Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

I’ll just leave this here…


What? Idk if I get what you are trying to say…

Every skill triggers cooldown/overheat when canceled. All channeled skills I used so far triggers cooldown on cast (same goes for Psychic Pressure and Hell Breath).

If yours haven’t, you either were not actually casting the skill while being hit yet due to lag or it is a bug on iCBT.

I was talking about if canceled OFC. The whole time. I assumed that was clear.

OFC every skill goes into CD after starting, but unlike channelings, most of them wont get disturbed by incoming attacks if not too heavy. And sometimes you weren’t even possible to cast these skills because of too many incomings, but even if you spammed the skill really hard and you heard your character hearing calling the skillname, it wont go into cooldown unless it was casted for sure.

If you try that now with any channeling, (using while being attacked) it will not only get canceled, it will go into CD immediately due to the change.

The only way to cancel all skills back then (cure, zaibas & channelings) were knockback and heavy doubleattacks like from these spinning gizardon.

So if the intention is to nerf an overpowered skill like possession (like many people here agree for, apparently) then NOT by changing how an entire tree of skills in their basics are working and not wasting any more thoughts about it. You’d rather look at the skill as a single one and adjust some mechanics like, making the skill cancelable after the initializing animation or going into cd only after that for example.

after doing some research about another class, a lot have change especially on rank 5 and 6 which some skill had remove to next rank…and i think i’ll keep trying on sadhu build…i just sad that none of the rank 7 class have synergy with sadhu :frowning:
the very suitable for sadhu are druid c2, well its because chrort and throfl, with lv 10 of carnivore…


Kabbalist should work fairly well with Sadhu. For example you will be able to cast Merkaba from range while using OOB. Or use it to aggro monsters from a distance, into your pre-cast Possession (to avoid hit cancel). It’s actually one of the few ranged spells of the Cleric branch, so it’s very valuable.

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i dont have a clue of how sadhu-kabalist work because change of sadhus play and no video sadhu-kabalist on youtube…if we look on merkaba, that is a area ground skill, so when we are at oob and use merkaba, we cant move (same condition as channeling skill) until we have done click some area…and merkaba cd are quite long

Well, nothing different with chortasmata actually. Casting that wont interrupt oob for too long.

Rejoice on Chortasmata back to circle 1, thanks to our beloved contributor Disc, Druid might still be a thing for Sadhu. Yeah, Sterea seems to stay at circle 2, we couldn’t have both.

with this, my sadhu build become more clearly :joy:
its sad strea still at c2, but with plague doctor class, i think the damage and survivability will work very well…

Are you gonna take Bokor C1 in your sadhu/druid/PD?

no, i dont…i prefer to take cleric C2 or krivis C2…
its like cleric - krivis - cleric - sadhu - sadhu - druid - PD/druid C2 (well still thinking to maximize carnivore)

Thats fine though it would be kinda abusive for all druids best skills to be in circle 1.

Now my main dilemma is between Krivis C2 and Cleric C2.
Fade, 10-tile heal and cure are good.
On the other hand, lv 10 Diano for late game, Divine Stigma is not bad but won’t scale later on. Lv 10 Zaibas and Lv 10 Cure are pretty much the same later on with Zaibas being a bit more flexible.

What do you guys think? What would support Clerics usually go cause I want to be different from them so we don’t overlap our buff in a group scenario.

If you want to synergize better with support Clerics go Krivis2/3. Support Clerics don’t really have room to take more than Krivis1 if they take Krivis at all. You will provide high level Daino and Zalciai as party support. Also Stigma if you took that.

Also the insane flexibility of Zaibas is just really nice for any good INT dps build. I’d personally take Zaibas 10 in any such build.

I see. I was really torn since I already went Krivis C2. Didn’t want to remake even it is just a lv 7x toon xD
Honestly, I would love to have Heal lv 10 for both healing and burst in big boss. Cure lv 10 scales just as well as Zaibas given Zaibas can hit flying unit. Not too mention Fade and stuff :
But I guess Krivis C2 can fill a niche role with high lv Diano and Divine Stigma since Krivis C3 will be a rare beast.

Krivis c3 are anything but rare. Well there might be slightly less due to heal nerf but krivis c3 is one of the more common routes for int clerics.
Most druids will have krivis c3 and probably a couple plagues docs will be c3 krivis.

Hmm, I thought 1 circle of Sadhu is recommended with Druid, and 1 circle or more of Bokor for PD.
Personally, as posted on the PD thread, I planned to go Cleric C2 -> Krivis C2 -> Bokor C1 -> Sadhu C1 -> PD. That was before Druid’s Chrotasmata added back to C1.

Now I wants to go Cleric C1 -> Krivis C2 -> Bokor C1 -> Sadhu C1 -> Druid C1 -> PD.
Is it too greedy or having a glaring weakness for late game? I would appreciate any insight since I didn’t get high enough on iCBT to test everything myself. My reason for this build is Hexing for Pandemic + Effigy Spam and auto from Sadhu when everything is in CD. Is the nerfed Sadhu’s oob still good ?

It’s defensively very weak tbh. No sterea trofh, fade or mackangdal means you likely won’t be able to spam oob while you have agro/are solo. (zombies/tet should help, but likely won’t be enough)
I’d recommend getting at least cleric2, bokor2 or druid2 and ditching something else for it. Likely PD since it offers very little for sadhu builds imo.

Offensively it should be very good, esp for teams with a proper tank.

Yes, it is very offensive-oriented.
I regret deeply not going Cleric C 2 for fade. I went C2 Krivis :frowning:
Thou, for Oob, i think zombie and tet should help some.
PD is the reason i went this path. Later on, I will probably just rotate between Zalcial + Hex+pandemic+Incineration+Effigy (20s CD Combo) and Zaibas + Canivory + Safety Wall + Astral Explosion + cure + Oob attack (30s CD combo). That’s why I only have 1 defensive CD for OoB which is Safety Wall.
Glass cannon life is tough man :\

does any1 have video of sadhus oob in action at kr obt? how fast is it now?