Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] I Foresee an Oracle Thread

[quote=“mrshadowccg, post:47, topic:288680”]
The buff is only going to last 10 seconds and have a cooldown of 25. If you can’t afford to take it at least to level 4 (to have 100% uptime), then it’s probably not worth spending points on it at all.

10 seconds is so short you’ll eventually give up on casting it so you don’t have to go through the casting animation of ~1 second.

But I would still recommend you to either max prophecy or not take it at all. 5 seconds more duration is very welcome in a 25 seconds duration buff (skill level 4 compared to level 5).
[/quote]Oh, I thought leveling it only increased the number of stacks. Alright then, thanks for the info.

I guess it’s viable to just not take it entirely because Counterspell still exists, but still, is Prophecy that good? I have a hard time seeing how it’s meant to be useful in PvM.

(And yeah, Change lv1 is only there for stopping bots, as I mentioned earlier)

Counter spell blocks magic damage.
Prophecy blocks level 1 debuff.

They have different uses.

Well at early levels you barely ever have trouble with status effects from mobs.

When you reach level 130 you finally meet those nice loftlem in main chamber that can perma-freeze you to death with Ice Bolts if you don’t dodge them.

Then there are also some other monsters that cast some annoying spells like sleep, poison, silence, petrification, etc.

And at higher levels it can be a problem if a monster freezes you cause stuff will start hitting so hard that you might not even last 5 seconds standing still while frozen.

It’s obviously not essential, but it’s a nice thing to have. It also protects you from a few damaging spells like Fire Pillar (because the damage is passed through by a debuff) but the hit block count will decrease pretty fast.

Oh yeah, I didn’t realize but maybe that’s something you’re actually confusing, Naivety. Counter spell doesn’t really block debuffs, only magical damage.

@AHopz I’m aware. What I meant is that the class’d still be worth it even with Counterspell alone.

@mrshadowccg I see. It probably has significantly more usage than Arcane Energy then… what about Clairvoyance and Resetting’s usefulness? I know from this thread that Clairvoyance doesn’t always work, but am I right in assuming it should work most of the time?

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Resetting and Clairvoyance are mostly there for when you meet a jackpot mob (or a rare mob with rare drops).

On the very specific scenarios where you do have a jackpot mob with you and no other players around (so they don’t KS you), those two skills are actually useful to keep rerolling the mob’s drop to find a good drop. But even then, it’s still annoying to have to wait on Resetting’s cooldown to roll each time (150 seconds is a lot!).

On almost every other scenario, the skills are nearly useless. The skills are barely worth it for hunting and rerolling for common mobs materials (unless we are talking about 60k+ hp mobs).

And yeah, sometimes the skills are just buggy and don’t predict things right. I still need to do more testing to find out the reason that causes that.

- Counter Spell:
- You can remove debuffs on allies.
- Deployment type spells cannot be removed by Counter Spell.
- (New) Counter Spell: Enemy Target Attribute:
- When this attribute is active, it exclusively nullifies the enemy’s magic."

So… I don’t know what to think about it.

Just posted about it in the other thread!


I had never seen this thread. Good to know.
And seriously how fast you can reply Shadow? :comet:

I’m seeing these counter spell changes being pretty good for PvM. One of the most annoying things with that skill was dispelling your own party members AoEs.

Well if you keep the forums open in your browser you’ll get a notification even if your browser is minimized and you’re doing something else in the computer :smile:

Sounds like a good buff to counter spell. Though really ambiguous sounding of exclusively remove enemy magic. Isn’t it something you will surely get then hmm. Unless it’s c2 or something


Thanks for making this thread! I have a lot of fun playing my Oracle and hope they add something to C2 next time they buff the class. <3 (& reduce some cds…)

And… I like the resetting skill? It actually helps me to farm mats for recipes. It adds some tension & fun to it lol Also yesterday I changed a monster into… nothing! orz


resetting and clairvoyance doesnt work on jackpot mobs tho

Really? Hmm…

I could test this myself but finding a jackpot mob might take me a little while.

If someone could confirm this for me I’ll update it to the main post.

im maxed out on attris as oracle i can record a video for you if you want :slight_smile:

Does anyone know if Prophecy can prevent getting caught by Impaler?

If you are sure of this then I believe your word. You don’t really need to record a video to prove me anything :smile:

This is a community collaboration thread afterall so any sort of contribution is very welcome.

you no fun


I found a silver jackpot mob yesterday and used resetting on it to “no item” drop. (and was like: nuuuu fhfkhskh! I’ll kill it anyway!) After killing the monster it dropped silver and white recipes tho. :3 So it really doesn’t work.

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Thanks @Avidity to your contribution.

Also, I’d like to apologize to @Naivety for providing wrong information!

I will test it as soon as I can.