Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

For a wiz without transpose skill, should i reset my stat to go all CON?
I’m still contemplating to go full CON to boots blood curse dmg, but at the same time I’m scared my other skills such as MM, blood bath and blood sucking etc will deal pity damage…

Any thoughts?

btw my build is Wiz2>Link2>Necro>FF2

if you go full CON, your other skills will suck major ■■■■ in late game, yes
some mobs take 1 damage even from full int elememes with 100 attribute Frost Cloud

that being said, full con blood curse WILL oneshot most linked mobs even late game, there are a lot of JP immune mobs now too, so bear that in mind

What skill allocation u suggest? I think bloodsucking 10 leviate 5 and blood curse 5? Rest wait for ff3 how?
Thank you so much for made up my mind haha

I think you shuold put on kundela slash is a nice skill :D, but idk if blood curse is a good idea to max if you dont have transpose maybe im wrong what you think guys?

I’m currently leveling a lv Wizz 3 > Thauma 2 and soon to hit rank 6. and i’m very scared about my choice for Rank 6.

Could be Linker , Thauma 3, Necro… i personally didnt like the swell arms, it doesnt increase shitt in comparison to Quickcast, maybe thaumaturge gets a buff in the future… the linker is a solid and most reasonable choice, but a necro could give a nice burst in the FF cooldowns. dunno, many doubts.:dizzy_face:

so I think BS 10, leviate 5, Kundela slash 5, BC(5?), rest depend on FF3 how bout that?@@ coz i dont take thau, just pyro linker sorc T__T its hard to find right skill alocation

thing about kundela slash, is you need to curse your target for it to be good

so get at least kurdaitcha 1 (not the best choice)
or bone pointing 1

for the utility

necro 1 DPS sadly falls off in the new content, you wont be as bursty as you think

normal mobs now have upwards from 250, sometimes 500k hp
some have so much mdef, you plain wont be able to kill em without high base damage (blood curse)

ill tell ya, most of my time I just sleep > swell body > decay things that are hard to kill >_>

I’d say either thau 3 for the extra HP for transpose (swell brain > transpose)

or linker 1

i’d like to see a thorough explanation of what FF2 builds put their skill points into. all the ones I’ve seen have random points into different skills with what seems to be no real through process.

Heres what I’m planning.

7/10 blood bath because no more points
10/10 blood suck for best hp regen
1 bone pointing for cursing
1 ngadhundi for decay
1 levitation for fly
5/5 kindela for dps (double dmg with curse)
5/5 blood curse for dat nuke

I put the points similar to yours, I just put the point in kurdaitcha for extra curse source.

yeah i was actually debating kurdaitcha vs bone pointing since i just found out they had an attribute that increases movement speed to normal walking speed. but i figured i still wouldnt use it as much during grinding so im sticking with bone pointing cause i could set it and run around. (also with new bone point attribute does 3x dmg which is not much but its something)

right now im:

7/10 bb and 1/5 kundela…

im debating maxing out blood bath versus kundela since kundela takes longer to cast (3 strikes) but it may end up doing more dps over time since the lower cd? 14 secs? versus just 1 bb stab and run.

they need to increase bleeding duration for blood bath with higher levels :confused:

edit: i just noticed something i may have overlooked. i thought kundela did double damage against cursed units for some reason but after re-reading the description it only adds cursed effect on the unit? if so i may max out bb instead.

BB needs a item like Intathurta gloves, to make it less restrict, kundela its far more better dps, as far can make units cursed(thats why I put a point into kurdaitcha, for more consistent curses)

I would suggest kundela slash lv5 for more dps instead of BB. BB is too restrictive. The intasurta glove only works on BS not BB if not mistaken.

As i notice, kundela slash wont cause curse status to mobs…it only does double damage to cursed unit, perhaps the skill description is wrong.

Levitation lv depends on your preference. I like to fly longer and feel more safe when casting all my skills.

my current skills point (lv 290+):
BB 1 = the dps would be good if all mobs bleed
BS 10 = more dps, more heals
Bone pointing 1 = for kundela slash double dmg (might take it to lv3 for max up time)
Levitation 5 = as i mentioned
Kundela slash 2 = more dmg, low cd (will take it to max lv)
Blood curse 5 = more dmg

*Inspired by ronaiaronuit :slight_smile:

I’m actually rolling another FF now

thats what I have planned, it’ll be full CON for pvp :stuck_out_tongue:

this is my current build in PVP, with kino, it’ll be self suficient

I actually have 1 circle link in my build so the blood bath actually works better in my favor.

by this i mean i can link 2 separate monsters together and bb on the bleedable character and it will damage both. in a way getting past this restriction.

I have similar build to yours, but havent reach rank 8 yet, so how you feel about your build? is it nice?
because some of my friend told me to pick pyro3 in rank 8 because dps is godlike with some accesory
which one do you think better? im confuse right now thanks

you would need to explain what accessory he is talking about. i personally have not heard anything about this. with that said, picking pyro 3 for a rank 8 out the back sounds like an insand idea. what is your current build?

ff2 could use some work in my opinion. levitation seems like a gimmick and isnt as useful as it sounds since most of the newer maps have strong ranged units.

Agni necklace is the item, i heard that give fire atk attribute or something

my current build con 100 rest to int
my build Pyro2-linker-sorce2-FF

ah – so its very bad to pick FF2? better pick sorce3?@.@

Bloodcurse with around 90 con and 555 ind do around 55k dmg - its rly useful in combination with link and can one shot high mobs…if u can link em.
Problem is that the tough monsters for a ff are those who cant be linked and are immune to bloodbath and there are tons of them xD
but i doubt u would go better with sorcerer or even pyro because u need at least lvl 315 to eq that necklace.