Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Higher level mobs don’t have any increased resistance to decay, just the usual ~20% (guessing here).
Decay immune mobs are really rare, maybe only 5-10% of all mobs, definitely lower than JP immune ones.

I gave in to the hypetrain

I am now a full con pyro 3 linker 2 FF 2 on my main

I, freaking, love it <3

also, kurdaitcha has 0cd for some reason so its finally useful (maybe bugged)

I’m glad you’re liking FF so far, I’m just concerned about your Pyro3 since you’re full CON.
You really need to invest in your weapon to keep Pyro relevant.
But if it’s been working out for you, then great!

Got to FF2 yesterday, but I’m not sure whether to go CON or INT because I am also Thauma help?

vienarazis mace with 2 lvl 7 gems, plenty of matk for now

(I was one of the first FF2 here I believe) just decided to change things up

some things to consider on pyro synergies:

BC healing works REALLY well with pyro multi hits, I almost never bloodsuck (altho I have it lvl 10 cause its awsum)

it really Isnt hard to set up balls for link + BC, altho its much more annoying than icewall BC

and Hell Breath adds some interesting survivability for levitation downtimes

plus, being able to deal damage is always nice :stuck_out_tongue:
(can still hit 6-7k ticks even with full con)

Glad to hear BC debuff has an actual use, didn’t consider Pyro’s insane hit rate.

What’s the rest of your build?
Are you saying you haven’t invested your stat points until now?

guys how good is get kurdaitcha for the atributte? and the atributte requiere to have 1 point on the skill or i still can use it with the bone? and @Pinky how many level of ice pike you have on your cryo3 im not sure of the skill point distribution int eh build down.

This is my build, reading some of the comments now, I might have rerolled into an outdated build, I also got Blood Bath without thinking, but it’s okay I still have a skill reset so I’ll use it once R9 comes out.

Planning this

And no I did invest into INT because of Thauma’s skills scaling

The go full INT since you’re using Transpose, you’ll easily reach damage cap with JP +QC + BC.

You can get the attribute without getting Kurdaitcha at all, it’s not even a good attribute since the chance is so small.
If not for the 0 cd bug ronaiaronuit described, I wouldn’t even consider the skill.

Unless you’re really focusing on PvP, I suggest maxing out Blood Sucking.
Take points from Kurdaitcha/Bone Pointing/Levitation to do it.
There’s no reason to level Ice Pike past 1, max out Subzero Shield instead (another PvP skill you can omit if you’re just going PvE).
The rest look fine.

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I want to have max levitation, but jst one point on bone is low no? because with 3 its fll time up.

Max levitation works against you than helps you. You’re a flying goose vs a bunch of angry rednecks with boomsticks and you can’t really do much about it.

You only really use it to pop BC unless you are having difficulty avoiding melee mobs.

Max Levitation is pretty much for PvP only, where you have to take your time to find an opening for your combo, or you need to stall out enemy melee players.

Full uptime on Bone Pointing isn’t really important, you should rarely need to stay in one place that long.
I use lv1 just fine, it’s not even good at hexing multiple enemies since you can’t direct it.

My current FF character, showing what Blood Curse can do.
Hope you like it as much as I do.

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Probably a bug.
My Kurdaitcha seems to have 0 CD. Anyone else who got the skill experiencing this?

ronaiaronuit mentioned it, so it’s something that all FFs have.
Most don’t get the skill though, since its sole purpose is to curse things, and Bone Pointing is usually enough and more reliable.
That said I haven’t seen the skill actually used, so you leave behind cursed tiles that hex enemies that move onto them?
Can you curse an enemy by walking around them (assuming they don’t move)?

You leave around bloody footprints. Anything that touches those gets cursed.
Yes you can use it by walking around the enemy, on stationary mobs too.

Fair enough, seems to be worth a point while the 0 cd bug is still around.
Bone Pointing is pretty bad at cursing multiple targets.

I wonder where can I change my forum name into my actual IGN (Castello) :<

Back with more FF questions =).

How do i maximize damage with BC as a Link2/Cryo3/FF2

With icewall combo i currently get 69000~ dmg per tick… how do i get from there to max dmg per tick? keep in mind that i’m practically naked with nothing but a 120 weapon since the full CON build has been enough for survivability =).

Also, is the attribute worth it? It takes 80% HP for a trade-off of 7 sec extra blood curse duration but don’t know if the damage also goes up proportional to the extra HP loss.

On another note how do you guys recuperate hp without cleric? So far i haven’t really met anything that survives a full combo except higher level bosses.
Short of stocking up on pots and firewood i guess the next best thing is JP+bloodsucking… it just seems so unreliable without sure/quickcast.