Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Max Ice Wall. You don’t need more than 1 point in Ice Pike.

Get a point in Bone Pointing, Kundela is mediocre without cursing the target first.
I personally left Levitation at 1 because I don’t use BC that often, I usually use it with Ice Wall anyway which has a longer cd.
Some like maxing the flight duration, but I’ve found that I usually cancel it after BC (and healing up) since it disables several skills (Nga, Kundela, Snow Rolling, etc)
Max Blood Sucking if you can, we need all the self heal we can get.

I actually like that build @_@

I might roll it after I finish my kinofoot

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Hi im new to game and i build my main for ff with wiz3link1sorc2ff1i have 100 con atm and the rest is int you think is still worth maxing blood curse? Since i dont have high hp and is kundela slash worth maxing?? And help me with my skill alocation right now i have bb4bs5Bp1ngad1 Please reply asap

i’m a 300 FF2 and i’m kindly happy BUT you are giving “false hopes” to players.
I don’t want to enter in details, FF2 pvp seems great and he is.

A 800 CON Bloodcurse dont even kill a monster in the new content. You can if you previusly link them but ad this point Magic missle deal more and more damage (even if nerfed)

I maxed the fly skill in order to do 2 blood curse but notice that you got to use the skill very quickyl becouse you got almost the time to do it. If you lose a couple of seconds you will be unable to perform the second one.

[quote=“nagatozeta, post:916, topic:303318, full:true”]A 800 CON Bloodcurse dont even kill a monster in the new content.

What? Even with a weak BC of 70k damage, you just need to link 8 mobs together to bring down 500k hp.
JP is a given in all scenarios, and while there are JP immune mobs, that what you have Ngadhundi for.
In fact, Nga should be your first choice over BC in killing mobs, since you don’t need to spend much using it.
Magic Missile is indeed king in clearing mobs with low-medium mdef, but it gets gutted hard when mdef gets really high.
BC doesn’t have that issue, but again it’s not meant to be your primary mob clearing skill.

If there are any JP AND Decay immune mobs out there, pray that we never meet them.

if you link 8 enemies you deal someting like 800% damage. And yeah you can kill them by using 80% of your Hp. Then you need Heal but if transpose CD is shorter than the next Bloodcurse you have to renew Transpose and then Heal again. At this point, you got just few seconds to recast a bloodcurse but who knows if you got time to link or group again 8 enemies.

OR you can just Link and use a Magic Missile for about easy 600k~800k magic damage and 15cd and almost no mana or hp spent. You can even do it on flight

I don’t use Transpose, I think it’s an overrated build on FF.
You’re not supposed to be spamming BC whenever it’s off cooldown, that’s not what it’s for.

I don’t understand why you’re trying to compare MM to BC.
MM is an amazing mob clearing skill (until it runs into high mdef mobs), BC is too unwieldy to fulfill that role.
BC is for heavy burst damage during bossing and PvP.
Nothing’s stopping you from bombing mobs to hell and back of course, but it takes up too many resources, use Nga instead.
In your previous post you seem to be implying that FF isn’t that good because MM is better than BC.
Which is not a valid criticism of the class, because they’re used for different things.

it’s just because people saw video of BC damage and wanted to PVE mobs with it.
And it’s incredibly bad on all aspecets.
There are other classeas better suited for that

BC is awsome pvp

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Then we’re in agreement, BC is terrible for general PvE.
It can be good in boss situations, but against mobs it’s inefficient.

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BC is just another alternative to deal damage when its more dificult to kill some high hp mobs but there is kundela or nga, BC isnt the only skill of FF.

May I ask you few questions please?

  1. Has the nerf of JP+HK+MM arrived in iTOS yet?
  2. If you link 8 mobs with lv10 JP then cast MM, how much hit count of JP would it cost? Does the link break before the monsters are killed?
  3. You say that the damage reach 600-800k, how much int and attribute have you got?

Thanks a lot for your answer!

  1. Yes. we passed from “UNLIMITED DAMAGE” to "Awsome Damage"
    don’t espect do instakill monsters with 500.000HP with no magic attack now but with 70Attributes and 1000Matk you can easly still oneshot them (if linked and with HK attribute) or 2shot them with the 2 overheat.

2)you will hit them about 30+ times, I don’t have the esact count. If monster have similar HP you will hit them with the same hit count. If there are monsters with low HP mixed with monsters with huge hp most likely you will lose alot of hit counts. Remember that if you don’t use HK to reduce to 0 the aoe defense ratio the damage will be reduced alot. Quite to 99%less damage :frowning:

  1. I got 75 attribute, full int at level 300 with about 730~ int and i got 14k HP if i’m not in transpose

What if your dont have thau?? Will Bc suck?? Like right now i have 100 con rest is int do. I need to max bloodcurse?? How about kundela slash does it huge dmg with jp?? Please answer me

its strange this combo doesnt work with fireballs

You need to calm down and read the thread.

Thau isn’t mandatory, you can deal good BC damage even without it.
QC is a given, but building around link setups like the video above also works.
It’s why my Cryo3Link2 build can do nearly ~500k damage a BC with the Ice Wall setup.
Max Blood Curse, it’s still free 12k damage.
Kundela works with JP, but it’s REALLY hard to have it properly ‘splash’ even with HK, the hitbox is tiny.

My build is wiz3link1sorc2ff1 and I was wondering if kundela slash is worth maxing and sometimes i see my bone becomes huge but at times its not

How much damage deal kundela Slash on curse target? Its good enough for ger kurdaitcha to curse enemis on aoe? some one have a video with tis skill deal x2 damage on curse monsters with the kurdaitcha enhace?

Guys btw is fly worth maxing?

Kundela deals double damage on cursed targets, Bone Pointing is the easiest way to do it.
Get 1 point in it and maybe 1 point in Kurdaitcha if you can spare it, but the latter is really optional, the attribute works with Bone Pointing curse.

Maxing Levitation is a personal choice, if you want more time while you setup BC, or you really hate melee people in PvP, go ahead.
I left mine at 1 since I usually cancel it midway so I can use the disabled melee skills.

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I hace a question about your the already mentioned cryo linker build , because i dont understand the problem of having thauma on the build because, it can reach the cap damage?
How.much deals a normal full int W3 link2 thau ff2 ? Its close to the cap?