Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan can we please get a comment if it is intended that Divine Stigma (Krivis Skill) buffs the Sadhus Damage while under OutOfBody? We are not talking about the intended INT increase but about what seems to be a high MATK hidden buff.

It seems krivis is the way to go for sadhu, but just might just be a bug again that you will remove with a patch and that will completely mess up a few months of gaming (Likr you die with Transmit Prana)

It really feels like that a lot, eh? Sometimes when I need to update the compendium I wait a solid week and the exact opposite information comes out. IMC has a ton on their plate right now and it seems like debugging one specific class is a bit low on the list. Hell, Druid Transformation still has broken attributes and that’s not even touching on the unfinished design in general. I really feel like this game (and the Sadhu class) will be in a great place in about a year from now. Well-wishing ahoy!

This is dangerous. The class was already extremely strong prior to the damage and attack speed nerfs. I really like the Sadhu class as a single target DPS class. The amusing part is if you gave us unlimited AoE attack ratio I think it would be perfectly balanced (IF THE DAMAGE STAYED THE SAME). We’d be able to put out consistent but not crazy damage to large mob packs. Would really change the way Sadhu’s were played in dungeon runs. No more need for a linker to make us reliable AoE.

Am I the only one who sees his name as @BlueByu? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Honestly, if the issues with the class are really bothering you, I think you should choose another class until IMC gets around to fixing Sadhu’s. Or if you don’t like any other classes, just take a break and come back when the class is more to your liking. I know this is a shitty solution (I just want to play my Sadhu all day every day) but when it comes to your own gaming experience, do what is best for you. Don’t ruin your ToS experience like me (C2-Priest2-Pala3). I hate everything. Just check back in later, man. There’s always another chance.

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lol my name used to e tyler and everyone started calling me tyler so i changed my name bcuz it iis my ingame name. and i dont think oob needs a dmg buff, i think it needs a attack speed buff to get rid of most (if not al) the delay

With a linker, cure will do the trick already, actually xD
Ok, maybe for flying mobs. Well, actually I rather use hex-effigy for these then with additional OoB for mobs with large hp pools.

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so im thinking about doing a sadhu right now but im confused with the build after reading a lot of post. i think i quite like the c3 sadhu 3 idea since i dont find any good of going kriv besides zaibas, and i think maxing heal/cure would be much better for me and the party in general. i dont quite like druids, i didnt found anything what interested me. so the build i made myself -> cleric 3 sadhu 3 (i think theyre gonna rework/buff sadhu’s c3 sooner or later and this is not gonna be my main char atm so i can wait) Kabalist.

so my question is, whats exactly the point on going kriv c2 since the only usefull skill is zaibas?

divine stigma increases ur int by almost 50 for a while, that will increase ur oob dmg by a lot. and cleric c3 isnt that “good” guardian is not good, and going 3 ranks of cleric? at rank 3 u will ahve to fight a lot of flying monsters. sadhu c3 is lacking too, i dont think they wil lre work transmit if they cant even rework oob.

okay then, whats the benefits on going kriv 2 and not cleric 3, is there any skill USEFULL besides zaibas? and cant cure lvl 15 do the same job than zaibas lvl 10?

i dont care too much about being stucked bcuz i cant soloing cause i can always play with friends thats not a issue

thanks for the answers

Edit: oh aight i got it divine stigma is a krivis c2 and increase my dmg, got it, didnt realized that u answer my question, sorry for that

Do note that the damage increase from divine stigma might or might not be a bug. We have yet to receive any real confirmation from the staffs.

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You’re not wrong at all here. Cure is dope af. I actually find it wildly entertaining how well Cure scales into the current late game. However, so are Zaibas and Carnivory and Owl Statues and hexigy. God I love that word.

But honestly, take a second and think about how OoB would fit into your DPS kit right now if it didn’t have a limited AoE attack ratio. How many times have you pulled a full room of mobs (like 15+) only to OoB 2 of them at a time? How many dungeon runs have you been queue’d into where there’s just no linker and no other classes that bring any AoE? Some of those dungeon runs can take absolutely forever. How many times have groups of 3+ monsters spawned in an area you were farming and OoB attacks them in a strange order that seems to follow no rules?

I’m not saying this is what Sadhu’s need. I’m not even saying I want it for the class myself. What I am saying is that I don’t think anyone has ever brought it up before and that’s hilarious. We’ve had discussions about whether or not Vubbe Gauntlets increase our attack ratio (we know they don’t) but the next logical leap towards an unlimited AoE was never made. Who knows, maybe this would be an appropriate change to the class that doesn’t tamper with the current attack speed or damage. Just my two cents. Hopefully someone at IMC is thinking about these things for the future (like a year from now).

I know ~Tyler~ already answered your question regarding divine stigma but there’s a few other things to consider as well.

  1. Aukuras (10) is actually a fairly strong skill. -12.5 seconds on regen tics at lvl 10 is really sexy.
  2. Daino (10) is an overkill on the buffs but it’s an option if late-game becomes very buff-laden when we get more ranks.
  3. You can put 1 point in Zalciai, max it’s +crit attribute, and with zero extra spirit you can provide 112 crit to your party. That’s not shabby at all.
  4. Zaibas doesn’t get it’s Splash damage attribute until rank 2. This is the only thing that prevents half of your Zaibas tics from going to waste in dungeon runs if you’re in a high DPS group. Also, who doesn’t want to kill things quicker?
  5. Divine Stigma… you got this one already.

it is a bug, and will be patched. but even without the bug, divine stigma can boost ur oob dmg

You know how to make people jelly? By telling them that I’m always playing together with my linker 3 slave, Linking 11 mobs for me! In duns, big fields with many mobs, on Missions Linking the bosses for me, everywhere <3

Linking spreads Hexing quite efficient and just one cure usually kills them all. OoB in a SZ spamming with lv10 effigy kills the bosses then (with occasionally dropping a cure ofc). Since I’m bokor2, I’m pretty agile after all. Later I will add possession to the Set then. Actually, going Bokor3 would be a decent option as well but Im in love with linked hangman possession since cbt2 :wink:

TBH, I’m post 200 and all I can say is, I rarely use any of the Sadhu skills other than possession. OOB just isn’t worth it at this point, there’s a delay where it shoots the spirit out of you and sometimes goes too far. I think there’s a way to make it spawn on top of you but I don’t actually know how. Its damage is also way too low.
My rotation is cure, carnivory, heal, safety zone, possession, or something along those lines. By the time I’m done with that rotation the skills are generally already off cd, and all of those skills do more damage than OOB. In higher level grind and dungeons, you need to be close to your tank so you can emergency heal on top of them, and standing still in OOB is fairly detrimental to that.
After you get telepath from Druid, you won’t ever use possession in pvp, since people can just dispeller it and take advantage of you standing still channeling it if even for a split second.
I kind of regret taking Sadhu at this point, should have just gone Bokor, Diev or Krivis instead, at least I’d use more than 1 skill for pve and 1 skill for pvp from those 3 classes.

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Overall sadhu’s an ok class.

Currently c2 is good because of possession. i has low cooldown and high damage/.

c3 is not really worth it… transmit prana is BAD because of the cooldown… not because it is a support skill but because it has a low uptime and its channeling (correct me if i am wrong). moreover the buff in possession damage is not that useful because you have other better options than buffing the damage. with its cooldown you can recast.

now the quandary is everyone wants the best but that’s not a fun game.

sadhu still has potential.

The sad thing with a diverse tree of characters is balance. so I guess we need to wait for nerf hammers to hit and for the meta to change.

so far as a pve character. sadhu is solid

funny thing is that someone pointed out early in the thread that you need to mix it up and I guess that still stands.
sadhu is not just sadhu…
right now i’m still struggling if i should c3 cleric with a c2 sadhu

curious thing about divine stigma is it has a good cooldown… 36 seconds ain’t bad
and kirvis 2 has meltis and zaibas splash…

Transmit Prana is an instant cast skill. The simulator video is out of date.

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Off topic but oh no you didn’t like Pala? D:

I did the same thing and used to be a Sadhu. It’s a different play style entirely and not -that- bad depending on your stat route. Certainly not going to be filling that DPS role like before melting multiple Harugals and Lepus Bunny with a single Zaibas. FeelsBalancedMan

I mean, I’m playing a full SPR Paladin and loving it tbh. But I’m also planning on doing a Full CON Wiz 3 > Linker 3 next, so maybe I’m just a masochist?

oh ok…

awesome… but kinda still not worth it…
cooldown still too long.
maybe a buff or two might help it.