Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

as a linker 2 thau 1 FF2, I can probably say:
it shouldn’t be too hard to use BC assuming you can blood suck in time for the second cooldown, AND you use BC immediately after levitation (however you cant really double icewall on that time, so fireballs may be a better call)

either stick to it for maximum single burst damage (you should hit it fairly easily with full int transpose)

or go full con, lower your damage to around 150-160k and get cryo 1/pyro 1 for x6 damage bursts

i dont understand you rightly my english is not to good, what are you trying to say with the second coldown, which one is it?

because i think i will dead after use BC because the combo wll be transpose>BS>IW>link>levitation>BC>BS again, i think i wll be on the second BS because i dont think i will be ready to suck again after use BC because the cooldown.

and how is the build of cryo1/pyro1 is something like w>cryo>pyro>thau>linker2>ff2?

I have a Wizz3 - Thauma 3 - FF2 myself and I love it !!

The thing about Thau 3 , not only the big head giving 145 Con (most builds doesn’t even have 145con)… Of course it doesn’t justify a rank , but people forget about the swell Letf 15 and Right 10 … God , right hand swell is divine,The right swell with shield raises your defenses making mobs level 280- hit 1 damage if your defenses passes 1000 , and soon the swells will receive a buff . A new calculus that scales with your INT.

Buuuuut …

I would never recommend Thau 3 to anybody because linker’s JP is needed as hell, so unless you have an Enchanter friend like me or have shitloads of silver to spend with scrolls , put linker in is the wise choice for sure !

But ive already pick linker in my build, therefore i must sacrificing ff2 to become thauma c3, is it worth?

Did just thauma c2 have a good buff? (I mean that hand buff)

No way … FF only shines at FF2 , rank 7 and 8 you must be FF.

No , that’s ok , as I said, Thauma 3 is good bit risky and costly ,being a Fake linker using scrolls has its downsides as well.

If I was you I would go Wizz 3 - Linker - Thauma 2 - FF 2 … Or if you are a linker lover go Wizz 3 - Linker 2 - Thauma - FF 2 … Never avoid Thauma because transpose combo with Blood curse and Swell body (the one that makes the mobs bigger ) combo wonder with Nghahundi .

Wow thank you sir, your experience in thauma+ff really helpfull.

Do you have any sugestion for ff c1&2 skill for thauma+ff build?

Did kundela slash worth to pick 5 lvl? That low CD, 3 overheat and the damage scale really got my attention.

I dont get why go thauma1 for transpose-heal and like ok, 70% stronger blood curse. Why not go full con (then you have less max hp I know) but take either ice wall for bosses. Or take necro1 for dirty pole, now it is immortal and can always be linked so you already get +100% damage against single target with just DP-Link-BC combo, and you dont waste time. You can also use it to double Decay(they stack with FF decay). Plus you have Flesh Cannon, which is not bad as damage filler with link or with Dirty Pole-Link-Some mobs.

Yeah you must have kundela slash is a god skill and if you have thauma 1/2 with the buuf will deal more damage with a low coldown.

my susgested build are 3

W3-linker2-thau-FF2 the most common build and “easy” to use and working

W3-linker-thau2-FF2 it give you more defense more single target damage, but i still asking to my self if is good idea have just just one linker level, for me is enought but im not sure.

W3-linker-cryo-thau-FF2 its maybe a crazy idea but idk maybe could works have thau have linker and have IW-link-BC. maybe someone can tell us if is a bad idea.

Yes , Kundela slash at maximum …

BC - 5
Levitate - 5
Kundela slash - 5
Blood sucking - 10
Kurdaitcha/bb/Nhaghundi/BP -1

And still gonna be 1 point left , save for rank 9 , some people like a better Blood bath , I think it weak and ridiculous heal ,oput it 1 just because The beauty blood effect visual , pretty brutal !!!

Even the warlock 2 can not deal enought damage to be the number one e ver, just the other builds can, but yeah its true what you say the ff is the tanky class of wizards forma this having other way todo increse his tank propieties better.

Flesh Cannon is a good filler, but the synergy is to cast Dirty Pole for JP. Dirty Pole + Boss -> Joint Penalty -> Blood Curse = x2 damage

Can do the same trick with Pyro’s Fireballs for x3 damage (or more with more Fireballs)

edit: oh wait. Add in the Blood Curse poison property and Joint Penalty’s +50% poison damage

Full CON is viable because dealing with the Transpose setup isn’t for everyone.
And the existence of the damage cap (why it exists is a mystery to me).

From your Wiz3 calculation you’re already hitting 210k, you’re already wasting ~10k damage right there (unless we get mobs with mdef in the tens of thousands).
Let’s say a Transpose character can do that output right now.
Getting any more INT is literally a waste for BC since it’s already hit the damage cap.
It will be unaffected by the element change to Poison + JP attribute (+50%) because it’s already dealing TOO MUCH DAMAGE.

Meanwhile, full CON builds have room to grow, from more CON/HP items (even +% from Transcendence) to the element change to utilizing external stuff like Ein Sof/HP Orbs in GBL.

tl;dr: full INT Transpose (+QC) will hit the damage cap too quickly for BC, you’re better off with adding link setups in increase your output.
And make your life easier by not having to heal up so often.

it should be wiz 3 pyro-OR-cryo 1 linker 2 ff 2

again, as a full int thau 1 FF I have to agree completely
full con has much more room to grow, and with the new poison element BC is likely to hit the cap even with full con builds

and as for the swell> decay combo, you can just get lvl 6 ngadhundi, takes longer but gets it done

Im not sure if i full con could be the best way to do, because the thama helps alot in the way of a full int FF2 and yeah with the poison damage everything will get better.

if i can choose for a build without thama yeah deal good damage if maybe we do 3:con:2int but it not will be the same lke having a full int build, for this i think maybe its better have at least one rank of thauma, because i think as full con FF2 like @Pinky one, can compare the damage from BC, but the other skills i think will deal less damage, all are int based.

all featherfoot skills are going to be changed to poison property in the near future (ktos already has it)

that means +50% damage when linked, that means, full con will easily reach the damage cap, negating the need for transpose

I understand that swell arms are neet, hell, I love the skills, but objectively:

I have 2000 pdef on my featherfoot without the need of right arm
I also have near 2000 mdef on the same featherfoot

(we are ALSO getting a def/mdef bonus of 10% based on rank in the future)
when the bonus hits, I`ll be close to 3k on both x_x
stay ahead of the curve, boys, thats what it means to be futureproof

plus, Featherfoot is NOT a worldboss top dps class, you are a support bulky damager/debuffer at best with the added bonus of never ever dieing if you are built correctly.

Yeah i understand your point but if thuama is not the best idea for the FF? which one could be? because i have one slot for something and im not sure of the adventages for having linker 2 except from the links XD, and how much damage we can deal with just FF2 full con it really reachs the cap?

Just as a disclaimer, I built my FF for PvP/GvG, which is why I went full CON.
For PvE questing Ngadhundi 6 takes care of most mobs, JP BC for those immune to Decay.
I’m fully aware that FF, especially a full CON build, will do terribly in PvE content like timed damage checks (ET) or world bosses.
An INT build will have better PvE output with Blood Sucking/etc, but that’s not what FF is for, at least to me.
And FF3 will ramp up the base damage of skills yet again, making INT less important to get.
1.5k INT damage is a lot less impressive on 10k+ base damage skills, not to mention the silliness that is Transcendence (3-5k weapon damage anyone?).

Yeah i understand your point, but yeah i made this build focus on pve, mostly for solo i know too it cant do world bosses, or if can im sure that i will not be the first , for this i think to take thuama because it increse my damage, but with the new coming cryo ice blast +IW im think again to take linker 2, but if you say it is mostly for PvP, which way i take? diferent stat distrubution? or change link2 for other class?

PD : im not playin at the moment because im finish my classes, for this i still maiking this build XD.