Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Just get Linker2, look at it this way, 3 more linked mobs (2 if you want to invest in a Dandel gem) or Ice Walls gives you more output than ~230 more matk.
A mix of INT/CON is fine, just balance it depending on your needs.
INT for general PvE, CON for your big BC combo/PvP stuff.

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well i will go for link2, but i just have few question spiritual, chain what gives me as a FF? and more int or more con?, because there is a coming new IW+Iceblast combo, and i think it is based on int.

and another think about XD what weapon you all recomend for cryo/FF audra or SPC? or maybe another?

Spiritual Chain doesn’t have much use, the amount of useful buffs you can share with it is limited.
The best you can usually do is sharing Scout’s Cloaking for your party, letting you setup ambushes for the enemy team (use Unbind after Cloaking so they won’t see the links).

As for INT, get more if you want to invest in the Ice blast thing, but remember that you can substitute that INT with Red Gems/upgrades/Transcendence.

I recommend Audra for now, I’ll swap to my Windia Rod once I get to 315 for those sweet stats.
Having Audra on hand will always be useful since you can swap to it if you want to lay down Ice Wall/Frost Pillar/Snow Rolling.

[quote=“alzaion, post:890, topic:303318, full:true”]
Lets see if i got this straight, the problem with transpose is that it is “too good” and “too strong” to be viable, that with the poison atribute you are gonna hit the cap of 200k damage no matter what…and the 30k + HP from a better CON because INT transposed is much higher doesnt matter either because u so Tanky with 3000 def/mdef . ( because they are never gonna increase the cap in the future, and Blood curse is the only skill your characters have, Okeeey)

All that just to avoid a single thauma rank and put some bursty like Necro instead right ? to Use pole to Link singles right?[/quote]
You’re simplifying this way too much.
It’s several things:

  1. The damage cap (we have absolutely no guarantee that it’ll go away)
  2. You don’t need amazing INT in PvE, Ngadhundi suffices for most things, unless you want sustained output which FF is badly suited for
  3. Rank9 will make INT even less important with higher skill base damage
  4. Transpose is just a bitch to set up
  5. You don’t NEED that amount of output in PvP. See #1 and #2 for PvE

I have no comments about the def stuff, more is always better for me.
But whether getting Thaum2 for that buff is worth it is another matter.


I want to know how hard it is? maybe @ronaiaronuit can tell us because he have one thauma, i think the same to pinky but maybe someone with thauma can tell us better.

I never said to pick necro

facts are:

full con can reach 60-70k hp and deal 150-170k damage per hit currently
after the changes you are bound to deal damage cap

not taking thauma means you can get cryo and push your burst from 150k to 750k

getting thauma gives you a gimmicky altho very good skill, that pumps your con to 900+ and your hp to 100k+

you can deal 200k unless you can find things to link your target to
even if they increase the damage cap twofold, one circle of cryo/pyro still wins

blood curse is the most RELEVANT skill we have yes
blood sucking is too sp intensive, and benefits more from high con since con boosts our heals
blood bath is too limited
kundela slash is single target, and boosted damage cannot be linked, AND deals pretty much the same damage int or no int

most are good skills, but our only reliable burst aoe is indeed Blood Curse.

getting thauma simply for damage output is downright wasteful

Ngadhundi 6 does the same job, albeit slower.
Not saying that an INT Thaum build won’t be better for PvE, but calling avoiding the class ‘absurd’ is pushing it.

thing is, transpose isnt that bad
setting it up is the only boring part, but it boils down to blood sucking your hp full again

i barely notice any issues, since by the time I blood curse, my cooldown on transpose is done, putting it simply:

Transpose (you now have 20% max hp) > blood suck your mob to 100% max hp > link (if you have) > blood curse (boom) you are now back to 20% hp > refresh transpose and repeat

my main argument now is that, you need to actually set up blood curse with transpose ( you gotta heal up to 100% health)

as a con build, that setup is negated

link mob > levitate > blood curse > find another mob > blood suck > link > blood curse again

its simply faster, and it opens up the possibility of a higher burst in solo bosses and whatnot

are you using enchanted headgears? 300 mdef or pdef (ideally both)
do you have a didel tower shield OR a lionhead? 99 or 330 mdef
are you enchanting your armors/shield for mdef? +15% mdef
did you upgrade all your accessories?
are you using aspersion?
did you slot yellow gems in your armor and blue gems in your shoes?

ALSO rhevisan/dhrag are always better than 90 spr :<

seriously, with 8 nuaeles you should have the same as me, git gud plz :<

so for what reasons is good to get thauma, or when it is a good idea? and if you dont have thama what kind of distribution we can do for pve?

Thauma has only one reason(bad reason) to get: swell body-decay combo, which is just faster (10 seconds) vs 25 seconds with just Ngahundi. Transpose/more damage from BC is useless because of link against anything already can reach cap. So, for pure boss fights Ice Wall is better, even if it has 65 cd, you make 8x capped damage against boss. It is technically same as with fire balls in terms of DPS.
So, wiz3-link2-cryo/pyro-FF2, or wiz3-link3-FF2(for non boss pve support).

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I liked thauma for 1 reason more than anything:


swell body is such an amazing farming tool I considered scrapping my build the moment I started using it (going something like linker 2 thau 2 enchanter for pure farming)

other than that, since transpose was proven to be overkill, I don’t see any reason to grab a single thau circle, you can maybe make an argument for 2 circles, or even 3, but that’s beyond me

mind If I ask why swell-decay combo is faster than ngahundi? decay is % of hp right?

Decay is a debuff that reduces max HP over time.
Swell Body doubles max HP temporarily.
If you inflict Decay during Swell, the Decay rate is based on the doubled HP.
That rate stays the same even after Swell wears off, which results in a quick 1 HP reduction.

Or you can just get Ngadhundi 6 and wait a bit longer for the same result.

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Decay is a ■■■■ since most of monsters are immune and you will never able to decay a boss.
For most of them the Wizard 3 magic missle is the best offensive move.
Compared to other classes FF2 is kinda weak in PVE.
Blood Curse is a good idea but the Transpose bug (if you renew it , you wll lose the hp gained) make it difficult to use without an healer.
And you must fly in order to do it (long cd )

i feel like Im getting repetitive here, but people seem to be doing the same thing over and over: passing judgement on a class before playing it.

1st, featherfoot is a much better soloist for rank 8+ content than any other wizard alternative. period.

2nd, only bosses and debuff immune mobs like the manahas monsters are immune to decay, double check your facts.

lastly, transpose renewing isnt even a big deal since, alas, after blood cursing, your HP is already at 20%, renewing transpose at this point, changes nothing, nothing is lost

the “long cooldown” on levitation is also a bad interpretation on your part, since it lasts for 40 secs, giving you BARELY 25 secs of downtime on it

if you played a FF2 you would notice that within those 40 secs, you can pull off up to two blood curses

please do some research before posting “facts”

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Guys i just have a little question and is about the cryo3-linker2 build idk how distribute the stats at this moment, get more int or get more con, because there is the think of help some others skill to deal damage, like BS or kundela slash so i think on 2con:3int, or 3con:2int or maybe another. thank you all.

My vote is to just pump CON.
Your 500ish INT matk (if you split your stats) isn’t going to do much.
Nowadays it’s better to use red gems or upgrade/transcend your weapon if you want to boost your damage.
But that’s just me.

jejejejej just a little problem i go alredy for some int XD, but yeah maybe full con isnt a bad idea. how much magik atack we need for end game mobs?

You probably need 1.5-2k to even scratch the really resistant ones, maybe 1k more on top of that to actually deal decent damage to them.

Which is why I’m not even bothering with matk, they can melt to Decay or eat a Blood Curse as far as I’m concerned.

1 Like this skill distribution, is good?