Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Vashita is what is useful ?
I can not cast another spell or attack when I use it, and I struggle to see if the debuff is really cool or not ( PvE )

Its a cheap swash Buckling for mobs too far away ;D

Thankyou for you response @Staff_Julie, that was a really important clarification. It’s also comforting to see recognition from IMC on the issue!

Should we make a seperate thread or just reply here? I wouldn’t want it all to get lost in the huge amount of posts here. Anyway, i’ll start. My personal patch notes for Sadhu!

  • Poison and bleed damage no longer interrupt Oob.
  • Vashita Siddhi is now a buff (or toggle?) that can be used while moving and attacking in Oob.
  • Possession can now only be interrupted by pushback and knockdown skills (not any damage as prior)
  • Transmit Prana can now be used on your spirit form. (It was actually really well designed before! And if the damage boost is too high, it can always be reduced.)

Thats all you need to do!

I think I heard of bloodletting not canceling OoB anymore (didn’t prove that myself tho)

Thats exactly how it worked in CBT for a while! Well, Since you’re looking into one directIon being open for any attacks from any direction, making only that skill working like that again would be fairly acceptable. The problem is, all channelings of all classes are using the same mechanic. And it might cause the Client to crash again if IMC didn’t solve the ‘getting stuck’ bug.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian
Can somebody please comment if this is an intended effect. Are you guys aware that Divine Stigma raises the spirits attack by that much?

From now on I will always ask one of you guys on how the skill is SUPPOSED to work cause I dont want to ■■■■ up another level 178 character…

Some screenies for comparison.

First screenshot. Sledgehammer, 191 MATK, about 1400x3.

Second screenshot. Corona Rod, 252 MATK, about 1300x3.

Corona Rod has 51 more MATK yet Sledgehammer still do about 300 more damage with um… lets just call it “buff” for now.



OoB seems to consume Divine Stigma entirely too.


Great. Is it time for me to forget everything I know about this class again?

What’s the bonus damage from upgrades on the corona rod?

I’ll completely take a break from the game and check back in a few months or so. Its just no fun getting false information on skills…

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Thats ridiculous!

In the end I should had better followed the build I had in cbt2 I guess.

If Thats not a bug, that is.

…how much total matk? Im having 550 to 650 here, doing around 450 dmg per hit.

I have 1007 MATK and I do about 600-700 per hit on monsters around my level. OoB attribute is level 30.

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Thanks for the heads up!

What level is your divine stigma?

Level 5. I’ve actually respec it from level 1 thinking that it will further increase my damage but apparently the “buff” doesn’t work that way. Kind of wasted a skill reset there :worried:

So, its okay to have it on level 1? What about the duration? Does the duration matter or is the buff never lost due to OoBs unique mechanic?

The duration on the marked target increases, giving you more time to proc it. And so far the buff is only lost when OoB is cancelled. Don’t really know if there is a duration tho.


Geez BlaXun, dont get ya hopes up! You know what will happen if you’re naive enough to reroll your sadhu? The devs will solve the bug as soon as you got your sadhu, thats a promise!



I just get sadhu C3, i dont come that far to change everything and just go druid… what i can say, my possession will hit harder than never know, and i think i will put Vashita Siddhi on max level, reduce 75 of all stats can be really usefull…
OOB I will use just to pretend I’m a little more useful than I really am, lol

Sorry, where did you get this information from? Thanks.

That Divine Stigma definitely triggered the ‘hidden buff’ because that much INT increase from DS shouldnt give that much damage bonus.

@Pearss I extensively play Sadhu in iCBTs, made few Sadhus. It seems the unknown mace bonus damage is still there. Not entirely sure why.

damage based on int… and divine stigma gives alot of int