Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Inquisitor's Thread


I just tested in the Crystal Mine Mission (those totems have 100) and they do get one shot

If anyone with pear lvl1 could test how many hits for 1 pear (on furniture at siaulai, on vubbe flag in xmines or dg290 orb).

It’s starting to remind me of the old QS3 falconer3 aiming caltrop issue -> amount of hits. Though pear procs on expiration. :confused:

Question on inquisitor skills, is it better to get godsmash4 malleus1 or godsmash1 malleus4? physical dex>con build currently gs1 mm1 pear5 wheel5.
I am considering MM4 for longer debuff/silence but would like some advice.

It’s been mentioned several times :stuck_out_tongue: Malleus 4

If you’re PvE, Malleus 4. If you want PvP, GS 4.

@tampon @Wrathior thanks, will backread a bit. missed those snippets of info from this thread.

Guys, hi !!! I was reading allll the texts in this “guide” and i was thinking about to do this build:

DEX/CON 2:1…

Is this good for pvp and some sup on dgs ??? Just don’t like monk =oX !!! Sorry, but I’m newbie… Back to the game just right now after some months…

Tks again !


Best weapon for inquisitor FULL DEX before getting 315 weapon:

  • Five hammer with 5 yellow gems or 5 red gems?
  • Other weapon ?!?!?

And tell why please, ty in advance.

Depends on your build,gears and funds. I have a 5* Red gem Five Hammer and I’d say it’s good if you have a decent level of Heal&Cure to help you leveling up.
The problem I face is that due to my “low” DEX of around 260 base (without Monstrance), I can’t really crit often so yellow gems would be a waste. If you have the funds for two Sissels, 7-8 10* Ellaganos cards and enough DEX, yellow gems seem to be the better alternative, as they add a flat amount of damage to your crits instead of creating a huge variable damage margin which also affects your crit damage in a bad way.

However, the main problem you might be facing if you go with yellow gems is that your base attack with Five Hammer will be really low. Every level and every DEX adds only 1 point of base damage, so your total minimum attack will be like 700-900 while maximum attack will be around 100-200 damage higher(maybe a little higher with headgears&red gems in a shield/dagger) around level 280-300+.

This value is then added to your skill attack and on crit multiplied by 1,5 times. After this multiplication, the crit attack from the yellow gems is added. Let’s say we autoattack for 1k attack and land a crit, we have 1,5k damage + 5x270 (the critattack value for 5 5* yellow gems)= 2850 damage.

With a five 5* Red Gem Hammer we have an attack of ~800-1900.
The average damage would be ~1350 on autoattack hit, which would result in ~2025 damage average when critting. The value is lower, but we still have about 450 average damage advantage in contrast to the yellow gems if the attack does not crit, because you won’t get the crit attack bonus on non-crit attacks. I’d say that if your critrate is above 40%, it’s better to invest in yellow gems as their damage won’t fluctuate so much and gives you a stable base damage, especially on autoattacks.

I don’t know that much about the Inquisitor skills and if they all can crit or not; you’d better look for some more assistance here xD

There’s also the option of that Iron Fist which some people use to cover the range from 220-315+ because of the more stable damage and higher durability, as well as a better increase in damage if you go for weapon maintenance buff.

Hi all,

Need advice in ET/GVG/PVP build. Would the below mention scale well? Would there be any concerns going Cleric for one circle.

Cleric C1-> Priest C1-> Dev C3 -> oracle -> Kabba -> Inq

Thanks and regards

ET wise, you’re gonna need a second cleric with probably rank 2 to heal the team.

That’s the ET setup our group had been using.

Hi, i’m cleric 2 diev 3 priest 1, is it a good idea to go kabba inqui if my stats are 100 con rest INT? or inqui needs a DEX build?

also does someone has a diev inqui build?

Nekorin made a guide regarding diev-inquist type. Just go search the cleric thread for it.

Kabba->Inquist. Seems good. Inquist skills alone chugged a lot of MP. Before the rank 8 class, my cleric rarely get its SP to half-empty.

What stats would you guys use for Pala3 Inqui?
Full dex?

Chaplain burn inquisitor after field mob adjustment.

Mob HP and def went down some.


On the discussion on gems: what would be recommendable for off-hand gem? Green (for crit) or Red (for PAtk)?

I would say if you can get to 650 give or take crit rate, then go red, if not, go green

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Hey, can anyone give me any opinion about this build o:?
(stats : full spr)

i have this build in full INT and i love it. but i dont know what better is full int or full SPR?

Either he got really lucky or something changed , seems a lot more than 20% But nice for chap to at least be able to keep up with all the bs at r8