Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Yes, the spirit can attack normally. 100%.

Nice, thank you #20202020

Oracle kabbalist for ein sof, counterspell, prédiction. They have Good skills i think.
And i think kabbalist are not too much played.

Even if i love the skins and the lore of plague doctor i dont want to build one cause i read they are in all build, too much played and op classes.

I want to do pvp, gvg and woe in endgame.

Why sadhu have synergie with druid? Cause they can oob with transform ? Why is it better?
I read that sadhu was too nerfed, buggued and with much limit (range of astral projection, you cant spell in this form etc)
So if you take sadhu is Just 1 circle ? So bokor2 sadhu1 / diev2 sadhu1?

Can you show me a good skillbuild with damballa?

I think i read outdated thread cause i read that druid use shapeshift just a few. Why are you most of the time transformed (are you talking to druid3 and lycanthropy or for Druid1/2 too?)

So im a bit lost sorry im new on TOS with a lot of question. I love that we have a lot of classes choices but im lost and i want to do too much build lol.

Well for starters pvp & gvg will require specific builds when miko rolls out, since gohei destroys buffs asap.

So stick with a pvp or pve oriented build, as with the next meta there won’t be any decent pvx variants.

The standard post miko pvp build will be:

  • Cleric2 | Dievdirby3 | Miko | X | Inquisitor.

Which relies on miko’s buff removal + diev’s world tree to silence and disable enemies. With Inquisitor so you can still kill in pvp to boot.

X is whatever you want, but priest tends to excel here due to res.

And keep in mind anything buff related will be removed by gohei’s.

Oracle & Kabba have their niches, but they both have next to no dmg and rather average support in circles with much better competitors.
They’re usually slotted into builds that get a ton of dmg elsewhere and rarely both at once.

Plague Doctor2 is very strong and common, no doubt about it. But there are plenty of ways to build. And it will lose its pvp meta spot.

On the sadhu side:

  • OoB ends when cc’d or knockbacked.
  • Possession ends when you take dmg or get cc’d.
  • OoB can snapshot chap cards for as long as it’s up.
  • OoB has a +50% innate dmg multiplier.
  • OoB can still be used alongside any other skills.
  • OoB puts your defense to 0 while it’s active.
  • ABE is a buggy shitheap. It’s kind of good, but getting stuck for minutes after using it is not worth it atm.
  • Vashita is crap.

On the druid side:

  • Sterea Trofh prevents dmg and most knockback effects for 15s every 30s.
  • Lycanthropy makes you immune to most kd & cc effects. (not status effects though.)
  • Merog Shaman transformations can spam safety zones to also prevent damage taken.
  • Hengestone boosts all mag attack by 100%.

Basically, it’s an insanely well fitting combo.
Esp on a druid3 build which can spam lycanthropy & OoB attacks at the same time.

But they can’t use effigy & lycanthropy at once though. So that’s kind of a downer on a bokordruid build.

Though Effigy + OoB spam is still good as well under hengestone.

A bokor3/druid3 build would be something like:

Though you could ditch effigy in favor of maxed Mackangdal/Samediveve in my opinion. But you will have to rely on lycanthropy and leveling will be slower.

Transform got buffed, we can now use any skill (aside of telepath) during it.

Prior to r8 we could only use monster skills while transformed, which are mostly useless.

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KUHGERI SOMETHINGSOMETHING = Best transformation evaaar.

Not for me actually haha since all the skills are physical and I’m an INT Druid. I use it mostly for Crystal Mine mission.

The damage from POA is still enough to kill those spiders and skull heads pretty effectively.

I need them so I can finally hit flying mobs… >. >

Wow thx a lot for all this informations.

So yes mb its better that i take pve build and experience before Washington à stabiliser meta and going on pvp.

Sadhu was interesting but i thought they were unplayable at the moment.
So do you take sadhu 2 for possession ? How do you build an int sadhu druid?
Cause sadhu is a rang 4, this is not cool.

So mb keep bokor for PD cause they have too much synergie to be trop away? But bokor 2 hexing effigie or bokor 3 zombie ? Aaaaaaah too much choices !

Revenged sevenfolded and merkabah argent good dps?
Ein sof sp recouvert + spaming effigie isnt à good combo ?

But ok i will focus on the druid build and take the 2nd Cleric according to the druid to not bother you with 100000 questions

Thank you again for you help.

Seems manageable so far, only ABE is heavily bugged to the point it isn’t worth using atm.

But there’s basically two ways to build a sadhu druid:

  1. You focus on OoB.
    Meaning you only need sadhu1, and something useful to spam alongside it. Such as bokor’s effigy or just stick with lycanthropy.

Something close to:

But it has a lot of options in r3 & r5 tbh.

  1. You focus on Possession.
    And keep in mind this needs sadhu2 and is a 10s channel, so it takes up most of your time and it is getting nerfed.
    As such it has no need for effigy either, you’ll be busy enough as is.

Cleric2 | Priest | Sadhu2 | Druid3.

And they’re both int sadhu builds. So 50-100 con and rest into int.

Effigy is still insanely good with pd2 though, so you should consider that as well.

And ofc the bokor3/druid3 should be quite good, but a bit of a one trick pony.

R7 can deal alright spike dmg in pvp, but in pve it’s quite lackluster.
Merkabah is really crappy though.

And both have long cool downs to boot.

Ein sof’s sp recovery can be done via sp potions as well. It’s nice but not worth a class rank tbh.

Ok i will build my bokor like that

(Thanks for your thread preliminary beginners guide)

Now this f… Druid ^^

Im hesitating between diev druid and sadhu druid.

Does possession work with transform and lycanthropy ?

Why do you take priest 1 with sadhu 2 and not cleric3?
Gardians saint isnt a must have with sadhu or Now is not necesdary cause oob want be cancelled by damage anymore?

Why dont you take diev2 with sadhu 1, cause diev its only diev3 (diev3 à must have?)

Diev3 druid3 and sadhu2 druid 3 have the same performance and Just gameplay is different or do you think a build better than the other?

Yep, but it still prevents any other skills from being used.

So a sadhu2 build doesn’t benefit that much from Lycanthropy.
However, merog shamans can place safety zones every 5s with 22 blocks. Which makes it a very good combo for possession.

But it’s dmg is kind of average, and needs good gear to get it to work.

Cleric2 priest1 is taken for the res, since it has less dmg reduction compared to most builds.

Guardian Saint is alright, but only works with a team and we still haven’t gotten the buff that saves it.

Diev3 and sadhu druids are miles apart.

A sadhu2 will constantly use possession for dmg, and sterea trofh/fade/safety zones to set them up:

A sadhu1 OoB druid build will try to use both OoB and Lycanthropy at once:

A Diev3 druid build will place its statues and then use lycanthropy to deal dmg similar to the above build. But I don’t have a good example video for it.


Hi wurmheart, I can see you really know a lot about Clerics, would you mind telling me which skills aside from Divine Stigma would work to double OoB damage?

The secret combo was rumored to still work for ausrine and divine stigma, though I haven’t tested either.

Aside of that anything that adds elemental dmg, magic amp or magic attack also works to boost OoB if it’s used before activating OoB.
So mostly just hengestone in that category for us tbh.


So ausrine and Divine Stigma really double OoB damage? Because if that’s true I’m thinking about rolling a Cleric 2 Krivis 2 Sadhu Druid 3, I would be able to use lots of spells while spamming what most likely seems to be turning into the best cleric filler right? and the best of that is that it’s at the same time :stuck_out_tongue: Can also see Barrier scrolls helping a lot a Sadhu.

I still haven’t created this character because it’s mostly all datamining for me to decide my path until this point.

The thing is, Cleric 2 + Sterea 10 + Transf SZ seems like enough support and Druid 3, aside from those, also got the best Cleric DD self buffs, all of these, working with snapshot of 8 chapp cards from OoB and maybe doubled damage from from Divine Stigma might end up being pretty great.

PS.: Should the mob with Stigma be killed before or after OoB is used? If it’s before, does it get snapshot too?

PS2.: Thanks for all the help!

Firstly I would like to clarify that Divine Stigma interaction DOES NOT DOUBLE OOB damage, it never did from the start. Though it does increase by a fair bit, 3x4k to 3x5.5k for me.

Also, OOB will snapshot Divine Stigma. But to trigger the bug you have to kill the marked mob with your spirit.


Divine stigma already got answered by @Pearss, he also had the video here [Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Ausrine was via @Gwenyth but no video confirmation iirc.

Not sure if ausrine still works tbh.

All secret combo’s had to be activated while OoB was active, and they didn’t time out either. Just lasted as long as OoB did.

Cleric2/Krivis2/Sadhu/Druid3 seems like the best way to max OoB dmg for now. Not much else gets close to it.

I kind of like the cleric3/priest variant as well. But OoB isn’t as good on it.

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thanks a lot for the info :smiley:


thanks again :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah. might go C3 P1 or C2 P2 or even Diev 2, not sure yet.

Ausrine isn’t double. I can see if it still works today though - in a few hours.

(an old video)

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Wow youre really Nice for beginners.

Possession gameplay seems to be a bit boring (very repetitive)
But i was thinking i understand sadhu2 is for possession but why cant you take sadhu2 to improve your sadhu1’s skills cause ok ABE is Now buggued but we can think that will be worked and be usefulll later.

Thank you for your help i will think about the choice between diev druid and sadhu druid.

Last question. Is it easy to have reset stat and reset skill?

Yeah sadhu2 is somewhat boring… but it works…

In terms of sadhu1, OoB only gains range with skill levels. And quite frankly a sadhu/druid is one of the toughest builds to kill so it’s just not needed.

ABE isn’t strong enough to build around, even if it wasn’t bugged. It’s just a neat bonus.

Reset wise:

  • Skill Resets should be 88 tp, so close to 10 euro. Bit expensive tbh.
  • Stat Resets are close to 900 exchange coins or so? they’re bloody expensive and not worth buying. (1 exchange point equals 1 tp.)