Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Inquisitor's Thread

Based on the description given, it can only affect one enemy?

That i assume so but not 100% sure though.

Judgement then turn undead. 1 hit KO. nice tree of cleric, IMC.

With the current videos we see so far, it’s gonna be hard. Gotta admit that Inquist c2 is heavily leaned to pvp.

Wish we can Iron maiden rexi or mirtis

Inquisitor since his first rank is strongly focused on PvP, with no news to me in that regard. And probably according to his skills already seen on the base date C3 will maintain that focus.

Judgement is also a must have for a zoo build. Though I’m not sure if it’s worth the hassle with it only being 5 minions max now and whatever bugs it might still have.

Divine Stigma also deals +50% dmg vs demons with its new attribute, but 84% skill factor on a magic fire dot that lasts for 60s seems kind of underwhelming. (no idea on tick rate though.)

Eh, you can build Inquis PVE builds, one possible is with Chaplain, high AOE attack ratio, and 20 in the ‘burn’ attribute. Malleus and Breaking Wheel are great general PVE tools as well.

I agree that the class is certainly focused on PVP, but there are some options to explore.

I would assume most PVE Monks will opt for Zealot2, for AOE and burst potential, instead of Inquis.

True, ever since the information regarding zealot’s skill to be aligned to physical damage, a lot of clerics are jumping to be one.

what can a zealot2 do that a falconer3 cant?

at least inquisitor might be able to pvp 1 combo kill with iron maiden

They are going to nerf that 100%…lol that’s no debate.

new inquisitor here, should i go 120 dex rest str or Full dex?

edit: cleric 2 priest 2 paladin 3 inq


If you’re suffering from a bad case of lag and a lot of lag, don’t bother with full dex.

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Full DEX only makes sense if you are getting Monk for double punch for the attack speed. That build would benefit from more STR.

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turn undead has a low chance of 1 hit koing, its not op lol

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Planning to continue with a Chap-Inq. Anything good that comes with Inq 2 PVE-wise? Does Wheel 10, Malleus 10, and GS 10 make sense?

Malleus - Probably since you are chaplain but I do consider it a overboard, since Malleus 5 is enough to keep the debuff up. If you want the extra damage, then yes.

God Smash - Questionable, since you are chaplain. You won’t get much damage, unless you are a physical based DPS. You can throw extra points in here though.

Breaking Wheel - Same as God Smash but the damage boost per increase in level is minuscule. Other Inquist just leave it to 1 or 5 or something.

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Thanks for the response Heurin! I currently have a C3>P3>Chap>Inq, and given the upcoming balancing changes, I tweaked my Priest and Chap skills like this:

Any recommendations on what would be a good R9 for this? Thanks!

Probably Zealot. Been reading a lot of OPness of them in this thread:


Other class? Krivis due to the changes to aukura and daino.

Sorry, what about Aukuras and Daino?:slight_smile:

There are changes regarding these skills.

Aukura now gives you a line of damage, akin to sacrament but only fire damage.

Daino gives magic damage when attack something but I do know that it will no longer function to increase buff limit. In fact, it will be removed.

Alright ignored the krivis suggestion

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