Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Plague Doctor Thread

Didn’t get a point but if you have 2 Priests in a party and you activated Revive once another Priest may reapply it so you remain safe.

Look at the video of skills here and tell me what you see.

After using pandemic, the debuff duration on the new infected enemy will be the same as the current time on the previously infected enemy?

Or will it reapply the debuff with full duration?

It will reapply with full duration, look closely at the video here

Edit: @zhouyu47 yeah, my bad, misread numbers. It does not refresh duration

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It doesn’t appear to do that. The original duration is 28sec, it counts down to 23sec, and then on pandemic the 2nd target has 23sec. It looks like it’s the current time, meaning that a mob affected by Discerning Evil could have it’s status spread at the same time, which is nice.

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i mean like this
When under Revive buff duration i’m suppose to be death, and the buff dissapear, prevent me from death and gain HP recovery + Invicble.
after that i stay alive waiting for next revive cooldown.
Then i cast revive again.
So my question : the 2nd revive buff i use will prevent me from death ? and do it again and again make me immortal :smile:
or i must totally dead 1st to use another revive buff ?

That’s was OP, the buff didn’t dissapear.
But the damage still apply


I think you’re not getting it xD

There are 2 different spells, revive and ressurrection.

Ressurrection will ressurrect someone that is already dead.

Revive will apply a buff while you still alive, if you would die under the buff of revive, it will consume the buff and prevent you from dying, and will automatically heals you, so you don’t actually die

Yeah i know.
Revive skill ( i.e level 5 )
Hp Recovery 25%, Invicible for 5s, Duration 90s, Cooldown 120s

I mean like this.
1st i’m cast revive buff, the duration 90s. So it’s mean under 90s if i getting hit more than my HP, the buff will prevent me from death, my hp will stay at 1HP then give me 25% hp recovery and invicible for 5s.

So for Example condition, while i’m under buff duration, let’s say that at 80s buff duration i get hit by boss skill more than my hp. The buff dissapear and i’m not death. Cooldown 120s - 80s - Invicible 5s = so there’s 35s until i can recast the buff.
What i mean, while waiting the cooldown, i’m kitting the boss and stay alive. after 35s cooldown gone.

My question is : can i recast the buff ? and prevent me from death again ( under 90s duration of the buff )
and if that can be done, so i can do it again and again under that circumstance. It’s mean i’ll immortal.
or i can’t ? like somehow i must die / change channel / change map, etc before recast that buff again ?

You can use it again, once the cooldown is over.

Lol, no wonder you made our brains explode. Obviously you can recast and be ‘immortal’ for duration again, it’s the point of the skill. Although I can imagine some weird bug making you unable to.

LOL that’s will OP then if combine will Plague ailment prevention.

Add to that Chronomancer/Diev that are able to reduce your cooldowns timers (Diev statue by 20%[-24sec] and Chrono ‘Pass’ [-25sec]). Someone correct me if I’m wrong here.


Where’s your God now?!

By the by, something I’ve noticed all round since PD got revealed a lot of people are excited about bokor as a staple of PD, so I feel I should point out that when I was playing bokor, I couldn’t effigy mobs hexed by another bokor without hexing them myself. This means it’s possible thats effigy is tied to a tagging property of the hex skill and not the curse debuff itself.


Probably it’s tied just to “who applied”, if it was poison dmg, for instance, the one who applied it would score the kill in PvP

So maybe it just checks “is someone hexed by the player?” if so, effigy works

Yeah I’m not saying it definitely won’t work. Just that it can go either way at this point.

Bloodletting looks kind of hard to use, if you use it on allies, the bleed tick would cancel casting and be a pain for certain classes, and using it on enemies makes them immune to further debuffs.

Wuff, is it true ?
it’ll be damn fool skill then

No its not true,the bleed is a condition for using Bloodletting.

Well, looking at videos now, the bleed doesn’t tick, and doesn’t cause flinch, so this won’t be a problem. It just very slowly counts your HP down.

Any confirmation if discerning evil works with incineration yet?

This question is so important. How come since 30 days , no one have test it?
There are really no pardoner on kobt?
If you are in a guild ask your pardoner friend to test that on a mob!
I know there are lot of PD, i dont think it would be a problem to find a pardoner.
Or if u dont have time, just ask in the chat general as i said on another thread. An answer please if possible.

@zhouyu47 said he would test it himself, but considering that he stopped showing up, maybe he stopped playing for some reason :confused:

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