Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

whats the necklace? link?

but yeah lots of the newer maps are brutal for any class let alone a ff2.

so its better choose FF2 right? or I need to change to full con so blood curse can make better damage?
idk about sorce but I read somewhere pyro is ok with full con because there is not much different output for pyro between con and int
or better with stat right now? which is int?

idk where is link of necklace, just read it in another forum , especially pyro forum

Hi mord, im curious about your build and since i donā€™t have any knowledge on FF, so any opinions are welcome.

are you already at rank 8? if so how was your build doing exactly? like tell me all positives and negatives about it.

i was thinking of Wiz2>link3>TH. since i want to do ET aswell with FF. but i dont know if linker 2 would do the job without having life line


im not sure if anyone is making full con for an ff2. usually full int with 1 circle of thaum for transpose would be way more efficient.

would this build be good?
Chose necro c1 for boss fights. Link dirty pole to bosses. Because iā€™ve read that ff skills would be changed to poison property and having 50% dmg to bosses is good.

I canā€™t do that because i just can pick 1 more class thats FF2ā€¦ if I pick thau so i canā€™t pick FF2 T__T
Thatā€™s why im very confuse
How much dmge will I get if I have full con then using blood curse.? Anyone have the calculation?

@Ellyr i. if i read it right, how was your wiz c3 - link c3 - ff c2 doing ?


I have a few questions.
1)While using Levitations, can you use any skills?
2)Does Blood Curse
a)require and
b)cancel Levitation status?
3)How much extra damage do you recive from missile attacks?

  1. you can use most skills except for ff stab skills. (ex: blood bath, kundela )
  2. yes it requires levitation and no it does not cancel it afterwards.
  3. not sure

Thank you! I have also heard that Blood Curse debuff does not work in PvP or smthingā€¦ so, can you leech back the damage dealt to enemies in PvP with Blood Curse explosion? (assuming you had more than 60% hitpoints during the explosion)

Ill dont like to destroy your dreams butā€¦

  1. Blood Curse status will heal u forā€¦aroundā€¦ 16HP - per hit on an enemyā€¦
    if you use blood curse and the enemies dont dieā€¦ u will for sure if they are mage or archer type.

Btw the attribute to sacrifice 80% instead of 60% is an dmg increase of around 10k for me (90 con)

You are not abel to use spiritual chain/life line and you wont be Abel to use ANY KIND OF MELEE SKILL that include Kundela slash, Bloodbath and Naghundi!

the most safe way to use bloodcurse is to team up with a plague doctorā€¦ if u cant imagine why ill tell you :

  1. u cant be healed by healing
  2. u can run over healing factor (with full HP ONLY!) and then use levitation to self destruct - healing factor will heal you FULL afterwards

and even if you all hate me for saying the following : Rune caster as filler rank 6 is a rly good Class to choose.
You get Rune of destruction and Rune of justice - 2 Damage skills u can use while in levitation state.
In my opinion its not smart to focus too much on blood curse - levitation itself is a good skill if u have more dmg spells u can cast from far above and on top u will get immune to MOST of boss attacks.

I agree with saschaā€¦

blood curseā€™s damage can be high if done right {ex: cast fireballs and link them to a boss} but it actually takes a while to get it going correctly without dying.

I find myself not even using blood curse the majority of the time because it makes you so vulnerable to death.

Levitation is gimmicky but there are those random times where all the mobs are melee and you are able to just float over and cast spells as you wish. for those situations i believe the rune caster spells would be pretty efficient.

lol you guys should play a class before theorycrafting

thats why you have Blood Sucking, heal up after blood curse, or in my case:

transpose, blood suck, blood curse, repeat
going full con simply means you heal after exploding, and from what ive tested with equilibrium, damage can be around the 100+ zone, tripled with link

it works, and its efficient, ive been maximizing it, just hit the 200k damage treshold

im gonna have to disagree on the runecaster argument, simply because the damage you get from it is not enough, its simply NOT enough to kill the new mobs, you will waste too much time as oposed to just link + blood cursing them

you can also link bosses to their own laid traps, or to summoned minions, there arent that many limitations, just play with your imagination a bit

sure there are more efficient ways to do things, but nothing beats the satisfaction of linking the carapace and golem to a bunch of hard golemites and exploding them for 600k damage a pop

you cannot leech any health in pvp as players arent any discernible race :stuck_out_tongue:

for pvp you either go transpose and suicide, transpose and get healed by a cleric

OR you go full con and start out with full hp

kino 3 FF2 are imo the best combo for this, just cc multiple targets, run up and explode, done

Yep, I made rank 8, My build: full int

Link 3 is a more party build, better if you have a fixed group, so you can go full con or full int based on the group, Thauma add more solo and farm power.

The con of this build will be that fckin link-immune mobs, fck then =)

So far I liking the build, the dmg is good, I have some sustain, levitate is nice(just take caution against archer mobs)

Anyone Link1-xxx-Necro1-FF2 here? Can you please test if your Blood Sucking and Blood Curse life leech works against the new Dirty Pole it is stated that it is Devil race. What happens if you link Dirty Pole to a player and use Blood Curse? 50k+1dmg and 0 heal, or smth else?

I know that Blood Sucking does not work since it is stated Devil/Beast/Insect. Does the same apply to Blood Curse debuff? It only stops SP regen and gives no life leech or what?

if its anything like fireball and ice wall, each instance linked should add an extra layer of damage (essentially doubling or tripling it, ice wall can x5 it)

pole linking will double your damage

it gives life leech alright, its justā€¦ bad

and players rarely, if ever, survive it :stuck_out_tongue:

Because in all of the PvP videos of using Blood Curse, I have not even once seen Blood Curse used with full hp against players. All of them are with like 10% hp left and FF surely dies because of less than 60% hp. But I will ask you like 3rd timeā€¦
If you have 100% hp, turn off the attribute, use 60% Blood Curse against a player. How much hp you will have left? 40% + nothing? Or more sine Blood Curse gives some life leech. Someone said it is like 16hp? he meant 16k hp or what?