it is a self drain hp and sp build, go for it! because lycan’s self drain sp is not enough
It seems ktos going to fix the poison % today
don’t forget that zealot is a rank 8 class while druid is a rank 6 class and, like all of them, is now facing a hard decision, go for druid 3 and get zealot/tao/inqui at job1, or go druid2 zea/tao/inq 2.
rank 6 got it hard whith this decision by imc to cap classes at rank 8.
Funny that they did it just now. The same week i published this LUL

It doesnt mention anything about Bitegerina card poison tho.
Its worth to have druid nowadays??? for what??
wich is the best build??? i like the concept, but seems underpower
so the new 350 maces only give str/dex? lol time to farm a skull smasher
Still no news for Druid class rework
IMC likes to tease us.
With the extra rank though, we have multiple options for synergy. Such as PD, Kabb, Oracle, Zealot
I’m not sure what you mean by this. It’s not exactly “worth” to have any one particular class outside of the base Cleric, Wizard, Archer, Swordsman. Beyond that, each class brings its own unique flavor but the real value is in the synergy of an entire build.
Depends on what you want to do with the build. Clerics in particular are super versatile. A Druid/Priest combo makes for a great DPS/Support hybrid. On the flip side, Druid/Sadhu provides a lot of DPS at the expense of that added healing (It’s also way more gear dependent).
Hmm…you make a good point there. For me personally, it’s kind of a binary choice. I play Druid for the shapeshifting so if the rework makes Transform more viable to use with something like Inqui2, then I’ll consider just going Druid2. Otherwise, it’s Druid3 for me.
There are 2 counterproductive aspects that go againts the idea of getting a Druid3Zealot2 (Rank10) but its fine to build a Druid3Zealot.
And those are the skills you obtain on the Zealot Circle 2.
Consumes 50% of your SP to be applied on a single next hit. Which goes againts the multi-hit aspect of druids not to mention the SP drain.
Consumes a % of your HP for its duration while dealing a fixed Skill Factor% as damage. Druid3 get the benefit of doubling their HP pool so this skill would actually end up hurting yourself more than your enemy in certain conditions.
But analizing Zealot circle 1 skills and their synergy with Druid3 (Lycan).
We could totally ignore the pain barrier copy, or get a single point of it to safely cast Lycanthropy. (21s duration at level 1 and only 1 extra second per level so its a huge single point value)
Inmolate yourself, The damage received to yoruself is not % based so having a high HP pool actually benefits this skill. The negative aspect is that it only applies the burning debuff againts melee attacks.
Yet, it provides something good and thats a passive damage skilll. Cast and forget while you focus on your other circles skills and Lycan attacks.
Seems like a good answer for a PvP druid when dealing with Physical Damage.
Gap closer … i just find amazing having a giant Lycanthropy appearing behind you. Mobility skill that seems oriented to PvP or some PvE shenanigans. The range is actually quite small and the skill goes on cooldown if the target is too far away. 10s cooldown tho.
Hey, more passive boosts. They are good. Im not 100% sure on the correct mechanics, but im guessing it provdees a higher bonus if you are fully healed. (The google translation is really weird)
We got 20% bonus damage from hengestone, 10% from Lycanthropy and 25% from this ability. And Druids have an amazing ability to keep their HP not moving, Sterea Trofh.
During this ability duration you wont be able to heal at all. (Heal, mass heal seem to not work) Having a high HP pool would make the difference % between Current HP / Max HP not as dramatic by getting hit thus making the increased benefits last longer. It has a 15s duration which fits perfectly with Sterea duration and the same cooldown aswell.
Seems to be a nice bossing ability, where you dont want the boss to move at all as a Druid so you can keep the grass under it. It also may have some PvP uses as a preparation for a bursting skill with high risk.
These are my fully THEORICAL observations so far, and on my current build Sadhu2Druid3 im still quite inclined on taking Sadhu3 for the amazing damage boost from Transmit Prana. Yet Zealot seems to be a really fun choice for PvP oriented Druid builds.
Some more info:
Honestly, I find most of the new info quite depressing. It’s just IMC messing about with little care or reason behind it all…
- An ok ish kd/kb immunity skill, nice filler even if the duration/cd is disappointing.
- Immolation has nice dmg but it’s nearly useless when you’re not solo, far to niche imo.
- Warp with a short range, eh could be worse.
- Fanaticism is a +5% and +5% per skill level dmg buff if you keep full health that lasts 15s and has a 30s cd. And it prevents healing, can be used decently at zealot2/3 but isn’t worth the downsides at zealot1 imo.
- Fanatic Illusion I do like, as 15% health is easy to mitigate with healing/invulns etc. Ow and for Divine Might murder shenanigans ofc. But its still two ranks for a sub-par small aoe dot mechanic.
- Blind Faith: Op with heal bombs, Energy Blast and Possession. Maybe a few others as well.
- Aukuras now instead has a 30s duration with a 60s cd and heals an insignificant amount of health per second (it’s not health recovery anymore)
- Aukuras Goddess Of Fire is decent enough, as it’s a 20s dmg buff with a 30s cd aoe dmg buff.
- Divine Stigma is now also a dot with a base 15s duration and a 30s cd. The stat buff also lasts for ages now (60s and you gain a decent chunk of dot duration per skill level? +8s iirc.) But sadly it’s not as nice as the 6s cd variant IMC advertised…
- Daino is just a 1:1 patk to matk conversion, nothing super. It does the job I suppose. Has horrible duration/cooldown ratio that basically means it only shines at kriev3.
R3 Plague Doctor:
- Methadone I actually love tbh, 15-20s kd/cast/ku/flinch immunity with a 40s cd is quite sweet. Not super amazing and it depends on if its a +20% dmg dealt or dmg taken buff to boot just how good it is. And it works for your entire party to boot.
R3 Kabbalist:
- Gevurah is junk, +100% additive dmg (ontop of skill factor) for x hits where x is the number. What?
- Despite that, Kabba still needed something more to shine and to make up for rather poor r1-3s.
- Let there be levitation! fun gimmick, but not much more. Has potential with carnivory but I can’t think of much else.
- A single target nuke? it’s lightning element even and has decent range. Nice for pvp but I don’t see it being decent for pve unless you link mobs together.
- Iron Maiden, pvp themed cc I suppose. Seems a bit lacking.
- Judgement, decent for a combo with turn undead but that’s all I can think off…
- Sanctuary gives plenty of def and dmg to allies. Might be 1:1. 30s cd, 10s duration. Actually pretty good.
- Demolition is quite nice tbh, not super but it’s better than nothing.
- Conversion is now an attribute for Turn Undead, can turn up to 5 mutants/undead and adds 50% of your str as added patk. Nerf to zoo builds, buff to every other paladin.
- Counterspell now has infinite entries and no benefit from skill levels beyond 1…
- Forecast now adds 100 evasion and has a base 5 minute duration. The attribute now adds +5 minutes instead of w/e the ■■■■ it was. Pretty nice.
- Death Sentence now has a 10s duration of +30% extra dmg and +5% per skill level with a 60s cd. You take 100/50% of the dmg dealt to enemies that survive the debuff when it ends. NOT AS ADVERTISED!
- Prophecy changed as advertised, it’s still decent.
- Foretell is now a 100% invuln, 100% accuracy, 5-10s duration with 50s cd spell. Ouch, duration got nerfed to boot. Overkill tbh.
Isn’t that all?
I don’t see any new druid build options tbh…
- Sadhu Variants will want to pick up druid3 or sadhu3 for the dmg buffs and other benefits.
- Priest3 druid3 builds will benefit the most from inquisitor1’s Malleus Maleficarum and Breaking Wheel.
- Bokor3/Druid3 could go zealot, but I’d be more tempted to grab something support oriented or work towards pd2.
- Krivis2-3 comes closer, but also has an ideal option in taoist1. Druid3+taoi1 should be interesting, but that’s well known for quite a while now.
I might see some use for tao if you’re a paladin, as inquis2 is quite lackluster. Maybe zealot1 as a purely pvp option for the teleport even?
It makes sense to mean ‘damage dealt to enemies +20%’, think this is right, I will change it.
Literal, it is "Enemy(for/to/by/at) - receiving/receival(indication) - damage(indication) - 20% - increase(formality indication). Here’s the simple version of the skill description part = 적에게 받는 피해 20% 증가. Will try to find some PD3 testing info to be sure.
There’s a big catch on Kabba3 skill, reading about tests now.
Unless the druid rework they mentioned before comes soon, there ain’t any class with a big sinergy right now.
zealot skills sounds good since druid 3 double hp with stone and usually high sp(spr stats), but cant get to c2 so less 2 of the best skills
Should be Damage dealt as you’ve said.
If everything would be broken down in syllables.
적 = enemy
에게 = to
받는 = receive
피해 = damage
20% 증가 = 20% increase
Are physical Druids a possibility considering we can now be Druid3-Inq ?
(yes i’m physical druid guy)
yes, it is possible, but not optimal/unleashing druid true potential
I am considering druid3>inq as well. Druid c3 feels like corsair c3 when rank 8 came out.
Can anyone tell me the best magic mob to shape shift? I was thinking about Ultanun.