Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

OK, I’m prepping to “■■■■” my druid and I’m starting with a 5 hammer. Basically I’m choosing between ~150 crit and ~1k max atk.

~150 crit is prety straight forward. Werewolf adds roughly 6k atk so I’m pretty sure I’ve cleared the threshold required for making DEX > STR, meaning I’m basically balancing between DEX and CON (since werewolf also benefits from CON). The extra 3 gem slots also free’s up the 2 ring slots.

~1k max atk isn’t as straight forward. This roughly translates to 500 atk and 500 matk, both of which are added to werewolf damage. Taking into account the wolf punch hitting 2x that is 2k more damage (3k on crit but I won’t crit as often?).

Can anyone confirm that werewolf skills don’t have a damage type (slash, pierce, blunt)? I tried it out on leather and plate and I’m doing 5k5 per hit on both.

Red gems only give max pat (no matk). Guess I’m going green.

No wait red gems do add max matk.

My current stats before transform. Im trying to increase Patt and Matt, so i’m using a 220 Didel Burawa with 2 red gems and a Karacha dagger. And 6 Ellaganos cards lvl 10.

I crit around 30-40% of the time, but my overall dps on PvE has been reduced by a LOT. I believe this 50 Con all Dex build is only for pvp. Its quite fun tho.

I take it you have other source of magic damage other than [carnivory]? I have basically none so it’s safe to go patk for me.

Dunno If this was mentioned before, but the siaulav mage also has physical pole of agony but it is castable at range.

1 - single target (dunno if aoe) 0 cd
2 - 3 hit frontal wave aoe 0 cd
3 - ranged pole of agony 9 sec duration 20 cd

The ranged POA is nice but it is a plant type sadly whereas Kugheri Zeuni is animal (+50% crit rate, pairs with POA).

Still, being able to cast at range is pretty nice.

I wish there was an insect one :bug:

I love hengestone-transform so much that it bothers me when my character is in his human form.

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I take it back. The ranged POA is NOT, I repeat, NOT nice. In a high density situation the targeting is f*cktarded. The pole will not appear where I want it to.

You have 10x my magic attack and my damballa currently does 5k per explosion at 5% attribute levels. Looks like I’m for sure going Druid c3 now. You didn’t put in red gems btw?

The only gems boosting my attack are 2 Level 6 Blues that are slotted in the 315 Mace ( The mace gives 100+ and 200+ in Min and Max attack respectively ).

Ah the only reason I asked was because I would assume that your Max physAtk and Matk would both get doubled by Reds and therefore your lycan would benefit doubly.

Found another mob that is slightly useful, but moreover shietty.

Know about those Loftlems at Main Chamber that spawns in huge groups while freezing you for 3 seconds to piss you off? Apparently, it is possible to transform into such mob with the help of Chortasmata ( to make them a plant-type mob ).

It takes three slots ( Detransformation included ):

  • Normal range attack ( not limited to one target, has low chance of freezing enemies for three seconds. I would choose this as my main transformation if the animation wasn’t that long [ it takes two seconds ] )
  • Ice Pike ( Shiet, not like the version from Cryo because it doesn’t freeze enemy unlike the skill above; or I haven’t tested it enough. )

Anyways, this is a good time for transformation hunting so-- yeah. :smiley:

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First of aller thx for this thread.

Im hesitating at building my druid character.
What do you think its better?

Or this

Do you think its an obligation to go to druid3 or we can Druid2 taoist1 or Druid1 kabbalist 1 taoist1?

Sorry for m’y english

Only the first build imo.

And it needs to pick up Damballa, that’s the sole reason you’d go bokor3 to begin with.

Druid3 is a massive improvement over druid2, you literally get:

  • +5s of invuln time, so it’s a 15s invuln with 30s cd.
  • Extra dmg of carnivory, it’s nice but not that good.
  • +100% health from hengestone, insanely good on a cleric. Lets us ignore con if we want to.
  • +100% attack from hengestone, works for magic & phys both.
  • +1 skill level for all circle & object skills via hengestone.- 100% uptime with ease on transformations.
  • Lycanthropy for even more dmg on top. (which scales of dex, str & int to boot.)

There are only 2 cases when druid3 isn’t best in slot, though still very good:

  • If you’re a krivis3 you can consider taoist for that x5 lightning dmg multiplier.
  • If you’re a dex based build and want inquisitor, since it’s a very strong class on its own.

Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

Ok i see that druid 3 is a must have ^^.

For the bokor 3 i was hesitating cause i want to go hexing/effigie bokor and not a zombie bokor (but maybe a both bokor is viable?)
Bokor 2 with krivis 1 isnt a good solution for no zombie bokor? (so no need of Damballa) or Damballa is a really good skill?

And i have now other doubts.
Is it better a bokor druid for “invincibility” with Mackandal and dps with effigie and druid
Or Dievdirby druid to put carnivory, owl and telepath the ennemi on the death zone? (+ nice carve attack)

I want two cleric character (int character) one for “solo” and one to play with a friend (linker/chrono) so im hesitating on bokor druid and dievderby oracle kabbalist
or dievdirby druid and bokor oracle kabalist.

What do you think? What is the best for druid build?

Hexing/Effigy is best if you have plague doctor1+ imo. Pandemic turns that tiny hexing aoe into a massive aoe for you to use.
Without it it’s rather sub par.

But Damballa is one of the strongest earlier dmg skills with a huge multiplier and base dmg, granted it’s a bit tricky to properly use since it needs zombies.

Krivis is no longer a recommended dps option either, it only works well if you pick up taoist later on imo. If you want zaibas for dmg you’ll need krivis3+taoist eventually.

Sadhu1 is a much better dmg filler now a days. Similar to default hexing/effigy, with less sp consumption and nice druid synergy.

A dievdruid is quite good though.
Just keep in mind druids will spend most their time transformed, and telepath does not work during transformations.

Why the oracle + kabba build though? for ein sof + counterspell in pve?

SaDruid can use OOB while transformed ?

(transforms can’t auto-attack)

Yes they can.


OOB spirit can attack normaly ? just to be 100% clear = ).