Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Level 5 Divine Stigma, +43 INT. 43 INT = 1.8k damage boost? No.

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its not real its his ideas for a patch, the last one wont be inplemented, i they wornt rebuff sadhu, then who really thinks they will rebuff transmit?

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Either way it is pretty impractical to use now. Need to rely on bosses’ traps or minions.

True. I just hope they just buff OoB damage(maybe slightly lower when its hidden buffed), increase its attack speed and increase its AoE. Also fix whats going on with some maces give more damage than rods and remove stupid hidden buffs entirely.

Its sad to see that my favorite ToS class is in this state :frowning:

the “hidden buff” is most likey going to be gone soon. it seems imc hates hidden buffs, if they got rid of the other one, why would they keep this one?

Currently, sadhu might feel underwhelming but i feel like sadhu is used to compliment your current dps as a dps cleric.

Gotta agree, how do we know this combo won’t be removed in a same way as the debuff combo & transmit prana were?

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only change i want 4 sadhu is oob attack speed.
idc too much about transmit bcuz its a c3 skill, and bcuz its the only c3 skill.
like, its c3, you arent forced to go there to get to more circles of sadhu, and its the only c3 skill, if there was another c3 skill, we would have a reason to go c3, but bcuz c3 is only transmit, and transmit is bad, idc about c3.
im actually pretty glad its bad bcuz it leads more options so i can go druid. if transmit did double ur dmg then that would absically be saying “u have to go c3 or ur oob dmg will be bad”, what if i want to go druid though? “idc sadhu c3 is a must for oob dmg!” so yeah, the fact that its a c3 makes me pretty happy, its basically like sadhu only has 2 circles.

and 1 more thing, b4 julie sent us the video, nobody said anything about transmit. after she sent us the video, everyone when apeshit and started changing their builds to go c3. now that they know it doesnt do what they expected, everyone is going even more apeshit saying that transmit needs a buff and that oob is useless without it, just bc it didnt reach ur espectations -.- . i remember when i was talking about how oob needed a buff and everyone was like “ur just mad it didnt reach ur expectations” "ur stuck in sadhus op past " ( btw i didnt play ToS when sadhu was “Op”, so im not stuck in its op past, and i wasnt mad bcuz i knew i could just re roll) so y is tht?

Because Tyler. When you reveal a skill that hasn’t been played around with or even shown, you go on a theorycrafting spree on what it sounds like. It’s presumptuous, but we have to see one way or another what T.Prana actually did. I’m not gonna blame Julie for not knowing every ninja patch the devs may slide into the game, but people believed when she gave us information about it that it had to be definitive. It’s like when people first got to Rank 7 and played around with PD and realized the class made everyone super sterile and relatively effect immune.

Hell, even I was planning on going Sadhu C3 to play around with the skill. If it sucked, since it was my experimentive Cleric anyway, there’d be no harm no foul and I could warn others to the punch. Bla beat me to it though, and found what the skill currently is: Honestly trash due to a ninja patch. This may change in the future, and honestly it should seeing as having a skill you can’t even interact with is like having a Wizard Spell only others can cast.

1.8k boost??? Seriously? Wow…

Not per hit. 600x3. I wish it was per hit tho. :cry:

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It looks like hasty coding once more lead to the devs forgetting about some small details. Once they get to know of it, they will surely fix it since there is no logical reason why this buff should exist in the first place.

Golden rule, when things look too random, they are most likely not intended or finished in the first place. Logic and continuity are usually the aim for balancing and yet completely missing in that Spaghetti code IMC calls Tree of Savior.


Well, fix or not it doesn’t affect my build at all. I just want IMC to be more precise and informative when it comes to description/tooltips.

OoB is one hit that is visually split into three. You can prove this by working out the formula and noting that magic defense is only counted once.

Another Day, another major bug with Sadhus.

Honestly, it makes me want to give up on the class. Why should we bother trying to play this class when:

A: It’s not where it needs to be in terms of viability
B: It is plagued with dozens of bugs, some major, many minor.

They’ve fixed a total of one bug (Which broke Transmit Prana anyway?) since iCBT2 over 6 months ago. Dozens remain. Sadhu’s are in the same state in kToS… What possible reason would I have to believe anything is going to change?

They can’t optimise a relatively low-GFX game. It only runs on a single CPU. Dungeons are in a constant state of broken-unbroken-broken. After a month of release and nearly half a year of kToS, there are still daily random DC’s. I’m an Australian player, and I get a higher ping on Telsiai than Klaipeda.

A small insight into game development: Every time a bug is identified by the QA team, it is assigned a priority (High/Medium/Low) etc. Financial exploits and major crashes such as Commanderload Fail are the absolute highest priority, whereas QOL changes and small visual bugs are medium and low.

Right now ToS has hundreds of bugs that affect everyone including a lot of crash and DC bugs. Compared to all that, the bugs that affect one in 80 classes are much lower priority. And considering that it’s been 6 months since iCBT2 and they still can’t make the game stable, tells me that it will be a very very, long time before they start to fix our issues.

It is certainly possible that IMC will turn around and prove me wrong. They have repeatedly showed that they do listen to and care about customer feedback. But they have also shown themselves incapable of fixing major issues, that have been demanded by much larger sections of the community.

Well that was a depressing rant, but it had to be said. TLDR: Don’t be optimistic about buffs or fixes for Sadhu.


Still going C3.
The exit choices for C3 are Plague and Kaballist.
Full ints have no health, Kaballist doubles health Kaballist C3 Ein Sof should be able to be permanently maintained as well.

Earth tower 10F boss is dropping 5-8k hits. Full Int Cleric has 7708 base health at 280. Level 5 Ein Sof is 100% bonus which brings to 14016 Base health before any items Which immediately takes you out of 1 hit issues at the same time if you group with a Linker who uses LifeLine you’re already giving like 360+ Int to the party

I wonder if you Transmit that to the mage if they’ll get even more or if you Transmit your Int and then a Linker links your stats if your Int will be reset to match the Mages Transmit prana boosted Int.

Plus Im Cleric C3, so My heal squares already do 5%x14 squares for 70% health return x2 overheat bare minimum before my Int/magic attack.

I can comfortably heal from the back, wont be one shot and can OOB from across the screen seperating myself from most of a bosses attacks.
Hmmmmm. Simultaneously drop the enemy def 30% for the Archer while having the Elementalist boosted for a bit so they can nuke harder.

Spirit has terrible aoe anyways.

So as a Full Int I’ll have synergy with Linkers in that they can link my large amount of Int (which has already happened in parties), they can also give me other party members Con, and I can double my health anyways (which IIRC Ein sof can also be shared by a Linker). Might not even need a tank later when a Linker and I can boost party health so damn much while I sit out of boss range and can heal while increasing party dps with my defense reduction.

Oh and ABE is still ass, all I do is knockback enemies towards the party if (assuming we have a Swashbuckler) there are some that are outside of our aoes.

@Cecil I mean. Yeah, basically. Hate to say it, but Sadhu is gonna have to kinda sit tight and wait till the game’s not broken till they get fixes.

@Delcas That’s a pretty neat idea party comp wise. But you’re basically entirely reliant on having a c3 Linker in your group at all times. Which, if you make friends with a Linker 3 that’s always on that works.

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Even without a Linker C3 you’ll still be a Kabbalist and Ein sof will double your health which removes the whole “didnt build con” issue.
Linker C3 basically allows me to get a lot more efficient, but if they aren’t there I can still buff myself and then Transmit to the mage to make them a better dps.

So, I made my sahu. I like it, but does anyone else feel the attack area should be wider? Just seems kind of narrow and hard to hit anything sometimes…

Yup the AoE is nerfed.