Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Correction, quick cast attribute affects your whole damage, not just matk. Its basically another 50% attribute, that is multiplicative not additive.

I have 40% attributes on Flesh Cannon FYI.

The way Magic Missiles is coded is such that the missile bounce is tied to AOE def ratio. When Magic Missiles is used together with Circling from Falconers for example, everything inside the radius dies.

With JP + HK, the same thing applies. Basically, those 5-10 mobs that are linked together and then the HK attribute is applied, all of them will have 0 AOE def ratio, meaning that Magic Missiles will bounce infinitely until the hit count is up.

Remember, each hit from Magic Missiles is single-target, so with 5 monsters + lvl 5 JP for example, you essentially hit each target with 10 missiles with the combo (assuming all have the same HP of course). With lvl 10 JP on 5 monsters, it becomes 20 missiles per target.

So please tell me why the mobs are still alive after 1 cast of MM even with HKā€™s debuff still up (the debuff icon still flickering). Based on your description the missiles should continue bouncing for as long as the mobs have 0 AOE defence ratio. And this should occur regardless of whether or not the links have been broken.

Iā€™m not trying to question you I would really like to know more too.

Iā€™ve partied with Falconers before and this has not been my experience. Do you literally mean that everything, regardless of the HP, will die? Maybe Iā€™m doing something wrong.

No worries.

It is possible that HK is made to only work while targets remain linked, we wonā€™t know for sure that the HK attribute is still working just because the HK icon is there.

Magic Missiles is a pretty unique skill in any case, since no other skill in the game works like it.

This was what Iā€™ve been told by Saintone since he does Earth Tower runs regularly. Unless this is a ktos-only thing.

Sounds like a mere exaggeration tbh. Iā€™ll test it when I get the chance though.

Edit: Just tested it on truffles. The missiles definitely donā€™t bounce infinitely many times. One cast came close to killing a few of them though.

Circling + Magic Missile (watch closely around 1:02):

Yea I know it does that. It isnt instant-kill like zellista suggested though.

I just did some tests.

lvl 5 JP / HK
1.5k damage magic missiles (no quick cast)

Test subjects: Blue Stoulets (23968 hp) and Blue Velwrigglers (4638 hp) at Grand Corridor

When I linked 1 Stoulet with 4 Velwrigglers , stoulet was left with roughly 12k~ hp, so he took 8~ missiles worth of damage.

When I linked 3 Stoulets with 2 Velwrigglers, 2 Stoulets survived (6-8k hp remaining).

In both cases, JP didnā€™t break (so hit count was not reached).

5 Stoulets:

1 died
4 remaining Stoulets were at:

JP broke

It takes 16 hits to kill a Stoulet.
1.4k Stoulet took 15 hits.
9.2k Stoulet took 10 hits.
4.5k Stoulets took 13 hits each.

That totals to 67~ hits. 17 hits took place after JP broke.

Interesting, I wonder if that instant-kill was caused by something else then.


The link has a HP of (10*Skill level). At lvl 15 Joint Penalty it will last for 150 hits.
Could you confirm to me that the duration of the HK Splash AoE defence debuff is equal to its Bind duration?
Did this occur when you were testing?

The duration of the AOE defence debuff is 3 seconds, counting down from 2 to 1 to 0. Bind duration depends on HKā€™s level.

And lol that 15 second bind in the video. Them kTOS peeps are sure gonna rage hard.

My HK is only lvl 5.

Splash duration (debuff) is 1~ second longer than HK bind debuff.

The video you linked is showing the old HK bind duration.

Thanks ^^
The Koreans are already raging.

Thatā€™s interesting, because when i tested out frost cloud and hail the dmg only increased by 33%. Maybe flesh cannon it works differently.

Was it on a ice weak/resist monster? I donā€™t know how elemental weakness/resist stack with QC attribute.

Going necro is better in terms of damage. It would compensate for the lack of damaging skills - reducing your downtime moments alot. If you would like to go necro I would suggest dropping thauma 1 then go for linker 2 instead. I think that flesh cannon and flesh hoop can justify the damage lost for not taking thauma buffs. You can still go for linker > thauma > necro if you really want to.

Because Iā€™m kinda interested in the pyro route but I canā€™t fit Wiz2/3 into it if I were to go for the Pyro route unless itā€™s Wiz3>Pyro2>Link>FF but Iā€™m so much better off taking Sorc2 instead of Pyro2.

If I were to go for the Pyro3/Link2 route, I will be more useful in parties due to having more links but of course I will lack Surespell and Quick Cast (attribute).


I have a Wiz3>Pyro2>Link>FF lv 280 and I can say that the pyro2 damage at endgame falls much. Because of this iā€™m creating a wiz3>thauma>linker>necro>ff2, i got thauma now and iā€™m loving this class. I think the damage os necro 1 is much superior than pyro2.

This new char will be full int for a 80k+ hp at lv 280.

So after doing more testing Iā€™ve learned that on mobs immune to HKā€™s stun, using MM after they break out of the pull and start running around does the same crazy damage without breaking the links as often. I can do this on a group of 10 mobs, wipe out about 90k HP but have the links remain. Iā€™ll see if I can get a video of this sometime soon.

It seems like using MM when mobs are all on the same tile is what causes the links to break immediately. And depending on your HK level, this is likely what youā€™ll experience for mobs that arenā€™t immune to stun.

Pyro fireballs are insanely strong, to bad they get booted away most of the time, the other skills are slow burners. So yea necro will burst a lot more effective in dungeons specifically. for solo, pyro will outdamage necro without issue tho.


Again you donā€™t understand how my build works:

Kino is there to stack burns on monsters through pp + burst with ice wall + links
Cryo is there for cc + burn stacking ( lots of hits ), and burst through ice wall + links
Links is to make everything work
necro is there to stack decay + flesh cannon for additional pressure.

Doesnā€™t matter if you 1 shoot them with flesh cannon, you will have to wait for another flesh cannon for 20 sec and with or without links which is 22 sec itā€™s practically 20 sec in between before being capable to nuke the second group.

Also flesh cannon if you relay on it as your main damage skill, you will have to spam it a lot which makes it expensive as hell as every cast costs you 500 silver, also as flesh cannon costs you 30 corpses, a potion has 30 sec cooldown timer, so unless you plan on stacking corpses somehow, itā€™s going to be difficult to keep up.

This means that everything in those 20 seconds if you do 10 skills or 1 will have the same result.

I finally hitted truffle area on 210, and i will showcase exactly how easy it is to kill monsters for me and how my damage isnā€™t dependend on icewall + pp or flesh cannon like at all, and that cc or not doesnā€™t really matter at all.

I didnā€™t do my full combo, because i would most likely overkill everything in seconds.

I will explain you how this works.

8 links on targets = chance of 8 times to get the burn to proc = 40% chance.

pull in 8 targets with hangman knot = 8x damage on monsters = another 40% chance to burn.

Ice spike hits targets multiple times, on 8 targets = 100% burn effect if you hit all targets + free cc ( but i skipped the cc part )

Auto hits will stack every hit 40% chance to burn a target.

The more targets you burn the more burns get shared, the more get shared the more burns have chances to refresh. You want to apply burns on as much individual targets as possible this means you have to hit it, aoe skills are extremely good for that.

If you can cc targets ( like truffles ) most ideal way to stack burns extremely fast is to hit them a lot of times fast = 2x ice spikes > pp, but i skipped that so you could see the slow way.

Itā€™s a little bit choppy because the file size is already huge. What i did is:

jp + hk + ice spike + a few easy auto hits = bye 100k truffles.

Like i said, i have zero issueā€™s doing damage, i hardly ever cast flesh cannon or ice wall for monsters in general. There is no need for me to do so.

Oh the only buffs i used where the standard pardoners buffs, not even weapon enchant or anything. my ignition has 2x 19 m.atk gems and is +7


I also tested out the following didnā€™t made a video off it.

jp+hk + 2x ice spike + flesh cannon = death truffles, as flesh cannon stacks not only massive amounts of burns but also decay.

Relying on burn to kill 100k+ HP mobs is a very slow way to solo. But whatever floats your boat I guess.

You will not have the luxury of running around like that at higher levels especially around magic mobs. You either kill them fast or get killed.