Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Full CON build deals a higher damage with blood curse than Full INT builds?

Yes, assuming no Transpose.
Full INT with Transpose still deals more damage, but it’s somewhat of a waste because you’ll be going past the 200k damage cap if you have QC and JP.

Anyone just tested the new poison atributes with linker combo? @_@

It’s just what you’d expect, +50% more damage for poison skills.
My BC now hits nearly 120k on linked targets.

Is there any reason why most of build don`t include sorcerer?

Something like Wiz 3 Link1 Sorc2 FF2?

What does sorc add to FF? I only recall horrible damage from my sorc (first candidate to use my reset on)

Until they implement the new buffs from ktos here, there is no point in sorc at all. Buffs add up to 2x matk damage to attacks of your summon in riding mode, though sorc3 is still useless.

Sorc 2 to use during FF skills cooldown

While FF’s signature skills do have a long cooldown, people tend to forget that Ngadhundi is 12s cd, Kundela Slash 14s cd.
Nga should be your main skill for your PvE needs, if you want sustained output, you shouldn’t have picked FF as a build anyway.
I have a Sorc3, while the summon deals good damage, it falls far behind other DPS classes (EleLock).

Decide what you want to do with your character, FF is good for PvP and slow PvE, you need an actual DPS class like Pyro/Elem to do sustained output for stuff like ET.

FF is just bad for PvP. Some builds can do a thing only because of psy3, not ff.

Kino can’t do anything by itself, once you do your CC combo, the problem becomes “how do I kill these people?”.
The go-to answer was Warlock, but with people getting really swole on the mdef department (I have nearly 4k mdef myself, taking 1s from most WLs), Warlock’s PvP future looks bleak, especially with Rhevisan never going away.
Warlock can still absolutely destroy people with incomplete PvP gear, but unless they keep up with weapon Transcendence, they’re never going to deal damage to serious people.

FF bypasses the mdef problem by having such a huge burst in BC.
You can have 60k HP and 10k mdef and still die to a simple 2-link BC.
Yes FF badly needs a CC setup to do its job, it’s horrible at PvP otherwise.
But looking at it the other way, it has the most reliable magical nuke in PvP in terms of killing power.
Pyro/Elems/Locks have to Transcend weapons and struggle to blast through mdef, while FF can focus on just getting more HP/defenses.
There’s also Nga, but it’s more of a 1v1 tool than a 5v5 thing, where you really need to nuke down as many of the enemy as you can asap.

TL;DR - FF by itself is bad in PvP, but you can’t look at it in a vacuum. It can offer build choices and tools that dont need to run the weapon Transcendence treadmill to do its job in PvP.

Cyro1 Link FF

Just IW ur enemy direction link them and BC boom

I’ve reset to CryoLinkerKino3FF2, and that does work if there are really high HP targets.
It still needs CC setup though, if you just throw it out there they’ll just move away and break the links, unless it’s a total clusterfuck situation.

So apparently only the first hit of Blood Bath receives the +50% damage from links. The debuff part for some reason isn’t considered poison property damage.

So, I recently got myself Agny(i)necklace and have yet to rank reset.

I used to be Wiz3/Necro but I’m considering this build: Wiz 2 > Pyro2 > Linker2 > FF2

I have yet to reach Rank 8 content, but I’m fairly aware of what to expect. Would Wiz 2’s Surespell help me with the melee-range spells I will be relying on? Would FF1 be enough and should I just go Sage for Rank 8 instead?

No, drop Wiz2, it’s a waste of a circle.
The only skill that needs Surespell is Blood Sucking, and you can still make it work without it if you practice your timing.
FF1 isn’t worth it, FF2 gets the important stuff in BC and Nga 6.
Just replace Wiz2 with Pyro3, or if you want a really good (PvE) Agni Pyro build, I suggest Pyro2Link2Thaum2Enchanter for those important flat damage boosts.

Gotcha, no Wiz 2. I had not much of an issue rounding up mobs for Flesh Cannon. Sleep is enough of a CC for setups.

Sadly, I’m greedy. I don’t want to rely soley on pyro’s damage even with agni. Sage’s Missile Hole seems too good to pass up and has decent damage too…granted, on huge cooldowns. But FF truly shines with the poison attribute change and JP attribute, right?

Yes, though I still can’t recommend getting just FF1.
Another class as a rank6 filler would be a better idea.

Would Necro 1 hold up? Now that I mention it - without QC, FC becomes poop. I guess Pyro 3 then.

For bossing/dungeon runs would a pyro 2 link 3 ff2 be stronger or wiz3 link 3 ff2?

I’m thinking fireballs into link into hk into blood curse, that provides an additional multiplier that should be higher then wizards quickcast, am I right?

I am however a full con build and I have serious doubts I will go over the mdef barrier with the pyro skills once I get there.

What do you guys think? Multiplier through links or sticking to self buffs as a future proof build?

Also, any chance you guys can explain how the other skills work now with the changes, whats worth taking and synergies? Thanks to any kind soul willing to sacrifice their time to reply.