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[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Yellow is also fine on hacka. Cavalry charge inflicts a debuff which lowers enemy crit resist.

Hacka+Rogue just seems to give you less for what you put in compared to other classes. Maybe it’ll change at Rank 9 but atm Sapper 3/Wugushi 3 just seem flat out better. Will probably just keep my character fully reset with ww cards for whenever that happens.

I’ve tried pretty much all the AoE variants for Hackka durign the reset (sapper, wugushi, ranger+rogue, sr2), but the constant dismounting/mounting got old real fast, and in the case of SR2, not going Sr3 made lilttle sense in the end.

In the end I’ve decided for a A3 ranger Appraiser Rogue 2 Hacka build so I can focus on single target bursts with high crit chance. Defintely miss the AoE, but at least I dont have to keep wondering why I chose hacka instead of mergen to end those AoE builds…

What do you farm with that build?

I decided to keep my Archer 1 Ranger 3 Fletcher 3 Hackapel, it lacks AOE but it’s fine for what I need at the moment xD.
Also it can go ET easily!

Hi Guys!!i would be very glad if you could do some brainstorming with me? I will try to get the most input numbers you need here, or at least i think you need.

My great concern here: I am hackapell with a total of 6 gems slots in both main weapon hands (main weapon being Silver hawk 2 gems slots and purine sword with 4 gems slots, which i managed to put it +15). Assuming 315 leather hunting grounds armor, swift step active (i get around 550 critical rate).

My general dps in a skill rotation would be better with all lvl 7 red gems or all lvl 7 green gems?

I believe, please correct me if i am wrong, that after reading these topics:


The great choice here is whether i can manage to upgrade/transedence the main weapons to a certain threshold where the physical attack is soo high that all green gems would provide a better DPS, otherwise all red gems provide a better dps.

How can i calculate this threshold?

I manage to do some math with the ToS Damage Calculator

In my math, i manage to have the conclusion of (using the damage of a single magic arrow as a test since it has 25 hits):

Main weapon Min/Max damg = 1800/2500 = All red gems overall damage wins by 50k dmg

Main weapon Min/Max damg = 3666/4300 = All red overall damage wins by 30k dmg

Main weapon Min/Max damg = 5000/6500 = All green overall damage wins by 200k dmg

So, there is a limit of a weapon min/max dmg where all green would win this match.

Am i assuming something wrong here?

All Brainstorming about this is very welcome. Thank you very much!!!

I think it is better for you to refine your weapon first right now as further as possible. After that you can see which gem is suitable to your condition. If your weapon end up at +6, you don’t need to worry about green gem anymore, right?

Hi, anyone tried A1/QS3/Rogue2/Falcon1/Hacka to give a bit of feedback on it?

Almost finishing a Regard Horn Crossbow

I’m Rogue 3 and have 8 lv10 Werewolf cards.

What gems do i go for? Red or Yellow?

My crit rate seems fine so i’m ignoring Greens.

i have done some math.

i have around 36% critical chance. If i put all green i can manage to get 52% critical chance.

Comparing both critical chances in a silver hawk (what i am currently using) even if i put it to +15 and transecend it to 10 my overall damage with all reds is greater.

But, if i manage to get Regard horn crossbow and abdochar (and upgrade them to +15, the upgrade is important, less than this would make the damage be smaller and therefore would not get to the threshold) and/or solmiki weapons, the damage they provide is greater, to a certain point where with 52% critical chance they would provide better general DPS.

If my calculation are not wrong, this is what i managed to obtain as an answer till now.

Hi there! I’m currently planning to make: Archer 2 > Ranger 2 > Fletcher 3 > Hackapell.

I would like to know how stats I should invest more or less. I used to play a lot with Archers before the changes and now I’m not sure anymore how Archer’s builds are working anymore.

By the conversations I had, they suggested me few (or no) Dex and Str. But I’m not sure.

Hope somebody here can give me some good insight.

better not theorycraft too far and start making your regard horn crossbow and abdochar and upgrade them first. I am a simple man, i use purple practo and red gems :slight_smile:

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I have a similar build, just changing archer 2 for ranger 3.
My Stats (invested) are:
233 STR
14 CON
120 DEX

If your crit rate is fine go for Yellow’s.
Also be aware that Regard Horn Crossbow will not increase the damage from your Sword based skills

The base crit attack and the gems will

Also it will make my bow skills decent,i’m still using karacha crossbow so you have an idea of my drama.

Wanted to make a hackapell, currently Archer 2 -> QS 3, gonna go Rogue 2, Hacka.

Want to know if anyone has gone this route and if Running Shot works with the sword in off-hand. Couldn’t find any definitive information on it on the forums, some said yes because it counts as a primary weapon instead of an off-hand, for the same reasons why Appraiser doesn’t work on sword, some said no.

Concerned about AoE, but if Running works on sword, that should be fine because melee weapons have inherent AoE splash.

EDIT: So far rogue C1 is really fun with C3 QS. You can literally run circles around enemies and guarantee some easy crits with Sneak Hit. I don’t have Backstab yet, but Pavise and Caltrops can be used to direct enemy attention for easy back attacks.

I have really enjoyed this build so far. I’m not max level yet, but with 8 lvl 10 Werewolf cards, a +11 didel grand cross and some random +6 315 sword, all lvl 6 yellow gems, I am having a ton of fun with the build. it is actually making me want to main my Haka now =)

Looks like we will Finally be able to use Feint and Lachrymator without dismount! :smiley:


That’s a huge buff for Hackapell that use Rogue, maybe it makes Rogue better than Appraiser in Reiter builds too, because of barrage.

And I dropped rogue from the reset event because of the dismount with the skills… hahahaha