Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

No Skull Smasher, i crei evritym.

They’re not gonna put it in the patch and claim that it’s for balancing. JK lmao.

But seriously, I need that mace now since Vienarazis Mace looks rly uglie.


Anyways, I think they’ve patched Telepathy’s bug(?). You can now damage the linked enemy on ally magic circles instead of them switching allegiance.

Have you tested this on TBL?

Telepath has always worked like that on normal Friendly Duel PvP for some reason.

Actually, transformations are mainly for attributes buffs and some supportives skills :smiley: , but not for damage. Werewolf does.

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The usefull skills in transformations I’ve seen so far are the safety zone from merog shaman, haste from pantos and self heal from chupakabra.
But attributes buffs are really nice :smiley:

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Anyone here play druid3 on a gamepad? Is it feasible with lycan, i.e. can the skills be directly assigned to your hotkeys on the gamepad format?

Buried in this thread are comments from me and other users regarding this, but currently transformations (including Lycan) do not work well on a game pad because one of your 4 game pad buttons will usually cancel the transformation and you cannot reassign these hotkeys.

However, for Xmas I got a Steam Controller and I have high hopes that I can make Druid transforms work on it. I’ll report back here after some testing.

ok thanks!!! Saved me a wasted reset.

I have a dex based monk that I was considering to reset into a druid3, but I’m wondering if it’s worth it over a typical pally inquisitor (or is int druid just better?).

The build will be something like cleric2-diev1-priest1-x-druid3, or is it better to go diev3?

If you are only using Druid3 for Hengestone-Buff-Combo, it’ll be hard since you’ll be watching not only your stamina – but your SP as well ( Lycantrophy drains a lot ). Not sure if it’s a viable build ( but that’s just me ), but I think there are some users that goes with this class path and are having no problems with it.

People usually use that path for invincibility / support purposes ( Safety Zone, Ausrine, Sterea Trofth ), but tbh I can still see Nuke potential in the build) .

Nuke potential?

I mainly want priest1 for monstrous dex buff to maximise my crit rate, main dps will be using wolf to crit for high damage, but I’m not sure if it’s worth it over int builds.

Oops, I forgot that you’re going to be phys-type, so disregard my previous comment. As an INT-build druid, Lycan is still good even if you lack physical damage stats.

So yeah – INT, for me, is definitely better since lycan’s skills have long cds with the exception of scratch.

I can confirm you can play Druid 3 with a Steam Controller. This controller is amazing. I can switch to Lycan (or any transform) and use skills with ease now.

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I’ll preface this by saying I think INT Druid is superior to physical builds right now.

One idea I was considering before was Monk 1, Druid 2, Inquisitor, which allows you to double your crit rate and evasion with transform while making use of DP and Inquisitor skills.

Just food for thought.

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mind showing a pic or video of you using a steam controller?

I’m a full DEX Druid3.

And the damage is really low compared to my previous INT build. But i’m using this because i like to pvp mostly =P

Benefits of a DEX druid on PvE:

Evasion - no need to rely on Ausrine, SZ, ST so much.

And THATS it, It gives good survability on 4 star maps to physical mobs (archers) which INT build lacks. Crits from Lycan are nice to have, but increased damage on your dot is way better, considering the huge amount of tics Cure and Carnivory provide.

I’m still trying to determine the most optimal layout, but later, once I’m used to it.

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Dont hedgestone still crash a lot lately?

It crashed me ONCE on TBL, and thats it. But seems WAY more easy to use on middle of a battle now.