Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Additional damage only applies to cursed Featherfoot magic attacks.

— should be —> ‘Each time the enemy is hit, the enemy will receive extra magic damage based on the Magic Attack of the featherfoot who used the curse.’ (OR shortened to 'additional damage is applied based on the cursing featherfoot’s magic attack.)

I will make a new all-wizard guide/post when wizard rework hits KR server, the popular wizard posts (this one, and more such as sorcerer thread) are outdated.


Now it makes sense. Thx!

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Yeap I’ve tried more on FF skills and it seems like blood sucking is the right skill to spend in. Haven’t tried HG 320/340 but FF doesn’t seem that boring as I thought. For now :smiley:

If you’re a Link/Thauma/FF, I don’t recommend the HG340 for farming purposes.Try the Izoliacjia Plateau for an easier time farming.

er… care to elaborate the reason?

Too many flying mobs are in HG340. From my experiences there, it’s hella frustrating when your more crucial skills such as Enervate can’t hit them, thus relying strictly on JP just to do mobbing. JP really could use an overheat.

The Plateau and the region before it are full of melee-only mobs and are typical farming food. Exp rates are just about the same throughout the new maps. The only thing you miss out from not farming in HG is the decreased natural drop rate. If you farm for strictly drops and/or grind exp, I still think you would have an easier time outside it due to the amount of downtime you’re less likely to run into.


Hmm, so first swell kill with jp combo. 2nd swell kill with other skill right. I’ll try a bit in HG.

It’s just that I wanted to farm Opal in HG too, one of the reason I’m making this farming wizard.

Enervate is really helpful when you’re waiting on JP. The debuff lets Bone Pointing and the bleed from Bloodbath kill enemies. Doesn’t the KToS Enervate hit flying mobs?

Yeah I’ve been training around and I got what you mean for not depending on JP alone to maximise swell efficiency. Still getting used to swell body without JP tho. Not sure the exact skill area.

I farm 340 hg with my wiz 2 link 2 thaum 2 ff3. You need to go to the spot with truffles and tinis. Its a pretty good place to farm.

Is level 6 blood sucking good enough for the healing effect? or should i sacrafice some points from levitation and add it onto blood sucking skill?

My farmer FF is currently running with Bloodsucking 15 and Levitate 1. As far as farming is concerned, it definitely seems to be the right choice - I almost never use levitate, and even when I do it’s just for a few seconds so I can Blood Curse.

The only time I’ve wished I had a higher level in levitate was when I decided to randomly go kill Zaura with my FF for some reason. Besides that, I feel like the points in Bloodsucking are a lot more valuable.


Levitating featherfoot does higher damage most of the time. It’s a matter of getting used to landing skills while your chara is levitating that seems to be annoying.

For me, blood sucking level 6 is more than enough. It has a long cd and at level 6 it can alrdy heal you to full hp in 1-2 hits. The hits are slow too so it’s not like it’s an amazing skill for killing things, you’d be better off using kundela for that.

I also liked to max blood bath since it gives you another strong heal to rotate with blood sucking…

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Levitate is worth the points now due to the attribute(30% more damage), it’s also good if you want to set up a JP combo and that pesky melee interrupts your Kundela Slash.

While yes its good for avoiding knockdowns and knockbacks, the problem is you can’t use it together with Kurdaitcha. And since Kurdaitcha adds more damage than the levitate attribute, I find myself virtually never using Levitate for farming.

The only time I use Levitate for more than a few seconds is in boss fights, but as a farming character I almost never come across them.

You can cast 2 blood curse withn higher levitate. It’s more for CM/ party play imo. I don’t really use it in HG 340 unless I want to clear red mob.

That extra few seconds is more beneficial than you think. A good number of bosses are strictly melee and most of them have huge knockback. Levitate allows you to burn them more effectively. For farming, I agree. Bossing, Levitate is a godsend.

@TwilightsCall @Sakanagi thanks for both your reply, ill take it into more consideration.

Another thing I found out today is when farming with wiz2 link2 thaum2 ff3 is the popular OHKO combo (JP-HK-swell body, jump for animation cancel then kundela slash). I tried doing this combo a few times but I can’t seem to 1 shot the mobs with the HK splash defence attribute. I also found some delay with the HK animation and can’t cancel the animation for it, I tried holding directional keys and jump, neither worked ;c had to wait till it finishes its animation before i can swell… is it just me or this is suppose to happen?

Btw im new to this build jus changed class yesterday so i’m not familiar with the mechanics for featherfoot.

If mob’s hp is too different from each other like 100k hp difference when swelled then the mob with higher hp will survive.

When i encounter this i just use other ff skills to finish them off. You can enervate into ngahundi or energy bolt to finish them off.

do you guys use pyroego card to get +30 INT?

edit: nvm, i forgot any Farmer use gorkas card for loot chance