Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Thanks for the info! That would save some hours for me :smiley:

Seems like the summation of 6 hits will be bound by 777777. Since this skill is fake multi-hit. So maybe we don’t need to put too much skill point in it.

Should be tested. If its true, lvl 1 with a good enhance attribute should be enough :0
@Nyuha any chance that you can try this?

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Yup, every single OH hit for damage Cap.

Is this the best burst in the game right now? I don’t remember how Doppel+Highlander or Shinobi/Murm goes.

Well it’s still good because stand alone 2 circles. Can’t complain, hope they don’t nerf it

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Hacka vs bosses.

Hacka solo dps vs ET boss + support skills by team


Made it:

With the help of a Friend, made it to 3400~3600 Atk + 1060 Crit Atk from the Gems

LV1: 49k + 38k + 36k + 47k + 28k = 198k
LV1 Crit: 62k + 65k + 62k + 76k + 79k = 344k

LV2: 43k & 42k + 34k & 32k + 47k & 43k + 42k & 45k + 43k & 25k = 209k & 187k (Double Monster Hit)
LV2 Crit: 74k + 68k + 68k + 84k + 93k = 387k

LV3: 38k + 42k + 41k + 51k + 35k = 207k
LV3 Crit: 86k + 61k + 90k + 74k + 60k = 371k

LV4: 36k + 50k + 41k + 35k + 45k = 207k
LV4 Crit: 97k + 64k + 76k + 78k + 83k= 398k

LV5: 56k + 45k + 42k + 51k + 41k = 235k
LV5 Crit: 95k + 74k + 81k + 102k + 90k = 442k

Strangely, not much Difference.


Edit: Tried again killing them for 3mins straight just to make sure. All 430k~~ Crits at LV5

Edit²: Nerfed


Guys, help me.
I don’t have a lot of experience with archers so i have alot of doubts

I went archer 3 - scout - Rogue 3 - Hackapell
Scout was more of a filler class since i didnt have any ideas what to pick between rogue, but i’m glad flu flu helps me aggro faster

The mana cost in this build is absurd, just 3 backstabs + hacka skills drain out all of my SP
But talking with another friend he said no matter what i went before hacka, the manapool would still be a problem.
Is my build viable? Class-wise
How many points are worth investing in SP?

Also, i just made my abdochar after weeks of farming and i already have 3 lvl 7 Red Gems, i was planning on using 3 Red Gems on the Abdochar and 3 Yellow Gems on the Regard X-bow, since the green gem bonus is lower on main-hand weapons… any suggestions? Please help me out on this, i really am shooting in the dark here XD

Also i got the Pig companion and she’s so darn cute xD
But i recently learned that companions give bonus status when mounted and can carry items in their slots to boost even further your status, but the pig companion doesn’t have slots and i don’t know what kind of status it gives
Is there a best companion for hacka mount?

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@Nyuha you are the man, thanks <3

Yes, Hacka and rogue use a lot of SP. It is viable. If you’d like, you could get a ranger1 (or 3) to get the feint+barrage combo.

Put +HP equips on companion to increase your own +HP mounted bonus. Get a companion with 2 weapon slots + 2 armour slots (TP shop companions --> battlebird for example).

Regard horn xbow gives a lot of SP. The sp problem persists, but you have more sp now :V
not worth investing in spr imo.

Paid pets have 2 armor slots and 2 weapon slots, to me Rocksodon is the best cause it also gives a small bonus.

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What Weapon/armor is the best to put in the pet? my pe have 14k hp and die really fast.

(I put Pierene sword/Purine pevordimas Spear - Lionhead shield - Nyx Armor)

Helldemon Pike gives 1768 hp x2
Virtov robe 1591 hp x2
with 4 lvl5 red gems 1080 x4

i think thats the best option (in prize/benefit) to get the best hp of your mount


If you need more pet HP, you could put some HP items.
Hell’s Demon Pike +1768 HP view item here
Catacombs rapier +1661 HP view item here
Magas sword +1587 HP view item here

Shield (armour):
Beetleback +1615 HP view item here
Virtov plate robe +1591 HP view item here


Nice thx!!!

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Thanks for video :smile:
But i would like to tell that using blindside can give erratic results bcz of this attribute of blind side
Basically as you said 1060 crit tak but bcz of that attribute i guess crit atk is applied as 1060+530=1590.

I’m not sure but I think that the pet ignore every attribute or stats in the weapon or armor that is not the attack or defense.

How is Vendetta damage calculated?

tested it for my hunter so no idea on HP part.

  1. All stats what pet has can be added from equipments directly(on the other hand, if there is a stat which isnt in pet stat window as it is, it wont get added).
  2. min max from from weapon is averaged out.
  3. Gem stats gets directly added to pet stats, meanwhile damage on weapon( take those 1 practo weapons having min max as bonus as example) gets added to base 1st and then gets averaged out to get added to pet’s base attack. So, keeping point 1. in mind, if you get red gem on main hand weapon, it will give “max attack”. Since gem stats get directly added to base, and pet doesnt have any “max attack” or “max patk” stat, it gets ignored and will not be used in any calculation.
  4. Armour slot offensive stat doesnt get added to pet no matter what you do if you don’t have a weapon equipped. eg. If you have a shield with 2x red gems in armour slot, the patk from from that will not get added to pet’s base (red gem on offhands and shield gives “patk”, so it should directly get added to pet’s attack. but since there is no weapon equipped, it will not be done). Same holds true for crit rate which is counted as offensive stat for pets. For this reason, 1 armour slot on hawk is utterly useless bcz it doesnt help a tiny bit. All offensive stats gets ignored and defensive stats on hawk is useless to get.

I tested this during rebalance patch reset event. Idk if it got ninja changed in some patch. Too lazy to do tests again.

After all those equipment calculations done and added to pet’s stat, then if you mount, you will get corresponding fraction of bonus from pet’s HP, evasion and pdef.


Vendetta: 483% damage, and +26.6% damage every skill level.

Vendetta 5 = 589% damage
Vendetta 10 = 722% damage
Vendetta 15 = 855% damage

About pet bonuses:

On unmounted, you always get whatever the pet bonus is (just having them around). Say TP penguin gives you +30 def/mdef if i remember correctly and anothet +20 if you mount it.

On mount, you get the pet’s evasion, def, HP. Disregard evasion it is useless. Def is meh, if only adds 12.5% f pet’s ded on mount for your stats. Focus on HP of pet as it gives flat 25% of its hp to you (mainly for mount class, you dont get this just having them “around”).

Example, my Rocksodon gives +600 hp/sp as a start. I enhanced its HP. I slapped 2x hells demon pike since long ago (no enhance, no gems). Then for armor I put +11 virtov plate robe with 2x lv6 red gems and virtove plate pants.

This setup roughly gives me +5400 hp roughly, lazy to do math now but yeah

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