Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Crash while in town with miko
Crash in mission
Crash in guild event
Crash in wb

Even after they reduce the visual effect. Hedgestone is like the bread and butter for druid, but…

I’ve moved it to a different hotkey so i can get used to spam it everytime i can. So far i’ve only crashed that one time on TBL. No party members or bystanders have reported crashing (as i’ve got several complains before lol)

Edit: I will also try clearing my game temporal folder. Maybe its something there

Can anyone tell me does the animal and large attributes work when using Lycanthropy?

Do you still generate SP every 20 secs while in Lyncanthropy? If so does Statue of Goddess Zemyna(Dievdirbys) effect the sp cost of Lync?

Please and Thank You

  • The attributes are for Transform. So no, they dont affect it.

  • There is a different regen timer when out and in combat.

    • 20s out of combat
    • 40s while on combat
  • Zemyna wont really help you with the sp rege as much. But will help you REDUCE the sp cost of your rotations, so on the long run it does increase your Lycan uptime.

Thank you

Um… What? I’m pretty sure there’s only 10 and 20 sec regen timers. One when sitting and one when standing. Unless in Lyncanthropy this changes?

guys, i was thinking about cleric3 priest2 and druid3, what do you guys think? Short cleric3 and think cool with druid3

I’m new druid2 inqui1, i use usually Ultanun, Canchobird or this kind of birds for poison ticks, and also beast type which benefits my crit rate (100% legit crit rate on cheap gears [no peta, no bracelets, 3 lvl 5 green gems]), being a great choice as offense for high HP mobs.

My question is, is there any Transformation you would prefer as a Dex build? i’ve seen panto as a good self buff choice, but small panto’s have like 1/3 uptime. I would also like to ask you which pantos have 100% uptime haste, i’ve seen a brown one above which i believe can only be found via “Change skill”.

I have the same build as you do, and I like using the kugheri for pole of agony spam. It’s quite a good dps addition to my rotation.

I tried but even with malelus it’s just 1k damage per tick on pole. It’s really weak for me.

Kugheri’s PoA is now magic :frowning:

@GM_Francis will help us Druid!!!

come on guys!!!

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It’s definetely a bothersome bug. Hope it gets GM’s and dev’s attention soon.

I’m pretty sure this method necessitates mouse mode. :frowning: wish there a was a way to do it with keyboard

Nope. Just make sure to bind an empty slot to the same key+modifier, that was the basic premise:

[D] activates the skill with a target, [CTRL+D] activates the buff with yourself as the target, and [SHIFT+D] should either be unused or bound to a blank.

Shift and Ctrl can be used alternatively.

You can hover your mouse above you (and leave it there). This is indicated by a orange-ish circle below your feet.

See below: KB Mode

*Ignore the abrasives in RED, that doesn’t affect this at all. As long as it’s not something activate-able like an object or skill.

Like I said, we’re all playing on a PC, you have access to your mouse despite being on KB mode, leave it hovering on your character.

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Eh… that’s sad… I was thinking to try the physical PoA with Miko’s dance… :persevere:

Since I also have a monk1druid2inquisitor1 I would like to know what is the BiS atm for transformation (after the PoA rework), given that:

+50% crit rate from beasts is not only a “must” but the point of the druid 2 “filler” for this monk/inqui build! so no plants /insects for us.

  • The best medium looks to be any beast panto with 3sCD to self haste (only oracle, sadly), other options could be the standard merog shaman or, lastly, ultanum for the poison tick

  • Small is also very interesting to stack dodge rate (super good in pve and cheap gear around, IMO) but after the nerf to the small panto haste cd what should we look for?

  • Large: Otherworld Large Panto Spearman for amor break

Any help would be super welcome <3 I re read this topic at least a couple of time but the infoes on the mobs are posted at random and are not easy to follow, hoping some focussed oracle or min/maxer druid could help with this one :wink:

Are you 100% sure? harder yes?

Yeah, 100% PoA is now magical (tested today).

I guess we are back to hunting medium panto with our alt oracle (or we pay someone to give to us xD)

Did they patch Kugheri Zeuni’s PoA?? O_o? What monsters give PoA now?

It’s become magical (from phisical) that’s it