every ppl taking sadhu is for their dmg…everyone know sadhu get nerf so hard…

But still as a sadhu player…The developer are well come to buff us…they nerf us too hard…we have to change our playstyle and meta to fit the game…

Oh nah, i didnt really mean AoE Attack Ratio. What i meant was giving OoB a bigger AA hitbox, just the AoE (not ratio). As of now, mobs can be easily missed and its kinda annoying.

I knew they nerfed attack speed and hidden buff, but didnt know about the attack area nerf… seems like huge overkill all at once.

just got to sadhu c2, and ive gotta say, possesionis rlly strong

they broke our right arm — oob
they also broke the left — possesion

yup… it is… only problem is getting hit and having it cancelled but it still is good because of the nice cooldown

Tyler, does it really snare monsters?

it snares some of them… i think 5 at lvl 5

I know it’s like 25 posts up… but can confirm Divine Stigma does an increase damage thing outside increasing INT, in fact it doesn’t increase your INT or STR at all since the buff no longer applies directly to your body when you’re in OOB. What I mean is the buff used to apply to your main body and stay there until the duration was up whether you teleported out of OOB or w.e. Now if you cast divine stigma in OOB and kill a mob the buff only lasts for as long as you’re in OOB.

Is that clear?

Could mean it’s intended to work differently with OOB?

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ive only gotten it cancelled 2 time, and ive used it atleast 20 times.
when monsters ae chaasing me i just turn around and use possesion, when they walk in fron tof me they get locked inside the circle and die.

it snares 5 at lvl 5, i think large monsters take up 2 spots

I take it that the amount of snared monsters won’t change (?).

Depends on their aoe defenses. And big mobs just tend to have a higher value.

But possession description doesn’t even mention AOE Attack Ratio… I think it really is just a FLAT 5 monsters and that their size are probably ignored

If Divne Stigma works in such a unique way while in OoB then I’d think the best way to use it would be to use it before going into OoB and once more while u are in OoB.

Say, does it maybe even stack when used multiple times while in OoB?