Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

I had this exact build in mind, albeit mostly for PvE. Would it work well? Mind telling your stat allocation?

More link targets (like fireballs) will always be better than Quickcast for single targets like bosses.
If you’re getting Agni, Wiz3 isn’t that good anyway, QC won’t help you get over the mdef wall.
All defense reductions come before QC/Agni (which are additive by the way, 300%+50% is just 350%), if you’re dealing 100 damage after defenses, QC will boost that to 150.

The changes just made FF’s skills deal poison damage instead of dark, so JP’s poison attribute gives us +50% to everything.
You’ll have to be more specific on what you want to know about the skills.

Full CON. It works well enough in PvE because of Ngadhundi 6.
I’m solo farming 315 orange mats easily (albeit slower than physical nukers) because decay can melt almost anything down to 1 HP.
FF in PvE doesn’t care about mdef because of that, and for those rare mobs that are immune to decay, there’s always JP + BC.
Just don’t expect good sustained PvE damage like EleLocks in ET.

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Other of featherfoot skills, I know the slash is cool, bloodcurse has an amazing potential, flying is a 1 point skill if I read correctly, what about the rest of them, what is good to allocate points to?

Blood sucking is an obvious choice, but can you heal from ice walls as well as fireballs? and can you heal from um other sources too like for example necro’s pole?

Is the decay worth my while? isn’t it a waste of link on mobs to decay them, or do I not have to link them for it to work well?

Levitation can be maxed if you feel like you need the extra duration in PvP, where you really need to spend time looking for that opening for your nuke.

Ngadhundi 6 is really useful, it allows decay to last long enough (duration scales with level) to reduce max HP to 1.
To use it effectively you just need a way to gather mobs in a single space, either by JP+HK or MF, it’ll hit everything in its (small) AoE.
It can be resisted though, and there are a few mobs immune to it (bosses too of course), but I recommend getting it.
I’m farming 315 orange mats now, and I rely on MF -> Nga combo to kill mobs easily.

Blood Sucking can’t heal you from Ice Walls or Fireballs (that was an old bug that was fixed), same probably applies to all objects.
It should still be maxed if you can since the % drain also scales with level.

For a general purpose build, I suggest:

  • Blood Sucking 10
  • Ngadhundi 6
  • Levitation 1
  • Blood Curse 5
  • Bone Pointing 3 (choose between this or Levitation to lv3)
  • Kundela Slash 5

Bloodbath and Kurdaitcha are bad, don’t get them at all.

What would work better as a tank/support with occasional nuke, and is wiz3 required? Would a pyro addition give anything, or should I take an entirely different route, something along the lines of say wiz cryo1 linker 2 thauma 2 ff2? (8 targets if swell body for farming, and decaying them too so its super easy)

Im looking to bloodcurse on dungeon runs/missions, link/tank through fast runs and then just support. Would this work for me?

Wiz3 isn’t really required, especially given the roles you outlined.
Tanking as a role is really unnecessary in this game, killing/CCing mobs is a better way to mitigate incoming damage.
Linker2 is pretty much a given from what you described.
I suggest Pyro2Linker2ThaumFF2 with full INT, using Transpose to switch to CON if you want to Blood Curse.
Usually I don’t recommend Transpose builds, but since you want to support most of the time and nuke sparingly, it can work.
Just remember that you need a healer.
Get Agni and you’ll have good PvE damage yourself, Linker is plenty enough support for casual PvE parties.

Sorry, this all sounds really awesome… but what skill is “MF”? :frowning:

JP- Joint Penalty
HK- Hangman’s Knot
MF- Magnetic Force

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Nice. So you use MF as some kind of JP replacement? Can you tell me what your build looks like?

CryoLinkerKino3FF2, full CON.
It’s a PvP build, I still have JP to link people to extend my damage.

I prefer to use MF in my mat farming since it makes mobs gathered by it unresponsive for half a minute, which is plenty of time for decay to do its work.

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That sounds like a lot of fun actually! What would u change about it if u would not do PvP and would focus on PvE instead

How many mobs can be pulled with MF? I know it’s AOE attack ratio is 6, but can it pull more and just the damage is capped at 6? Can enemies still attack when under MF? A combination of psycho and featherfoot sounds interesting. I really don’t want to build yet another linker…so going psycho would be nice.

Edit: oh, and how long does MF last? U mentioned half a minute… really??? Half a minute? That’s awesome!

Probably Pyro2Linker3FF2, Pyro3Linker2 is probably better but I’m a sucker for huge links.

MF uses AoE ratio (and considers enemy AoE defense ratio as a result), I think medium mobs have a AoEdef of 2, which is why I can only pull in 3 medium mobs at a time with my Pierene Sword.
I have a Five Hammer I swap to for farming though, since it has +5 AoE ratio, allowing me to pull in up to 5 medium mobs.

The MF effect I described is most likely a bug, normal behaviour is restored if I use another ‘position’ skill like JP+HK, Swap, etc.
It’s not supposed to have any lasting effect aside from the Stun attribute, but I’ll take advantage of IMC’s mistakes where I can.
If it gets fixed, no problem since I can tank the mobs, I just prefer them to be ‘stuck’ there instead of moving around and lowering my armor durability with their attacks.

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Ah, alright. Dammit… psycho sounded really nice for a minute :frowning:

Tanking as in going in the room first, getting mobs aggroed, get hit a couple times by archers/mages until they cooperate so that I can link them. Thats tanking as a mage for me and is why I am full con. This + linking is what I call support. I simply dont believe I will be able to deal damage other then through high damage skills in the end game due to no int, so all the low circles would do for me is allow me to multiply blood curse damage every now and then, and potential CC.

I feel taking pyro would just make getting to 300 levels faster and would stop doing anything for me at that point. I do however like the idea of additional multipliers /hits to bloodcurse and if you’re saying low level ice wall won’t be enough to last until I can use bloodcurse I have to figure something else out. I’d consider wiz1 cryo3 link 2 ff2 as that would boost my capacity of controlling mobs, but honestly I don’t know what would be best.

I played this game since it came out so I know a couple of things but point being we have a nice reset I can use and was thinking of changing things up.

So if it were a PvE oriented build instead, would you consider not making it full CON, or INT just doesn’t make that much of a difference in the end? Would an INT/CON build skill Ngadhundi to 6 too?

I came from a DnD background, so tanking for me meant making sure enemies targeted you while your teammates were free to do their stuff.
I didn’t know you were using reset on an already full CON character, that changes things.
Yes, low level Ice Wall really doesn’t last long enough to be linked, unless you tell your teammates to back off while you do the combo.
Cryo3Linker2 was my previous build before I reset, it’s pretty solid as party support.
Since we can’t go Chrono3, it’s the next best thing to providing near-constant CC and links to a party since you can alternate between Cryo and Linker skills.

If you’re focusing on PvE and want to use Pyro w/ Agni, full INT with Transpose is the way to go, you need all the matk you can get to overcome mob mdef.
FF by itself isn’t very good at general PvE though, since its cooldowns are long and decay takes a while to do its work.
Which is why you pair it with another dps class, like Pyro, which needs INT/Thaum buffs to really shine.

I still think Nga 6 is worth getting on any build just as an alternate option to killing stuff, it’s not like you need those points else where (as long as you don’t get Bloodbath).

Oh, sorry, I mean the CryoLinkerKino3FF2 build. I didn’t have “top DPS” in mind, but my goal is to be useful as much as possible with what those circles provide, while dealing some damage too, and of course, have Fun™

You won’t deal damage with it outside JP + BC, which can’t be spammed too much.
Ngadhundi works but it’s too slow for parties.
Kino3 isn’t that good in PvE, same goes for FF in general.
You’ll be able to KILL stuff, but slowly, though you mostly ignore the mdef problems of other magic classes.
KinoFF is a PvP build, you’d want something more on the Linker side if you want general party play.

I haven’t been playing for about 3 months. Just recently came back. Back then, there were talks about Decay from Nagdahudi being highly resisted by higher level mobs. Has there been a change to this?