Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Met a guy who bought 1 attribute point in it. Next attribute point is 500k too.

Better to just put the silver into damage attributes since you get more healing that way lol.

Still seems OP to me, they should remove the burn effect from links entirely. As even in that video it’s to strong. not as ridicilous OP as it is now, but yea.

C2 Featherfoot


Works similar to wugushi wu gong gu skill I guess with a link though that BB interaction is more hidden. If you did wu gong gu before JP, it doesn’t do that double poison damage but works just like BB if you casted it after JP. Could be intended


  • This skill now has increased attack from base level 323 to 387.6, increase per level from 83.28 to 99.94.
  • Blood Bath’s HP recovery rate has been changed to 30% that of this skill’s attack.


  • The Kurdaitcha: Enhance attribute will now reduce the damage of all enemy attacks, including other characters, by 2 times. It will not, apply to other characters’ Petrification debuffs.

Finally pseudo healer mode. Didn’t know that kurdaitcha will reduce debuffed target’s damage.

it’s good that now they change it to % but why is Intathurta Gloves missing from the patch notes? :cry:

Them heals too stronk. That’s such a significant boost in damage too if you think about it on level 10 with links @_@. Is the bleed damage increase 1% per 1% attribute level as intended?

Yes - Bleed damage = Initial stab damage. The heal is too strong I guess lol.

Yay no more need for Bloodsucking ever (unless your links get broken and/or you’re fight plant/mutant/boss monsters).

Anyone understands what the new Kurdaitcha attribute does? I’ve never seen it in any of the kTOS patch notes. Would be nice if those who have Kurdaitcha test it out after the patch. If it halves enemy attacks at a 100% chance while the curse is active, it just went from a crappy skill to one that has immense potential. Then they should just recolor Featherfoot’s class emblem green IMO, since 3/5 skills have green icons and the two red ones are highly situational.

It is indeed a very powerful skill if it works that way. Duration of the debuff is 7s though and cannot be refreshed even if the blood tile is still beneath the target. Not sure if I can refresh it if I move the target to another blood tile. Have to test out later.

If the new effect also works with Bone Pointing then it might be worth putting 1 point in both skills for higher curse uptime or something.

You don’t need to take points in Kurdaitcha in order to invest in its attributes.

I think investing 1 point in it will make the uptime of the debuff almost 100%. Taking 50% damage less is a very powerful debuff IMO and the best part is that it should work on boss monsters along with the double damage kurdaitcha attribute.

Yes I know but having 1 point in both skills would give 100% uptime.

I don’t get it. You want to have Kurdaitcha to walk at -15 move speed? Only for extra 10 sec of Curse per minute?

100% up time would be very useful against boss monsters. And no, you don’t have to be in -15 movespeed. Just droppping the first blood tile is enough to inflict the debuff.

^ what he said.


Ah, I assumed the cooldown on Bone Pointing was 60 seconds instead of actual 50, my mistake.
Well, I still don’t think that in boss fights the curse debuff will be a reliable way to reduce boss damage in half for the 100% of the fight duration - the first AOE will most likely send the Bone flying to where it cannot reach the boss unless you can stand near a wall/another obstacle. We’ll see after the patch though.

P.S. I cringe at the thought of spending a skillpoint for a 7 second debuff with 32 seconds cooldown, which can be achieved by another skill instead that also deals damage and can act as a microtank. And you have to actually walk on the boss for that…
But, brothers, if this works well, I’d only be happy to use it :slight_smile:

Okay… so the heal is literally 30% of the skill description’s damage. IMC y u do dis