Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Yeti for HP (not implemented, or rather, I have no idea if you can obtain it currently)

chapp is ok for stuff like bloodsucking (since you most likely chug a potion during it)

I roll nuaeles personally, helps bring that mdef to 2000+

Guys I’m planning to make a featherfoot can you guys give a feedback on my build? Which one is a better option?


Tested it yesterday. Yeah, you recover 0 hp. Another things to mention here about decay.
Ngadhundi decay is counted as lvl1 debuff, and can not be applied agaist Ausrine. Dirty Pole and Flash Cannon decay counted as lvl2 debuff and CAN be applied against Ausrine and Prophecy.
I just wanted to make some build to try somehow counter Ausrine in 5vs5 TBL with Psy3 and Decay. It does not work that well :frowning:

Hello guys, it’s me again here aroud, but i want to ask you especially @Pinky because i am already on cryo3-linker but im not sure for the next step, because thauma give me more damage with BC+link+IW, in the calculated, but there is a problem that i think could make me have some trouble, is about the time betewn transpose - heals BC, i will have enought time to do all of that? because whe i use transpose i need to heal my self to dont die in the explosion, and maybe that will be a problem with my build.

please let me know advantages and disavantages on the posible build having linker 2 or linker-thauma. thank you very much for the help.

Your only way to heal yourself is Blood Sucking, Blood Bath is a joke.
And it has a 40ish second cooldown, and doesn’t work with all mobs.
In PvP you’ll have to rely on clerics since it doesn’t work on players.

Since you went Cryo3 (no Surespell) your Blood Sucking will be less reliable, any stray hit can cancel the skill, leaving you to wait out the cooldown.
If you have a cleric friend you can play with often, Thaum can work.
Otherwise the setup is too hard in my opinion.

Are you sure your math tells you that thaum gives more damage than 3 more links?
What do your stats look like? If you’re heavy INT I can see that happening.

guys is there any1 can confirm if ngadhundi decay work on player at TBL and GVG???

It works in TBL, I haven’t personally used it in GBL because of the sheer difficulty in landing the skill in that environment.
Probably works fine there too.

So level 5 ngadundi will decrease player max hp to50% cmiiw… And lets say i debuff someone with ngadundi and his max hp decrease to 50% and when the duration end… Will his max hp back to 100% or it stays at 50%???

Lvl5 ngadundi will reduce max hp by 3.75%*25 so almost to 4% hp. So, if you manage to put this lvl1 status in melee, overcoming all debuff protection and the player will not use Cure during all that time, then yes, he will have like 4% hp remaining after 25seconds. His max HP will return to 100% after the duration ends. But he will not be healed back, so still 4% will be remaining.
In practice it is almost impossible to do in PvP. Sleep 18 seconds is much more reliable.

Yeah the math says that full int with transpose hit 550k, is just similar with 8 links if i go full con that deals 500k, that ara the stronger hits with each build

but that is only for blood curse, yeah that was what i think, and i cant suck from every mob so thats a problem to, but idk what advantages give me have linker 2, for me are just 3 more links, and thauma give me more damage with other skills with left arm, and the combo of Swell body + Ngadhundi, its for this that i think on the build, but the problem that i say before, its heals after use tranpose.

im not sure I understand your math
but just to be sure, you are considering the maximum damage per hit of 199999, right?

i dont understand your question, what i do is basicaly

[Skill damage + Magic Attack + Magic Amp (value fluctuates)] + [Max HP * 0.8]= damage from BC

total magic atack =[ Swell Left Arm (34.4 + ([Skill Level] -1) × 12.4 + [INT] × 0.15 ] + magic atack

Total damage is = BC damage x number of linkes

with full int and thau + linker is 8500 per hit.

Hello guys i want to ask some question, and sorry for may bad english. Dont do that ■■■■ grammar thing to me lol.

For now i have a char wich have a class like this:
Wiz3 - linker - thauma2 - ff1.
The question is:

  1. is it good for just have 1 circle ff then go to thauma 3 instead. (+145 int from swell brain and +lvl at hand buff for me and my party seems awesome). Is it worth it sacrificing ff2 for that buff?

  2. Or i just go for ff2? Is more lvl on ff1 skill damage scaling good? Or i focused on ff2 new skill instead? Is ff2 new skill good?

Thanks guys

  1. No. Go ff2. Int buff is not that good and takes a buff slot. Thauma2 is mostly for Reversi(may be used on some bosses and good in PvP, but FF is not a PvP class, so its useless). Otherwise I would go Linker3 for PvE.
  2. Go ff2.

I think @rzrhdn can use thauma 1, its is very good for pve because give you more damage against boss, and the linker 3 yes give lifeline but, its mostly for a party play, and if he want to make more damage its better go to the thauma way even with the hp problem.

So you mean w3-link-thauma2-ff then r8 thauma3?

Or do you mean dont take ff for r7, but take thauma3 instead? If that the case, ive already pick ff T_T did i mess things up?

@ray what ff skill in c2 worth pick for? And what ff c1 skill worth lvling for in c2?

Thanks for your opinion guys

  1. Dont take Thauma3 at all. 145 int + 20 matk + 100dmg does not worth 1 rank it is nothing when normal mobs have 500k hp.
    Go wiz3-link2or3-thauma1or0-FF2. Link3 has 11 links, link2 has 8 links, link1 has 5 weak links… thauma1 allows you to go full int and then swap int and con with transpose skill, so your damage of Blood Curse will be like almost 2 times higher. With thauma1 you can also use swell body-decay combo to kill any hp non boss monster within like 10 seconds(without thauma it is 25 seconds).
    But if your goal is to max dmg against boss then it is technically possible to go cryo1 instead of thauma1 for ice wall. Link boss to ice wall and use blood curse to get amount of links more times damage. But I would not do that.
    It is no point to go thauma2 at all. Reversi is PvP skill, but since FF is useless in PvP, there is no point going thauma2. Damage difference from buffs is insignificant.

my question was whether or not you were considering that each individual hit of BC can only hit for a maximum of 199999 just like every skill in this game

and yes I know that icewall multiplies that individual hit by 5-6 times, maybe even 10 if you have linker 3

Thauma with ff its just 1 rank thauma 2 give you a little more of damage and def but its better go todo w3 - linker2 - thau - ff2

@ronaiaronuit idk about that hit cap bit i think that my damage pero hit will be less of that but maybe now i will go to link 2 because it s to hard for a cryo use bs 2 times, better i will try to get more hp equip :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t recommend the Ice Wall trick to any build with less than Cryo2 (since you’re there you might as well go Cryo3).
Ice Wall HP scales with skill levels, and Lv5 isn’t usable at all unless you’re soloing/your partymates know when to stop attacking while you do the combo.
Even Lv17 (w/ Audra) struggles in pubs with lots of multihits (like EleLocks).